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(Target audiences)
(Hours of work)
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: Any ''Coord'' is welcome to pick any endeavor he or she would like to work on. In addition, the ''Coords'' are encouraged to propose their own endeavors.
: Any ''Coord'' is welcome to pick any endeavor he or she would like to work on. In addition, the ''Coords'' are encouraged to propose their own endeavors.
===Hours of work===
: The ''Coords'' choose their schedule. Rarely, they get more than 20 hours a week to leave enough time for looking for an [[entry-level job]] or another regular employment. The ''Coords'' are encouraged to serve as [[#Contractors|Contractors]] outside of their ''Coord's'' work; there are no limits on hours of contracting.
===How to start===
===How to start===

Revision as of 19:32, 12 February 2023

CNM Website Developer (hereinafter, the Coord) is the pre-entry-level position that The Economic Group has developed and markets as a job opportunity for vocation discoverers, soft skills builders, career developers, employment gap fillers, and those learners who are undergoing initial practical training while being matriculated into the CNM Cyber Placement stage (hereinafter, the Placement).

The Placement is a part of the WorldOpp Pipeline program (hereinafter, the Program). CNM Cyber (hereinafter, the Cyber) is a collection of career services that include (a) information technology called CNM Cloud (hereafter, the Cloud), as well as (b) support for apprenticeships, internships, and jobs that are organized at the Cloud specifically or the Cyber generally.



The Cyber provides every Coord with opportunities to:
  1. Get prepared to get employed. The package of (a) CNM Cyber Welcome Session, (b) CNM Cyber Orientation, and (c) CNM Cyber Placement is designed to provide the learners with theoretical knowledge from scratch and place them in pre-entry-level jobs.
  2. Start working in a pre-entry-level position of the Coord in order to (a) possess work experience, (b) advance their soft skills, as well as (c) get introduced to various professions practically.
  3. Identify the target profession and, if needed, outline the professional preparation at the WorldOpp Bootcamp and WorldOpp Employment package.


No specific knowledge, skills, and abilities are required to begin. Vice versa, the Coord's position is created to build or refresh so-called soft skills. The Coords work with documents, technology, and other people, while entering the industry, building their general expertise, and observing what various professions look like.
The Team provides all of the interested candidates with free-of-charge training. Once again, no prior training and no experience are needed in order to get started. The Coords are encouraged to start from scratch and go where ever they dream.


Main wikipage: History of CNM Cyber Coordinators
History of the Coord's position encompasses about nine years that witnessed tech advancements, Bskol and iDosvid spins-off, concept proving and re-launch.


The Coord is marketed as a pre-entry-level position. Entry-level jobs usually are offered to those who got trained in a particular profession, but hasn't had any experience yet. The Coord position is designed for those who obtained neither formal training nor expertise.
At the Occupational Information Network, the closest occupation is Information Technology Project Manager; the principal difference is that the Coords don't make managerial decisions. The Certified IT Project Management Associate (CITPMA) credential is awarded to the successful Coords.
However, the Coord's position is a point of entrance, not a destination. Based on the Coords' experience, they may be placed in professional jobs such as CNM Cyber Project Manager, CNM Cyber Recruiter, CNM Cyber Security Analyst, CNM System Administrator, CNM Systems Engineer, CNM Web Developer, as well as positions available through Cyber partners.

Work in general

The Coords work is to facilitate someone else's performance on Projects vs operations related to Cyber products. The Coord chooses the paid work from the Authorized work; alternatively, the Coord may propose own work, which may or may not be authorized for compensation.

Choice of work

By default, the Coords choose Endeavors that suit them best. CNM Cyber Project Managers may ask a Coord to take an urgent or specific project when they know anything professional about the Coord. That means that the Coords have to choose their first endeavor at least.
The work of the Coords is paid when they work on those endeavors that funding is authorized on the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage. That page contains links to:
Any Coord is welcome to pick any endeavor he or she would like to work on. In addition, the Coords are encouraged to propose their own endeavors.

How to start

Are you interested in getting started as the Coord? Please follow a step-by-step instruction as follows:
  1. Read this wikipage. If you cannot read, you cannot work. This wikipage contains everything you need; however, its content is neither intuitive nor user-friendly yet.
  2. Ask questions. Questions are a huge part of your work; if you cannot ask, you cannot work. If you prefer videoconferences, attend any Week at CNM Cyber event. You will have opportunities to ask questions and get responses in real time.
  3. Study this wikipage to be ready to discuss two topics: (a) what paragraph is intentionally left unclear and (b) what section can be taken out without big harm. You will be offered to discuss those topics during your job interview. Why? If you don't know your job, you cannot work.
  4. Understand why the Cyber project is undertaken and what value is expected from the Coord. That's simple. If you cannot deliver what the Customer pays for, you cannot work. Everything that the Customer pays for is stated on this very wikipage.
  5. Wait for 2-3 months if you cannot understand what your objectives are. There is a chance that the course and/or videos will be developed out of this wikipage during that time. The introductory courses will be available at https://cert.cnmcyber.com after registering at https://opplet.net/user/register ; the videos will be published at CNM Tube and YouTube. Some of course wiki-materials are linked to CNM Cyber Welcome Session, CNM Cyber Orientation, and CNM Cyber Placement wikipages
  6. Pick up your first endeavor at the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage when you understand what your objectives are. You may have no idea what that particular endeavor is about. First of all, no endeavor is fully clear and, secondly, to learn about one endeavor is always simpler that to learn about many. When you really studied this very wikipage, you should know how to go about that endeavor. If you cannot pick your project, you cannot start working as the Coord.
  7. Contact the Customer while stating (a) the effort you picked, (b) what you plan to deliver, and (c) how much time you expect to work in order to deliver what you plan to deliver.
By the way, you can be paid to ask questions about this wikipage when you identify the endeavor behind that page.


The Coords work with no supervision. They choose their endeavors, get or don't get the Customer's authorization, collaborate with the Administrators, produce what the Coords produce, and submit the outputs of their work.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, endeavors refer to both development projects and management operations. Each endeavor can have the Coord who coordinates this endeavor and, particularly, facilitates the Contractors' performance. Each Coord chooses his or her endeavor to coordinate.

Endeavors may include several projects and/or operations, but the Coord must concentrate only on one project or operation during one week. The endeavors are listed in the "CNM Cyber endeavors" category.

Endeavor documents

At CNM Wiki, Cyber endeavors are documented using two types of wikipages:
  1. The progress on particular endeavors is reported at the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage.
  2. Endeavor pages document everything, but progress reports. Those pages are listed at the "CNM Cyber endeavors" category and include project documents such as project charter, asset register, competency register, stakeholder register, requirements traceability matrix, project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria.

The funnel

On one hand, marketing products are not equal. On another hand, Cyber consumers shall go through several stages from "barely aware" to, in the best case, "highly loyal". The marketing funnel concept is deployed to map out the journey consumers undertake while making purchases, re-purchases, and/or advocating actions from the marketer's perspective. This concept utilizes a funnel as an analogy because the number of "barely aware" consumers is much larger than "highly loyal" ones.

A purchase funnel is the marketing funnel that is viewed from the buyer's perspective. A sales funnel represents the portion of the marketing funnel that describes a sales stages. It has three clearly-distinctive conversion points: (a) a visitor to a lead, (b) the lead to an educated prospect, and (c) the educated prospect to a customer.

The funnels need to be taken into consideration in building Marketables such as Website developments and their marketing campaigns. The Coords are encouraged to be aware of the various levels of the funnel and marketing products that are utilized at those levels.

Top of the funnel

The top of the funnel, which is also known as ToFu, refers to lead generation, which aims to convert an unaware to a lead. That unaware is someone who is unaware of a product; that lead is someone who is interested in that product enough to act in order to learn about it. Two levels can be distinguished at ToFU:
  1. Attract attention of potential consumers or, in other words, move an unaware to a visitor. At this level, potential consumers haven't got to Cyber websites yet, but those consumers shall get either (a) their domain names through marketing products like advertising, marketing outlets, public relations (PR), publicity, and word of mouth or links to the websites via search engine optimization (SEO) or other online resources.
  2. Build awareness and prompt consumers' discovery or, in other words, move a visitor to a lead. At this level, potential consumers have got to Cyber websites, probably, to their lead-generation websections.
In the case of the Cyber, lead-generation websections are expected to attract consumers' attention in order to generate traffic to Cyber's prospect-education websections. Every Cyber website has some lead-generation websections. At the Cyber, Bskol.com, FriendsOfCNM.com, HOTCOE.com, Inplz.com, and Kryvi.com websites are fully dedicated to lead generation.

Middle of the funnel

The middle of the funnel, which is also known as MoFu, refers to prospect education, which aims to convert a lead to a prospect. That prospect is someone who has started product's purchase process. Two levels can be distinguished at MoFU:
  1. Present deals to potential consumers to prompt their consideration or, in other words, move a lead to an educated lead.
  2. Address doubts to eliminate potential consumers' objections to their purchase or, in other words, move an educated lead to a prospect.
At those levels, potential consumers have got to prospect-education websections of Cyber websites. Other marketing products that can be helpful at MoFU include personal selling and educational resources of the Cyber such as CNM Cyber Welcome Session.
In the case of the Cyber, prospect-education websections are expected to prompt consumers' purchase consideration in order to generate traffic to Cyber's deal-closing websections. At the Cyber, CITPMA.com, CNMCyber.com, and iDosvid.com websites feature prospect-education websections. They also feature lead generation; in addition, CNMCyber.com provides its customers with services at the Bottom of the funnel.

Bottom of the funnel

The bottom of the funnel, which is also known as BoFu, refers to customer acquisition, adoption, and engagement which aim to convert a prospect to a customer. That customer is someone who has purchased at least once at least one Cyber product and, preferably, is loyal to it and advocating in its behalf. Three levels can be distinguished at BoFU:
  1. Close deals to finalize purchases; deal-closing websections and personal selling may be especially helpful in deal closing. In the case of the Cyber, deal-closing websections are those websection boxes of CNMCyber.com that are expected to prompt prospects' purchase.
  2. Support acquisitions of customers to build loyalty; customer support, help desk, and UX design may be especially helpful in retention.
  3. Engage customers to build their advocacy; stakeholder communications may be especially helpful in engaging.


Generally speaking, a project is a development Endeavor or a set of enterprise efforts undertaken to produce a unique deliverable, functional features of which are identified or can be identified before the efforts start. Those deliverables are those new and modified products that are produced during those developments. Indeed, the aim of Cyber's developments is to produce new or modify existing Cyber products. At the Cyber, former and current projects are listed in the "CNM Cyber endeavors" category.

Status reports

While working on the deliverable, the Coords are expected to report their project status. In CNM Agile framework, these statuses are reported at the product line wikipage, CNM Cloud Usable, using the following readiness levels for each Product state and Device of certainty:


Generally speaking, a website is a collections of webpages published on the World Wide Web (WWW), as well as service capacities and resources attached to those pages. Cyber websites serve marketing purposes; they are important at every level of The funnels, including attracting, educating, closing, retaining, as well as engaging. As work products, Cyber websites are also vital in Cyber learner training.


At the Cyber, featured websites are those that the Team specifically promotes through its Market presence. Particularly, those websites are promoted at marketing outlets, public relations (PR), advertising, and personal selling. Three featured websites of the Cyber are:


At the Cyber, traffic-generating websites are those that the Team doesn't promote, but support in order to generate traffic to the Featured websites. Five traffic-generating websites of the Cyber are:

Website developments

For the purposes of this very wikipage, website projects, website developments, or, simply, web devs are those projects that are undertaken to develop Cyber websites and their components. Website development normally consists of several interrelated projects. New Coords are expected to take one of them as their first-week-on-the-job assignment at least.

Content projects

For the purposes of this very wikipage, content projects refer to the website projects that are undertaken to develop general public contents of Cyber websites. General public contents are those audio-visuals, images, multimedia, and texts that the visitors of Cyber websites shall be able to see or hear when they access the Cyber webpages.
  1. Non-textual contents such as audiovisuals, images, and multimedia. Contractors shall be hired to development audio-visuals, images, and/or multimedia. To accomplish so, separate projects shall be formalized. The completed audio-visual, image, and multimedia files shall be stored at CNM Repo. The other website developments do not necessarily depend on general public contents. Until they or their drafts are developed, placeholders shall substitute the future content in other developments.
  2. Texts. Cyber webpages are literally HTML-based documents, which means that the webpages are textual documents marked up with HTML tags in order to embed non-textual contents and make all viewable on the World Wide Web (WWW). Since Documents are regular outputs of Coords work, the Coords are encouraged to develop textual contents using CNM Wiki. The other website developments do not necessarily depend on general public contents. Until they or their drafts are developed, lorem ipsum shall substitute the future content in other developments.
Development of Cyber websites' content, most likely, consumes the most of website development time. Since the websites shall reflect the actual situation, the website content shall be periodically updated even when the website is already up and running.
The other, not for the general public, contents include key words for search engine optimization (SEO) and other technical texts.

Design projects

For the purposes of this very wikipage, design projects refer to the website projects that are undertaken to develop graphical appearance for Cyber websites. Creation of certain images or audiovisuals that are used in website contents is a part of the Content projects.
Web design is essential for every website generally and Cyber website particularly. By its definition, development of web design is creative; design-developing Contractors shall be hired on a per-hour basis. At the Cyber, web design projects can be undertaken to develop a single webpage section, especially a main one.
At the Cyber, designs are divided in graphic designs and UX designs. Graphic designers shall normally be hired to achieve webpage esthetics; UX designers shall work on great user experience with the page. The work outputs of one designer shall be given to another designer until both agree that the webpage section they work on is both graphically and UX acceptable.
Deliverables of design projects are pixel-sharp product depictions of one or more webpage sections. After the Customer's approval, they shall be used as inputs to the Website as one product developments. In order to store the deliverable files at CNM Repo, the Contractors who work on the designs need to have proper access.

SEO projects

For the purposes of this very wikipage, SEO projects refer to the website projects that are undertaken to develop and manage search engine optimization (SEO) for Cyber websites. Cyber's SEO efforts aim to generate traffic of those people who look for apprenticeship, entry-level job, internship, hands-on training, high-school student job, professional orientation, sysadmin job, and other Cyber services to the Cyber websites.
SEO efforts belong to competitive marketing; various actors on the market try to emerge in search engine results as high as possible. Since Google search engine is dominant; SEO can be viewed as competition over Google ratings. SEO can also be considered as a part of information architecture.
Results of SEO projects are published at CNM Wiki; CNM System Administrators use those results to update the actual website protocols.

Software projects

For the purposes of this very wikipage, software projects refer to the website projects that are undertaken to develop software that powers Cyber websites.
  1. CMS-based. Primarily, this software represents a content management system (or CMS). Cyber websites normally use CNM WordPress under their hood. In the past, the Team have also used other content management systems such as Drupal and Joomla. If the need emerges, some considerations can also be given to Ghost, Grav, and Jekyll.
  2. Plain code. The authorization and landing pages of Featured websites can also be coded with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript without any CMS.
Results of software projects shall be stored at CNM Repo; CNM System Administrators use those results to install and run the actual software.

Website-core projects

For the purposes of this very wikipage, website-core projects refer to the website projects that are undertaken to make a Cyber website one product. Content, Design, SEO, Software, and WWW projects shall deliver various parts of websites. IA developments shall produce their "skeletons" or "embryos" of their core. Then, website assemblies shall make one product out of all.
Development of any website is rarely a simple and straightforward process. To emerge on the World Wide Web (WWW), any website goes through various product states.
  1. Website as an idea. Any website starts with an idea; it should be imagined first to be developed second. The first idea may be expressed in few words.
  2. Website as a prototype. Before a website emerges on WWW, it exists as its information architectures (or IAs). A separate section of this very wikipage, Website IAs is dedicated to them.
  3. Website as a MVP. In cases of Cyber website development, a minimum viable product (MVP) is an early version of a future website that includes sufficient features to satisfy early adopters. To do so, the website shall have its hub webpages, IA that would be implemented on its software and located on WWW.
  4. Website as a marketable. To serve a part of The funnel, Cyber website shall possess those features that are developed in the Content, Design, SEO, Software, and WWW projects.

WWW projects

For the purposes of this very wikipage, WWW projects refer to the website projects that are undertaken to integrate Cyber websites into the World Wide Web (WWW) securely.
  • DNS records to locate Cyber websites within WWW. DNS records' drafts are published at CNM Wiki; CNM System Administrators use those results to update the actual website records. DNS records for CDN-based websites might be complex.
  • SSL certificates to encrypt interactions between Cyber websites and their visitors.
  • Webservers to direct external requests to internal resources. Cyber websites normally rely on Apache HTTP Server and/or Nginx servers. They may serve separately or in sequence Nginx, as highly productive, first, and Apache, as highly reliable, second.

Website IAs

For the purposes of this very wikipage, information architectures or IA are images, layouts, mockup models, outlines, prototypes, sketches, wireframes, and/or words that represent classification, organization, and structure of content and other information at Cyber websites or similar products. Similarly to UX design, IA strives to enhance user satisfaction; IAs of Cyber products shall help to make them accessible, credible, desirable, findable, usable, useful, and valuable. Dissimilarly from UX design, IA shall help the Cyber to achieve the Cyber objectives. In simple words, IA shall balance benefits for the Cyber and its users.

IA components

Key components of IA are:
  1. Hierarchy of website and its webpages.
  2. Roadmaps of every identified persona through the website.
  3. Mockups of hub webpages at the websection box level.
  4. Labels of groups of information for user orientation and, when used in sub-domain names, for search engine optimization (SEO).
  5. Navigations such as menus, breadcrumbs, and pagination.
  6. Search tools that ensure findability of information.

IA developments

No Cyber IA can be developed immediately and completely. It starts with a sketch to be gradually upgraded up to a prototype. The IA-development projects closes when the Customer approves the IA. Development of IA is a:
  • Marketing project since the IA shall serve interests of both users and the Cyber.
  • Creative project since acceptance criteria rarely can be defined; product and project certainties rarely can be reached before the development starts. That is why Contractors shall be hired on a per-hour basis. In the industry, the most qualified architects are normally hired to develop the most important IA components such as the menu structure and landing page mockup.
  • Prerequisite project that shall be finished before the contractors to develop a website as a marketable can be hired. As product depictions, the outputs of the IA-development project shall be used for graphic design, UX design, and website assemblies.

Personas in IA

In marketing, a persona is an imaginary product user that (a) represents a distinguishable type of customer and (b) has been created to design special appeals to that customer type while designing products.
Cyber websites may serve a variety of customers. For instance, a school student and school principal may visit iDosvid.com. However, interests of the student differ from ones of the principal. Moreover, the Team would like the student to get enrolled into CNM Cyber Welcome Session, while the Team would like the principal to contact Cyber administrators. So, their website roadmaps shall be different.
Information architectures (or IAs) shall serve all of its identified personas. If a subordinate IA serves one persona, and five personas are identified to be customers, the IA may be divided in one site-wide IA, which welcomes all of its customers and directs them to those webpages that are designed to serve specifically them and five separate subordinate IAs.

Website parts

Cyber websites are eventual deliverables from web-projects; however, website components need to be developed before any website can be assembled. Other deliverables include webpages, webpage sections, websection boxes, information architectures, web designs, SEO strategies, as well as contents such as audiovisuals, images, multimedia, and texts.

Websites are not created equal; neither are their developments. It may take about a couple of hours to setup a simple website if its content is ready. On the contrary, some other websites cost more than a million dollars.


Any Cyber website is a collection of webpages. At the Cyber, those pages are divided in three categories:
  1. Auxiliary webpages are those that provide their visitors with supplemental services beyond essay information and hub navigation. Auxiliary pages include contact, error, and search pages, for instance.
  2. Essay webpages are those that cover one subject; they give the most complete information on a given topic that is available on that website.
  3. Hub webpages are those essential pages that lead their visitors to other pages or services, where essential means that the website cannot function properly without those pages. Every Cyber website has at least two hubs -- the authenticating and landing webpage.


Any Cyber webpage is a collection of two or more webpage sections. That section shall emerge on one user's screen or, at least on the top of the screen, after their clicks on some menu tab or other button. Every Cyber webpage shall have its main and footer sections at very least.
With regards to the purpose, websections may serve three purposes:
  1. Deal-closing websections normally belong to online stores.
  2. Lead-generation websections normally belong to hub webpages of Featured websites and any page of Traffic-generating websites.
  3. Prospect-education websections are normally headsections of essay webpages of both Featured and Traffic-generating websites.
A headsection is the most important for every webpage. Webpage sections present one or more websection boxes. That box is the minimal rectangular element of webpage layouts that is distinguished from other rectangular parts both graphically and functionally. The headsection normally consists of a header and a box such as carousel, featured-image, grid, slider, or CTA (which stands for "call-to-action"). The headsection may also include a sidebar.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, administration is defined as the set of efforts that is undertaken to run Cyber resources such as its budgets, services, systems, and/or staffers of the Office.


The customer provides requirements for future products and pays project budgets. In simple words, the customer orders products and pays for their production. The work of the Coord is paid insofar as it is part of the development of the product. The customer implies that the Coord works out projects in accordance with the instructions set out on this wikipage. Out of the goodness of heart and for professional training purposes, the customer may do the work of the Coord temporarily as long as the customer believes that the Coord will someday be able to work independently.

Cyber objectives

  • Cyber's mission is to build a single-window platform that would responsibly and sustainably provide everyone with a wide range of career services.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, the Team refers to staffers of the Cyber. Although Contractors and the Customer are not formally part of the Cyber team, they are important parts of Cyber development and management.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, the Office refers to entry-level staffers of the Cyber. They may include CNM Cyber Project Managers, CNM Cyber Recruiters, CNM Cyber Security Analysts, CNM System Administrators, CNM Systems Engineers, and CNM Web Developers.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, the Taskforce refers to the aggregate of the Coords.


With the exception of the Communications, Documents, Meetings, and Records, the Coords rarely develop and manage the Project deliverables directly or, or least, without someone else's assistance. For the most part, contractors develop and service them. The contractors perform on the basis of approved descriptions, Funded demands, and finalized by the Coors and/or other members of the Team. The Coords facilitate the Hiring the contractors and Working with contractors activities.

List of contractors

The list of contractors is a part of the competency register created and updated during the Studying the backgrounds activities.

Payment models

  • Fixed-price basis (in recruiting, known as contingency model). When either acceptance criteria or standing operating procedure (SOP) is available, Cyber contractors are paid a fixed price. This price might be chunked in several payments and some payments may be made in advance. This model assumes that all of the three, "scope of work, terms, budget" are well defined. Otherwise, the Team risks to receive not what it needs, or not for the budgeted money, or when it no longer needs it.
  • Per-hour basis (in recruiting, known as retained model). When neither acceptance criteria nor standing operating procedure (SOP) is available, Cyber contractors are paid per hour. Architects, consultants, designers, managers, and others whose jobs are not structured shall be hired on the per-hour basis.
Those two models may be combined. For instance, compensation of agents, brokers, and sales representatives may consist of (a) payment for their time (sometimes, called a retainer) and (b) percentage of generated sales.

Restrictions in awards

To ensure diversity of contractors and, therefore, higher quality:
  1. No new contract can be awarded to the service contractor who serves the product currently.
  2. The development contractor cannot also be the first service contractor.
  3. Although the Coords are encouraged to serve as contractors outside of their Coord work, no one can simultaneously serve as the Coord and contractor working on the same product.

Types of contractors

For the purposes of this very wikipage, contractors are distinguished in three types:

Recruiting the Coords

There is no single simple indicator by which one can judge whether a person can become a successful Coord and, if so, whether similar jobs would attract and motivate him or her. One never knows unless one tries.

Coords' sourcing

Main wikipage: WorldOpp Sourcing
WorldOpp Sourcing encompasses the WorldOpp Outreach campaigns to attract attention of potential candidates and CNM Cyber Welcome Session to bring the candidates on the board.

Coords' orientation

Main wikipage: CNM Cyber Orientation
The CNM Cyber Orientation is designed to introduce promising Coords to the job market, the Cyber, its Team, services, and the Cloud.

Coords' placement

Main wikipage: CNM Cyber Placement
The Placement is designed to introduce the learners to various positions, help to select the promising one, and place the learner as an apprentice into both the job and educational program. In their practice, the learners work as the Coords.
The Coord is a temporary position, limited by the duration of the Placement. Not everyone is attracted to work on creating something new. Not everyone is able to work in conditions of uncertainty.
  • If the job of the Coord suits the participant, he or she moves towards the business analyst, systems engineer, partner coordinator, event organizer, information structure or solution creator, product or user experience designer, and product, information resources or development manager, and other occupations in projects.
  • If unable or unwilling, the participant is promoted to Contract or Systems Administrator, Usability Analyst, Accountant, Graphic Designer, Operations Engineer, Purchasing, Account Manager, and Procurement Manager and other occupations in operations.
During the Placement, students should be introduced to different professions from a programmer to an accountant. The specialty will be selected based on the results of the practice, and then it will be necessary to select a curriculum with a partner and organize an internship. We hope to organize the internship ourselves, but it will be difficult to replace educational institutions. Nothing unreal is foreseen, but everything needs to be worked out. Until the third course is ready, the Coords can work on it.

See also

Related lectures