WorldOpp Project

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WorldOpp development (hereinafter, the Development) is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create WorldOpp. The Development is a part of Friends Of CNM Program.


The following sequence of steps is established for the Development:

  1. Orientation.
  2. Seminar.
  3. Course.
  4. Fellow facilitation.
  5. Website.


To develop Careerprise Orientation (hereinafter, the Orientation):
  1. Using CNM wikipage guidelines, develop all wikipages related to the Orientation. No one red link on any of the Orientation pages is a milestone.
  2. Create video lectures, post them at YouTube and their links at the Orientation.
  3. Create audio lectures, post them at CNM Archive and their links at the Orientation.


To develop WorldOpp Placement Seminar (hereinafter, the Seminar):
  1. Using CNM wikipage guidelines, develop all wikipages related to the Seminar. No one red link on any of the Orientation pages is a milestone.
  2. Create video lectures, post them at YouTube and their links at the Seminar.
  3. Create audio lectures, post them at CNM Archive and their links at the Seminar.
  4. Launch CNM standup, which is a series of weekly webinars for the interested in the Seminar.


To develop Septem Artes Administrativi (hereinafter, the Course):
  1. Using CNM wikipage guidelines, develop all wikipages related to the Course. No one red link on any of the Course pages is a milestone.
  2. Create video lectures, post them at YouTube and their links at the Course.
  3. Create audio lectures, post them at CNM Archive and their links at the Course.

Fellow facilitation

To design and describe the process of recruitment of new participants, their performance and support using the following wikipages:
  1. Develop WorldOpp for the Vulnerable as a starting wikipage.
  2. Develop WorldOpp internship, WorldOpp stipend, WorldOpp handout, and/or WorldOpp grant as related wikipages.


Further challenges

The Development will further face two main challenges --

  1. How to increase the effectiveness of the pipeline meaning how to get more applicants, candidates, and graduates. To address this challenge, the following sub-projects are established:
    • To increase the number of applicants, who apply for admission to the program, to 10,000 a month;
    • To increase the number of candidates, who get graduated from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, to 100 a month;
    • To increase the number of graduates, who are placed in jobs, to 1 a month;
  2. How to increase the efficiency of the pipeline meaning how to lower costs of sourcing, credentialing and placing graduates, as well as bringing more employers on the board. To address this challenge, the following sub-projects are established:
    • To increase the ratio of the candidates to the applicants from 1/100 up to 1/50;
    • To increase the ratio of the graduates to the candidates from 1/100 to 1/50.

The official website at is under constant development. Its RFB are solicited continuously. The following proposals are collected so far:
  1. The fonts are not correct size and type. There are spacing problems. The Graphics are not right.
  2. I understand that the last "o" of your logo comes out from the circle, but you can not see it with that white blackground. You should use a different background to see the whole logo, otherwise, it would look like an error. If you use different colors, you can make people confused.
  3. The links are supposed to trigger the scroll down and up function when you click on them. They don't work right now. I mean.. if you click, for example on services, the browser should scroll down and take you to that section.
  4. Few responsive breakpoints shows the design is not properly adjust other than that it looks overall good.
  5. I can add a menu accordion in the footer exclusively for the mobile version. This accordion should contain links grouped by category (home, for learners, for supporters, for workforce ... other categories). The logic of the code is to display the links when touched on each of the categories. It is a very nice functionality.
  6. There is a code block "Meet Our Team" that occupies three columns, each one containing a summary of information about the work team (Natalia Glush, Vaclav Jobs, Valeria Malash). It looks good if there are only three employees ... but if it is required to show 4, 6 or more employees it is best to design a practical and intuitive solution to show your work team and make users interact with your website. There are many solutions, for example designing a container with tabs. Each tab represents a job, for example marketing, graphic design, customer support, sales, call center ... then, by clicking on a specific tab we can see the worker that occupies that position in the company. With this technique we can group a lot of information! You can add as many tabs as your company requires. There are other options but it is desirable to have a simple code so that the page responds quickly and improves the web positioning.
  7. I love to see a website with animations. Your website has the code to show the animations. However I am disconcerted not to see some animations in the place where the programmer put the code. Something must be blocking the execution of the code. I would have to do a thorough revision of the code to find the problem.