What Career Is

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What Career Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Career Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to careers and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Careers session of the CNM Cyber Orientation. The Orientation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Recruitment Fees.

Key terms

Career. An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.
Career administration. A set of endeavors undertaken in order to administer one's career.


Career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.
Why do people pursue one or another career? Some do so because their vocation, which is a strong feeling called "calling" of suitability for a particular career or occupation.
Career administration is a set of endeavors undertaken in order to administer one's career. Does your career need to administered?
If you or another worker look for obtaining money while working, career is a type of business. Businesses make profits and/or obtain other gains.
The Business Model Canvas attempts to outline the structure various businesses.

Administration. People, process, or period of being in charge of somebody or something.
Business administration. Administration of a business.

Career Levels is the successor lectio.


Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.

"Career" questions

  1. Career is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  2. Career is (not) an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life.
  3. Career is (not) an undertaking to create something and/or develop somebody, which takes some level of effort.
  4. Career is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  5. Career is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.

"Admin" questions

  1. Career administration is (not) the endeavor undertaken in order to achieve one or more of the following: (a) to discover one's vocation, (b) to identify one's occupation, (c) to locate one's target employment, (d) to identify missing credentials, (e) to develop the missing credentials, and (f) to land one's job.
  2. Career administration is (not) a strong feeling called "calling" of suitability for a particular career or occupation.
  3. Career administration is (not) a job, profession, and/or position that somebody works in.

"Vocation" questions

  1. Vocation is (not) the endeavor undertaken in order to achieve one or more of the following: (a) to discover one's vocation, (b) to identify one's occupation, (c) to locate one's target employment, (d) to identify missing credentials, (e) to develop the missing credentials, and (f) to land one's job.
  2. Vocation is (not) a strong feeling called "calling" of suitability for a particular career or occupation.
  3. Vocation is (not) a job, profession, and/or position that somebody works in.