CNMCyber Welcome Video

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CNMCyber Welcome video (hereinafter, the Video) is a video welcoming attendees to the WorldOpp Orientation and anyone interested in getting started with CNM Cyber.

Target audiences

The main page: CNMCyber Welcome


The Video should:
  1. give the viewer enough answers to the questions of a) who we are, b) what we offer, c) how to get started, and d) how to contact us in the shortest amount of time possible;
  2. be understandable and have clear standing operating procedures for the end user.


Part of the video Text description Visual part Timing
Greeting 10 sec
Overview of what CNMCyber is
Overview of what we offer
Overview of how to get started
Overview of how to contact us To be decided. There are three options: 1) give a link to CNM Social Welcome where viewers can write to Gary, 2) give a link to a Meetup where viewers can write to Gary, and 3) give Gay's email. And also give the link to to register. Show CNM Social Welcome group or/and Meetup group and example how to register on 1 - 1:30 min