Book of Employment

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The Introduction to Employment (hereinafter, the Session) is the learning session that has been created to introduce its participants to employment and related topics. The Session consists of six lessons, each of which is made of three to six lectios. At CNM Cyber, a lectio is a lesson part. Every lectio includes a presentation and a one question, either a quiz or survey.

The official version of the Session is published at CNM Cert. The Session materials are also published at CNM Tube, CNM Wiki, and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes.

The Session belongs to the Career-Overview Sessions of the CNM Cyber Orientation. The Orientation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.



The predecessor session is CNM Cyber Welcome Session.


Introduction to Employment
# Lessons Lectios
1 Employment Essentials What Employment Is, Worktime Sellers, Employee Compensations, Labor Relations
2 Industries and Specialties
3 Nature of Occupations
4 Work Environments
5 Work Competences
6 Labor Regulations


The successor session is Introduction to Recruitment.

See also

Preview presentations

The video preview presentation, 1:11 minutes, is published at Here is its full text:

Preview of introduction to employment session. In employment session we will talk about employment in general, we will talk about different industries, we will touch a little bit labor law. Labor law can be a separate course, we will touch different employment roles including employees and private contractors, self-employed, apprentice and volunteers, we will talk and classify different occupations. We will discuss work environments including employment motivation model, job characteristics model. We will talk about task structures and we will end up with competencies needed at work including occupation-required competencies, industry related and we will end up with administrative competencies. Next we will go to introduction to recruitment as a successor session.