What CNM Cert Is

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What CNM Cert Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Cert Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cert. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Competence session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is Wiki at Competency Suite.

Key terms

CNM Cert. The learning management system (LMS) of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.
  • Learning management system (LMS). A system for administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. Usually, LMS is built using e-learning software.
  • Credential. An achievement, aspect of a person's background, authority, competence, personal quality, and/or qualification, typically when used to indicate that the named person is suitable for something. A credential could also be a document that a third party issues to a person in order to certify this person's achievement, competence, qualification, etc.
Learning activity. Something that a learner does or is offered to do for his or her learning. The Activity may also refer to functionality of learning management systems.
Learning sequence. Any sequence of learning activities or educational objectives that any human-learning theory or one's intuition suggests.
  • Predecessor activity. An activity that precedes another activity without any other activities intervening. One activity can have multiple predecessor activities and can be the predecessor of multiple activities.
  • Successor activity. Any activity that follows another activity without any other activities intervening. One activity can have multiple successor activities and can be the successor of multiple activities.


CNM Cert is where lessons and quizzes are published, as well as credentials are issued. CNM Cert is the learning management system that CNM Cyber brings to you as a career service of its Competency Suite.
CNM Cert may resemble other learning management systems; this service uses a popular software package called Moodle under its hood.
Similarly to other learning management systems, CNM Cert is designed to deliver some learning content, support assessments, and track your learning progress.
Lessons and quizzes are examples of learning activities. CNM Cert accommodates a variety of them; it also sequences them. In a learning sequence, a successor activity cannot begin before its predecessor activity ends.
However, not every activity is sequenced. For instance, main course forums are often open throughout the whole course to support discussions and question-and-answer (Q&A) sessions at any time.

CNM Cert Courses is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
  • Would you be interested in working on CNM Cert? --Yes/No/I'm not sure/Let me think/Let's move on

Placement entrance exam

"Cert" questions:
  1. CNM Cert is (not) online services that Friends Of CNM brings to patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM).
  2. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) CNM Wiki.
  3. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) CNM Cyber.
  4. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) CNM Lab.
  5. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) CNM Pages.
  6. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) Opplet.net.
  7. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) at least two development hubs.
  8. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) at least two project management systems.
  9. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) at least two collaborative knowledge systems.
  10. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) at least two software repositories.
  11. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) at least two version control systems.
  12. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) at least two learning management systems.
  13. CNM Cert can (not) include more than one main website.
  14. CNM Cert is (not) a private development hub.
  15. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) a project management system.
  16. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) a collaborative knowledge system.
  17. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) a software repository.
  18. CNM Cert includes (or does not include) a version control system.
  19. CNM Cert is (not) an open-to-the-public development hub.
  20. CNM Cert is (not) a learning management system.
  21. CNM Cert is (not) any website of CNM Cyber that is built on a single content management system.
  22. CNM Cert is the central dashboard of CNM Cyber.