Idea Generation Quarter

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Idea Generation Quarter (hereinafter, the Quarter) is the first of four lectures of Effort Quadrivium (hereinafter, the Quadrivium):

  • The Quarter is designed to introduce its learners to strategic concepts of enterprise discovery, or, in other words, to concepts related to obtaining data needed to administer the development of enterprise strategy; and
  • The Quadrivium examines concepts of administering various types of undertakings known as enterprise administration as a whole.

The Quadrivium is the first of seven modules of Septem Artes Administrativi, which is a course designed to introduce its learners to general concepts in business administration, management, and organizational behavior.


No predecessor lecture is available. This Quarter is the first lecture of the Quadrivium, which is the first module of the Course.


  1. Idea generation. In enterprise administration, a temporary endeavor undertaken in order to produce imaginary solutions to one or more unique problems caused by one or more change stimuli from relevant data, information, and knowledge. The imaginary solutions are called ideas and/or visions or, collectively, concepts. When implemented, these solutions could lead to innovation. Production of complex concepts may require creative environments. Those people who are involved in idea generation are commonly supposed to have some creative potential, either maintained or restored. Individuals may also generate innovative concepts outside a formal setting and/or not as a response to any problem. Some creative ideas are found occasionally, even by errors or mistakes.

    A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery. -- James Joyce, Irish novelist.

    Another term, ideation, is somewhat similar to idea generation; however, ideation can be narrower with regard to its results, which are supposed to be limited to ideas, or wider with regard to its scope, which also includes analysis, selection, and implementation of the generated ideas.
    • Idea (from Greek idein meaning to see). In enterprise administration, a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action, concept, or belief, as well as the aim or purpose behind the suggested action, concept, or belief. When implemented, an idea could lead to sustaining innovation.
    • Vision (from Latin videre meaning to see). The capacity or state of being capable to see a new product concept or a new way of living or doing business, or an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or hopeful thinking. When implemented, a vision could lead to disruptive innovation.
    • Concept. An abstract idea or vision; a general notion. In philosophy, a mental model of something. When being shortened from a concept vehicle and similar grammatical constructions, an experimental model produced in order to test the viability of new design features and to use in public relations.
    • Creativity. The use of the imagination in order to create new concepts or modify existing ideas or visions.
    • Creative potential. Latent qualities or abilities to produce creative concepts, which may arose during idea generation. These qualities or abilities are either maintained since one's childhood or, if oppressed while not being used for a long time, may be restored.

      Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. -- Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter.

      Some techniques, such as Synetics, emphasize development or redevelopment of creative potential.
  2. Change stimulus (plural -- Change stimuli). A cause for a change; someone or something that evokes a change in somebody or something.
    • Business need. Something that is necessary for a business in order to be carried on.
      1. Market supply. The part of the market that represents the total quantity of a product that all producers are willing and able to provide on a certain market segment at a certain price during a certain period of time. Another part is market demand, which absolutely depends on the supply.
      2. Legal requirement. Something compulsory that the law obligates legal entities to follow; a necessary condition established by the law.
      3. Social obligation. Engagement in social actions because of the obligation to meet certain economic and legal responsibilities.
      4. Worsened financial results of the enterprise, fierce competitors' attacks on the existing business, new competitor's products that represent disruptive innovation, natural disasters, disturbing demographics, political instability, declining economy, technological revolution, significant threats, etc. could also create business needs.
    • Business opportunity. Something that may be beneficial for a business in order to be carried on.
      1. Market demand. The part of the market that represents the total quantity of a product that all customers are willing and able to buy on a certain market segment at a certain price during a certain period of time. Another part is market supply, which absolutely depends on the demand.
      2. Customer request. A customer's act of asking for a product.
      3. Technological advancement. The process of promoting technology or a result of that process.
      4. Social responsiveness. Engagement in social actions in response to some popular social need.
      5. Entrepreneurial venture. An endeavor to deliver new economic or social value to the market with hopes that this value would generate some market demand.
      6. Improved financial results of the enterprise, competitors' retreats and withdrawals, additional rewards, as well as changing demographics, politics, economy, and technology could also create business opportunities.
  3. Change cause origin. The point or place either in the external or internal environment, where the cause for a change originates, arises, or is derived.
  4. Psychological stress. In psychology, a feeling of strain and pressure. This feeling emerges as a response to one or more stressors or a lack of those. The reaction can possibly be pleasant, but the term, psychological stress, is usually used to describe unpleasant ones because constant and unpleasant reactions can cause serious health conditions. Some researches argue that human beings need some level of psychological stress in order to function normally.


  1. Idea-generation technique. An established procedure for carrying out idea generation.
    • Brainstorming. An idea-generation technique that emphasizes a significant number of possible solutions through brainstorming sessions. No analysis, assessment, or any type of critique of the generated ideas is allowed during brainstorming in order to encourage greater creativity. Vice versa, bizarre or strange ideas are especially welcomed. Brainstorming can be conducted individually or collectively, onsite or remotely, anonymously or identifiedly, but, the classic outline suggests six to ten people and about 45 minutes of the duration of brainstorming.
    • Synectics. An idea-generation technique that emphasizes a number of possible solutions while paying close attention to better educating participants and facilitating creative sessions, which are deeper than brainstorming. Three key assumptions of these technique are (1) It is possible to describe and teach the creative process; (2) Invention processes in sciences and the arts are analogous and triggered by the very same "psychic" processes, and (3) Group and individual creativity are analogous.
    • Brainwriting. An idea-generation technique that entails several iterations of idea writing following by a discussion. At the beginning, the participants of the idea generation session are asked to write your ideas on a sheet of paper. Then, these sheets are randomly re-distributed among the participants and they are offered to continue someone else's idea, and so on. After several iterations, all of the writing shall be posted and discussed.
    • Mindmapping. An idea-generation technique that encourages a visual organization of related data, which indicates the hierarchy and relationships between different parts of this data in order to understand the data better in order to generate one or more possible solutions;
    • Storyboarding. An idea-generation technique that encourages different researches to present their findings as visual stories using pictures and customer's quotes on a cork board or any comparable surface in order to feed the creative process.
    • Role playing. An idea-generation technique that encourages the participants of the idea generation session to take on a personality or role different from her or his own.
    • Wishing. An idea-generation technique that entails two steps: the participants of the idea generation session (1) are asked to share their unattainable wishes and (2) take a part in a discussion of how to make the wishes or at least an approximation of them, a reality.
    • Daydreaming. An idea-generation technique that suggests assigning one or more employees as "daydreamers" in order to unleash out-of-the-box and even no-box thought processes, prompting establishing an emotional connection with the problem. This technique may allow getting not just ideas, but a new vision.
    • Reverse thinking. An idea-generation technique that encourages exploring solutions to the problem, which is the opposite to the one that needs to be solved.
    • Questioning assumptions. An idea-generation technique that entails two steps: the participants of the idea generation session (1) list assumptions, such as beliefs and stereotypes existing in the industry with regard to possible solutions and (2) challenge those assumptions.
  2. Techniques that don't target idea generation specifically.


  1. Idea-generation tool. A tangible or software implement used to carry out idea generation.
    • SCAMPER. An idea-generation tool that utilizes action verbs as pattern prompts for changes in product, production, price, or presentation:
      1. Substitute (S), let say, replace one piece, production process, or idea with another;
      2. Combine (C), let say, merge two or more of existing pieces, production processes, or ideas in a unique way. Sometimes, that prompt is also called forced relationship;
      3. Adapt (A), let say, utilize some piece, production process, or idea that is used in another solution to the problem being currently solved;
      4. Modify (M), let say, alternate one piece, production process, or idea while adding, changing, or eliminating one or more of its features;
      5. Put to another use (P) or, in other words, reverse the Adapt prompt;
      6. Eliminate (E), let say, take one piece, production process, or idea away completely;
      7. Reverse (R), let say, change the location of the pieces, the sequence of production processes, or idea applications.
    • Idea-generation system. An idea-generation tool implemented as a software or physical system or a part of such a system:
      1. XMind for mindmapping;
      2. OpenideaL as an integrated knowledge base and project management software that is specifically geared towards ideation.
    • Hackathons, project days, and other collaboration and socializing events targeted on innovation can also be extremely productive.
  2. Tools that don't target idea generation specifically:


  1. In 1943, Lockheed Martin gave its Skunk Works® division a high degree of autonomy and made sure that it was unhampered by bureaucracy. This division has worked on the most advanced and secret aviation projects for the United States Air Force. Those that represent disruptive innovation include the U-2, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, and the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The term, skunkworks is widely used today for small and loosely structured groups working on projects primarily for the sake of innovation.
  2. Google is known for its 20% of time policy:

    We encourage our employees, in addition to their regular projects, to spend 20% of their time working on what they think will most benefit Google. This empowers them to be more creative and innovative. Many of our significant advances have happened in this manner. -- Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google 2004 IPO letter

    Some criticize that the policy was not as effective as it wished, but even its existence is notable.
  3. The Motley Fool, a multimedia financial-services company headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, once eliminated the idea of work time tracking. Employees can take a vacation at any time and as many times as they choose. Moreover, they are not required to report to work at all. The company believes that it encourages employees' creativity to its fullest in that way. The results of this policy are mixed, but even its existence is notable.

The successor lecture is Feasibility Study Quarter.


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Texts and graphics

See also