Managerial role

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Managerial role is a specific action or behavior expected of and exhibited by a manager.


According to Management by Robbins and Coulter (14th edition),

Managerial role. A specific action or behavior expected of and exhibited by a manager.


Henry Mintzberg studied actual managers and concluded that what managers do can best be described by looking at the Roles they engage in at work.

Roles in decision-making

Main wikipage: Decisional role
A decisional role is the Role that revolves around making choices. Henry Mintzberg identified the following four decisional roles: negotiator, resource allocator, disturbance handler, and entrepreneur.
LevelDecisional role
Non‑managerNegotiatorRarely, allocatorDisturbance handlerRarely, visionary
FrontlineResource allocator

Roles in interpersonal relationships

An informational role is the Role that involves collecting, receiving, and disseminating information. Henry Mintzberg identified the following three informational roles: monitor, disseminator, and spokeperson.
LevelInformational role
Non‑managerMonitorDisseminatorRarely, spokeperson

Roles in the transfer of information

Interpersonal role. A managerial role that involves people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. Henry Mintzberg identified the following three interpersonal roles: figurehead, leader, and liaison.
LevelInterpersonal role
Non‑managerRarely, figureheadRarely, influencerLiaison