What Career Endeavor Is

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What Career Endeavor Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Career Endeavors lesson that introduces its participants to career projects and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Careers session of the CNM Cyber Orientation. The Orientation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Career Changes.

Key terms

Career project.
Project. One or more enterprise efforts undertaken to create a unique deliverable, functional features of which are identified or can be identified before the efforts start. Any project can be viewed as a set of processes.


A career endeavor is an undertaking to implement the career strategy. Career strategies aim to achieve their career goals.
Reflecting the Work Motivation Model, these goals may refer to improvements in work-life fit, employee compensation, job tasks, or, most likely, some combination of those.
These endeavors may be either career operations, which are casually called "old businesses", or career projects, which are casually called "new businesses". Keeping the current job and continuing skills-building volunteering are examples of career operations. Developing new competence, attaining a mentor, building one's employability, and quitting the current job would be examples of career projects.
Any endeavor consists of one or more processes, which are sequenced series of activities undertaken in order to achieve particular results. Effort engineering defines that those activities convert inputs into desired outputs utilizing some process assets such as tools and techniques and while being influenced by some enterprise factors.
Ongoing operations are made up of repetitive processes. Projects may include some ad-hoc activities.
Project deliverables are unique and, in most cases, unpredictable.
Some operations may support projects. For instance, continuing allocating time for putting one's foot in doors of promising employers is an example of career operations. While putting one's foot in doors of promising employers are examples of career projects. Those operations that support projects are called DevOps.

Career Waterfalls is the successor lectio.
