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[[CNMCyber This Week]]
==This-Week series requirements (office hour, 06-26-2023) Script==  
=This-Week series requirements (office hour, 06-26-2023) Script=  
:This-Week series requirements (office hour, 06-26-2023) is the office hour event on June, 26th about [[CNMCyber This Week]].   
:This-Week series requirements (office hour, 06-26-2023) is the office hour event on June, 26th about [[CNMCyber This Week]].   

Latest revision as of 15:33, 7 April 2024


This-Week series requirements (office hour, 06-26-2023) Script

This-Week series requirements (office hour, 06-26-2023) is the office hour event on June, 26th about CNMCyber This Week.

Preview video

https://youtu.be/ZtiJ9Ql0-ZI?si=tWpDEAmJYmHy49hC (33:00)


I'm Gary we have Erastus and we are in office hour which will be about our CNMCyber This Week Series. I'm sharing my screen. CNMCyber This Week is kind of the primary event where coordinators are supposed to come and report on their progress.
At the moment we don't have coordinators moment. People act like coordinators but for now, it's more like a temporary solution but eventually, it should be for coordinators. The idea that someone can join CNMCyber This Week events and find out what is going on generally not in detail, not the specifics on let's say developments or operations or events but generally what endeavors are being created.
We have a few meetings already, let's see the meeting on the 21st which was last week.

CNMCyber Week 2023-06-14

I mentioned it to Rita and Kevin and no one kind of got further. So for instance on the CNMCyber Week 2023-06-14 page, the title meeting subject why subject is capitalized I ask this question over and over again why can you explain why do you think Rita capitalized the word subject? Do you have an explanation?
Erastus: Probably because it’s the heading, I’m not sure.
Gary: As far as I understand in the English language, if it’s the title meeting subject it will be title of a book or kind of the name of the series let's say CNMCyber this week is the name of the series. So then it's capitalized it's not like the title of a book or a movie, why it's capitalized I have no idea. I'm starting to read, “In this meeting, we will talk”. Why we will? It was on June 21st, so it's past due it's already done. Now we will talk it's kind of it's done we already talked. Next, “about Technology Board, CNM practice job, CNM Event Organizer” has anyone talked about this? What I want you to start with, is to read the page and whatever you read try to make it better.


Then we will go to Meetup, let's see what we have on the Meetup description. Did you join the Meetup Group?
Erastus: I didn’t join though I went through the content.
Gary: Because if you cannot join, I cannot promote you to an event organizer, and since I cannot promote you to the event organizer how would edit the event? and how you will post them.

Meetup: Details

Join us meeting each Wednesday to get updates firsthand. Currently, this series is hosted online but we would like to move it to a hybrid format While adding onsite venue somewhere in Washington DC metro area.
So this is another big part that eventually I really want to have it kind of hybrid at least to try. I don't know how many people will join, but we need to think about this hybrid.
Completely pre-entry level which is temporarily transitional jobs to the General Public
Okay, CNMCyber coordinators, we don't have coordinators
Reports people posted at the last minute. It's not really good I would say. Usually, I post the first one and people are waiting for me or what is going on I'm not sure. But whatever let's say Rita, Kevin or you have done is known like before maybe we can set up some deadline for posting, at least like the main piece then people can update it further.
I would also prefer the CNMCyber Week 2023-06-14 page preview video section, why it's a preview it's a full video it's not a preview. Feedback, no one ever wrote that on the discussion page. I don't know what’s purpose of this feedback. Who will write on the discussion Page? Those who register it or… I don't know. Right now the feedback is possible through the Meetup. Meetup will be a primary source of feedback. But no discussion page no one to use the discussion page
I will probably prefer the script but not the full script. But eventually one of your primary goals is to create a standard operating procedure so we can find what needs to be done step by step, assign time, and make it a contract. So, let's say instead of you as a developer or event organizer or a learner you will do it as a contractor. We will do a contract for like a month that will be structured.

Past events: This Week Wednesday

There is nothing in the comment. Before, I talked to Rita and Kevin several times but maybe after this event, I don't remember when, but here in the comment like 10 minutes before the event maybe 15, someone needs to put a comment like this is the link to our event go over the topics it is what we will follow. Because someone like Cam, this gentleman joined but didn't know what to expect, and if he knew he will probably he'll probably get a better idea of whether he needed to join or not.
Okay that is what is related to the Meetup. Right now, we are posting events on the Meetup hopefully we will move it to the social so we can post it there but we are not there yet.


We have this week. I like the sound. “Discussions Jitsi live streaming”, yeah, it's a good description. Most likely Kevin uploaded so Rita didn't record, I don't know how you plan to do it. Do you plan to record on your own or Kevin will record and upload it on YouTube? So this is another question that needs to be answered.
With YouTube, right now I understand Kevin records and he uploads to YouTube, what arrangement you will make I don't know. Eventually, I would prefer to conduct the conference from a virtual machine in the cloud when our Proxmox is available. Natalia is working on the Proxmox, she finished her sprint but we haven't checked her work. I don't know how jitsi basically works but right now we can have a virtual machine for recording or we need like Jitsi, I'm not sure, we need we need to talk kind of to Natalia to discuss what we can do. So, for YouTube and Meetup, recording is a big piece.

Standard operating procedure

They started doing this which is good there is no time. How long will it take to announce the event?
I'm not sure what it is, invite other coordinators to join the meeting and give them a link to the page. How will this invitation will occur? Has anyone invited the coordinators to join a Meeting? No one ever invited me only through Viber nothing official.
Take a look at the standing operating procedure critically. This event has been going on for a long time so it's kind of established, it's not new, so we have some experience and we can capture so-called Lessons Learned. Just discuss with Rita when you will take over and go with this.

Posting Office hour on Meetup

With our office hours, I would prefer you join with Meetup and we will post the new office hours on the Meetup first and preferably should be at least 24 hours in advance.
Erastus: In terms of reporting, I think we should be having a report before 24 hours.
Gary: I’m not sure about 24 hours, like sometime in advance. Let's say you posted after the event or during the event it probably makes sense but at the same time, I cannot prepare to ask questions. it's not supposed to be immediate. Let's say if you have like a normal meeting everything will be old talking points will be posted in advance maybe one hour or two hours at least. For me I'm limited, I get out in the morning like on Wednesday I taught but last week was the last week of the semester so right now maybe I will have more time. CNMCyber This Week event is at 1 pm my time but for you it's in the evening so you probably could do it one-two hours in advance at least.

Reporting format

What also happens on CNMCyber This Week that we are missing. We don't emphasize what people are going to do, like a coordinator’s report I prefer to post them as links of what they have done and what they are doing. Yesterday we created some reports on the Talk page, I would prefer the links to the events. We can take a look at the last one. For instance, let's take you “I finalized the prototype and Gary perfected it”. I didn't perfect I kind of polished a little bit. “Finally I attended…” you didn't say anything about what you are going to do and since you didn't say what you're going to do, technically your work for this week is not approved. So right now, you're volunteering your time right according to your report because you didn't say what you are going to do. You probably followed me, but in my weeks I had very limited time I was lazy. When you look at me it's probably not the best because I didn't commit to any work this week and you most likely did.
Let's take a look at Rita's “I couldn't attend’’ no if she attended and said something it would be more meaningful. See I write that “I conducted”, “I held” but attending I'm not sure. What’s the value of attending an office hour? Attending and participating, contributing something that makes sense but just attend it and then what? Kevin took over the common hour because I didn't attend, so instead of attended, he can say I led in the common hour on Tuesday.
Kevin didn't say anything about the following week, only Rita said “Next week and I intend to learn about CNM Technology Board since Gary shared his place plans of me moving there”.
We can see right now it's not like real event coordinators, it's more like website Developers. What I'm missing and I missed yesterday while talking to you, there should be also kind of some correlation to this CNM Website Projects because based on our CNMCyber This Week events generally kind of the idea we talk or we did this last week now we are going to do this next week.
I need to work more on the tables because right now they are not usable as they are and they are not updated. I believe that the person who conducts CNMCyber This Week event, this person is supposed to update CNM Website Projects pages too, or maybe I need to update these pages but this person should ping me kind of saying or kind of like you haven't finished here. Because right now let's say this sprint is not the first one and it's already over and we did some kind of a closing.

CNMCyber.com IA

By the way, if we go back to your page which we discussed yesterday, you're saying we will incorporate breadcrumbs. It makes sense, but I would prefer first of all it should go under navigation so navigation includes menus but it also includes breadcrumbs because it's another tool of navigation. Sitemaps also can be considered as part of the navigation style.
On this IA we need to say yes, it will be. We should incorporate breadcrumbs there. When developing [CNMCyber.com IA]] pages especially for breadcrumbs let's say XML sitemaps because I have never heard about them, I don't know what it is. I would prefer instead of saying research the internet about XML sitemaps, it’s better they read about them on the XML sitemaps page. This way other coordinators will be on the same page. All the website developers will be on the same page.

In summary

I haven't decided, but we need to incorporate the outcomes from this week it should be Wiki pages but they should be better Wiki pages. I mean like better event description on Meetup with the link in the chat.
We need to work on CNMCyber This Week series page while updating standing operating Procedures. If you ask me, your work on CNM This Week the best outcome I will say, is to have a ready contract with someone to be awarded let's say for a month that someone will work on this event like five hours this rate and we have this contract ready to be awarded.
But it must be a script of the meetings too because it's much easier to refer to. Some requirements will be already captured and stated and it will be better. I prefer scripts. Meetup YouTube to decide on recording, I would prefer eventually to have it on the virtual machine but there might be some technical issues that we need to resolve. If you think of these technical solutions, it will be better. and also post events we need to interpret some summary pages to move decisions.
Technically on this CNMCyber This Week event, the decision to be made is to authorize Rita to work on some other sprint. These decisions must be captured and may be stated on the CNM Website Projects page or similar pages.
Gary: Do you have questions or we can stop here?
Erastus: I don’t have any other questions for now.
Gary: Okay so we can schedule another event when you do.
Talk to you later tomorrow or the day after. Also, we want to talk about the general contracts because I plan to move to more like contract work and we can discuss which contracts can be available. Can we do it tomorrow or on Wednesday?
Erastus: Tomorrow we have the common hour.
Gary: We can do it during the common hour. Thanks so much and talk to you tomorrow. Bye-bye