CNMCyber Events
CNM Cyber Events (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the first lesson part of the Beyond the Session lesson that introduces its participants to Employableu Foundation. This lesson belongs to WorldOpp Orientation.
The predecessor lectio is What the Foundation Is.
Coursework for Certified CNM Cyber Users
- CNMCyber Team designs a series of CNMCyber events. These events include rountables, standups, and seminars.
- Discussion of challenges, brainstorming of possible solutions, and finding ways to advance CNMCyber is the scope of CNM Cyber roundtables. These roundtables allow those participants, who are not associated with CNM Cyber Workforce, to take a look at work approaches of those who work on the Cyber.
- CNM Cyber standups are a part of CNM Agile. These standups are brief meetings of the Team to discuss the progress and plan further work.
- On the contrary to roundtables and standups, CNM Cyber seminars are educational in nature. Their goal is to introduce various areas of CNMCyber and its development to the general public. CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar is an example of these seminars.
- CNM events may be promoted through various partners and communication channels such as the WorldOpp fb-page and CNMCyber Meetup group. The Team uses these channels to reach out to potential users of CNM Cyber services.
Key terms
- CNMCyber event, CNM Cyber roundtable, CNM Cyber standup, CNM Cyber seminar, communication channel, WorldOpp fb-page, CNMCyber Meetup, LinkedIn
- Would you be interested in more information about CNMCyber events? --Yes/No/Maybe
Options for the Graduates is the successor lectio.
User data
- The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purposes.