Sourcing Essentials

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The Sourcing Essentials (hereinafter, the Lesson) is the lesson of CNMCyber that introduces its participants to sourcing and related topics. The Lesson belongs to the Introduction to Recruitment session of EmployableU Concepts.

The Lesson is made up of four lectios. At CNMCyber, the word, lectio, is used for a lesson part.



The predecessor lesson is Recruitment Essentials.


Recruitment Essentials
Lectios # Referred topics
What Sourcing Is 1 Vacancy marketing, sourcing, in-network message, candidate pipeline
Employment Vacancies 2 Employment vacancy, recruitment need, job analysis, job description, credential creep
Position Requirements 3 Position requirement, background check, security clearance
Sourcing Strategies 4 Sourcing strategy


The successor lesson is Sought Competences.

2019 Recruitment Needs presentation

The video of the presentation is published on (4:17). Here is its full text.


Welcome to Introduction to Recruitment. In this brief presentation, we are going to define recruitment needs and take a look at how recruiters identify what they would like to hire. Let's make it happen.

What a recruitment need is

In recruitment needs, when the employer identifies the need of bringing someone on the boat, they need to create a statement. Usually the statement of the needs. Usually the statement is a result of job analysis or an assessment that defines jobs and behaviors and as a result the statement can be expressed in job description which is a written statement that describes job.
Sometimes employers, let`s say department does this work, it creates a job description, sometimes recruiters do that. At least recruiters usually overview some addition or their opinions because usually recruiters post job descriptions.

Credential creep

We are going to discuss a phenomenon known as Credential Creep. Recruiters usually are bureaucrats and tend to increase requirements for the job. If an employer brings a need or department brings a need for an accountant, a recruiter thinks there is going to be too many responses and pushes the requirement higher. For instance, adds a master’s degree in accounting as one of the requirements. So an employer needs an accountant who does balance sheet and income statement but recruiters add an additional requirement to this. This phenomenon is called Credential Creep.


There is no any one single way to describe job and no single way to describe job description, we at Educaship Alliance LLC use something called KSA`s and these stands for knowledge, skills and abilities. Why? Because the United States Government use this KSA`s for their job openings. KSA is a description of what related competence in the series of narrative statement.
Going over this, the first comes knowledge, knowledge is the part of knowledge applied directly to a particular occupation and industry and skills is technically work related skills and abilities is the set of capacities. What is the difference between skills and abilities? Skill is a learnt ability, but ability is the capacity to do something more just like learned skills.
From the review of the previous section, we know that any competence or work related competence can be chunked into administrative occupation required and industry related, we can create some kind of a matrix or a table that we can chunk further for instance administrative competence can include administrative knowledge, skills and abilities and vis versa. Abilities can include administrative abilities, occupation required and industry related.


This concludes the Introduction to Recruitment presentation. We have defined recruitment need and taken a look at the tools that recruiters use to identify a profile of a successful candidate including job descriptions and knowledge, skills, and abilities. A special stop was made by credential creep that some say is a recent trend in recruitment. If you haven't done yet so, you are now welcome to move to Finding Candidates.

2019 Finding Candidates presentation

The video of the presentation is published on (2:44). Its full text is below.


Welcome to Search for Job Candidates. In this brief presentation, we are going to take a look at how recruiters look for candidates to hire. Let's undertake.

Search through internal sources

How recruiters find potential candidates. One of the most reasonable is to check the organization`s database. Before we have someone who work for us or submitted their resume and we like the person but we were not ready to give an offer but now we are and we can reach out to the person and ask if he/she is interested in the position available that matches their profile.
Because screening usually is an expensive process, e-network messages is one of the most reasonable resource where by instead of posting vacancy on the website, the organization may just send an e-mail to its employees stating the vacancy and inquire information on anyone who matches the organization`s profile. Assuming, if this person is already an employee, he/she can apply and basically the screening process is complete and onboarding is made easier.

Search through external sources

A job-search resource is another popular tool, an organization can go to any resource, usually web-based that allows matching employers and employment candidates. You can search by typing the position you want to fill. Let`s say an accountant. Someone will pop up and you are able to screen the person if he/she could be a good match and reach out to the person. This way, you will get a lot of responses some of them could be good but most of them would not.


This concludes the Finding Candidates presentation. We have defined sourcing and taken a look at internal sources such as ERP human resources modules and in-network messages, as well as external job-search resources. If you haven't done yet so, you are now welcome to move to Applicant Selections.

See also