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! Title !! Event Date !! Video Link !! Duration !! Script Page !! Contractor !! Due Date !! Complete
! Title !! Event Date !! Video Link !! Duration !! Script Page !! Contractor !! Due Date !! Complete
| Careerprise pitch || 4/9/23 || https://youtu.be/p3PSZLEoRuo || 29:35 || [[Talk:CNMCyber pitch]] || Anthony || Yes ||  Yes
| Careerprise pitch || 4/9/23 || https://youtu.be/p3PSZLEoRuo || 29:35 || [[Talk:CNMCyber pitch]] || Anthony || 8/9/23 ||  Yes

Revision as of 22:33, 10 September 2023

CNMCyber script is technically wording which is used in CNMCyber Office Hours events. In the best case scenario, it should be typed and moved to the requirements.

The script can also be defined as the record of someone's requirement.

A script is also an intermediate product, it's not a final product. It's a deliverable but is not user deliverable. It's a sub-product. So then when a script is available, a Wiki page can be developed from the requirements in the script.

Script Development for CNMCyber Events

Purpose and Importance of Scripting

  • To have a written record of requirements discussed during the event.
  • Support traceability between event discussions and final wiki pages. The script itself leads to requirements. The script isn't the final product, but the requirements that a customer agrees to become the actual product. This can be measured, and in the best situation, it should be a requirements traceability matrix (RTM) record.
For example, when you write down requirements on a page, imagine it's what you're presenting to your boss or customer. You're saying, "This is what you'll get." You list down everything – like having HumHub, Odoo, Jitsi set up in a certain way, using ProxmoxVE, making it highly available with three nodes, having a public IPv4 network, running on Apache and Nginx, using Ceph for storage, and routing with pfSense. You ask, "Is this what you want?" They either sign or confirm via email. This becomes a kind of blueprint.

Components of a script

A script should focus on important information, omitting irrelevant details. A script should omit things like;
  • "my name is _ _ _"
  • "sorry I need to drink my coffee,"
  • "give me a post I will like,"
  • "I will answer another call."
It's not important. So script should include what is important, what should be and what can be moved to requirements.

Scripting for CNMCyber Events

Scripts will be developed on wiki project page (currently - discussion page) of the product page. The main page is the product and discussion will be a project. Project (current discussion page), here there will be information how the product was developed and what requirements were involved.

Target Audience and Deliverables

A developer working on the product is the target audience of the script. Script by itself is the intermediate product, the product page is the end product and script is a part of development with a deliverable.

Success Criteria and Desired Outcome

Success for a script is determined by how useful it is. The goal is having Wiki Pages that describe products. For example; we need to have this platform on which our Jitsi will work, which is called talk and we will do this conference one day on the Talk.cnmcyber.com slash something - So right now we are doing this on employableU which is temporary. So the end product is the service but to build this firm we need to have a description of what we are doing, what we need to look for, and what we need to do. So now, in this case the desired out come is a working technology.
The technical sense, quality is confirmation the description of the product matches the product itself right. So we have requirements and we have a product. If there's gaps, it's a quality product. But to know that you have a quality product you need to have a description, if you don't have a description how would you know? Scripting is a good way to build this description.

How to claim a Scripting task

If you are a contractor developing scripts for CNMCyber Office Hours you will need to;
  1. Go to Talk:CNMCyber_script to access the scripting tasks list
  2. Find the title of the task you would like to create a script for
  3. In the "Contractor" column on the row for that task, write your name to indicate you will be responsible for this script
  4. In the "Due Date" column on the same row, enter the date when you expect the script to be completed
  5. Notify your CNMCyber contact when you have claimed a task so they know it is assigned
  6. Develop the script according to the description requirements best described on this wiki page
  7. Once complete, notify your CNMCyber contact person.
  8. If you have any questions about the task, get clarification from your CNMCyber contact before claiming and beginning work.

Steps to create a script

  1. Transcribe the audio - This can be done manually by listening and typing or if the event is posted on YouTube Channel you can extract the transcript by clicking on the three dots at the bottom right of the video and select show transcript. A side bar will be displayed with the transcript and time stamps. Highlight the entire transcript then copy and paste to the page where you will create the script from.
  2. Clean up the transcript - correct any mistakes in the transcription, eliminate timestamps, and filler words such as "um," "hmm," "oh," "like," "you know," "so", as well as any unnecessary side conversations or interruptions that shouldn't be in the final script. Also remove any repetitions.
  3. Structure the information - Break the transcript into logical sections using headers. For example, you may have a section for Introduction, topics that were discussed in the meeting
  4. Focus on key points - Summarize the script while paying attention to key questions, decisions, and discussion points that are relevant for the requirements of the product.
  5. Review the scrip - Go over the draft script and make any final edits to improve clarity. The goal is to create a traceable record of the event that can used to create product requirements.
  6. Stick to the requirements - Make sure the script contains the information needed for the product requirements.
  7. Add attributions - Note who said what using speaker attributions like "Kevin:".
  8. Add attribute questions - Note who asked each question using "[Name] asked:".
  9. Add attribute answers - Indicate who provided each answer using "[Name] answered:".
  10. Check accuracy - Verify names, titles, terminology, and facts.
  11. Save the script - Save the script to the discussion page (project page) of the product being developed.
  12. Ask clarifying questions - Get any needed context before beginning to create the script.

Turn around time

When following the steps to claim a scripting task from the scripts list, contractors should set the due date in Step 4 to reflect completion of the script within a maximum of two days or less from the date the scripting task was claimed. After accessing the scripts list in Step 1, locating the desired task in Step 2, entering your name in the "Contractor" column in Step 3, and indicating the due date in Step 4, the claimed script development should then be finished within the due date indicated of less than two days or unless additional time was approved during claiming due to unusual circumstances.



(For Careerprise contractor agreement)
  1. The Contractor shall provide the Company with scripting services according to the requirements stated on the https://wiki.cnmcyber.com/en/CNMCyber_script page.
  2. The Company shall compensate the Contractor at the rate of $ ___ per minute of the scripted audio.

Scripting Tasks

Title Event Date Video Link Duration Script Page Contractor Due Date Complete
Careerprise pitch 4/9/23 https://youtu.be/p3PSZLEoRuo 29:35 Talk:CNMCyber pitch Anthony 8/9/23 Yes
Event scripting requirements 2/8/23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa5zQx5vU6o 26:03 Talk:CNMCyber event Yes
CNMCyber Office Hours requirements (part 2) 20/7/23 https://youtu.be/VBp6iJ-YihM 25:46 Talk:CNMCyber Office Hours Yes
CNMCyber Office Hours requirements (part 1) 15/7/23 https://youtu.be/zcc4f_4qg5A 25:46 Talk:CNMCyber Office Hours Yes
CNMCyber event requirements 10/7/23 https://youtu.be/VgYursiLRoI 21:48 Talk:CNMCyber event Yes
CNMCyber Development: From hours to contracts 6/7/23 https://youtu.be/8KX9Elw-O-0 33:12 Talk:Careerprise bizopp No
CNM Social user-group requirements 5/7/23 https://youtu.be/tAFZzBX89R4 46:35 Talk:CNM Social No
Tech-Board requirements (Part 2) 5/7/23 https://youtu.be/Z4eFfsM9IlM 41:59 Talk:CNM Technology Board No
Website purposes for IA 29/6/23 https://youtu.be/7z56_IhZEPk 38:51 Talk:Website IA No
CNM Tube requirements 28/6/23 https://youtu.be/QFhgg8uc1e0 54:34 Talk:CNM Tube No
This-Week series requirements 26/6/23 https://youtu.be/ZtiJ9Ql0-ZI 33:01 Talk:CNMCyber This Week No
Website IA sprint 24/6/23 https://youtu.be/-l7gJNlinso 32:07 Talk:CNMCyber.com IA No
Personas for Friends Of CNM website 21/6/23 https://youtu.be/aNSHyvt07U8 39:34 Talk:FriendsOfCNM.com IA No
CNMCyber.com IA and IA generally 15/6/23 https://youtu.be/7fXkON5rtVw 27:17 Talk:CNMCyber.com IA No
Tech-Board requirements (Part 1) 13/6/23 https://youtu.be/p3GrmsDVbnI 11:19 Talk:CNM Technology Board No
Website IA initiation 8/6/23 https://youtu.be/inzTVq140mg 38:29 Talk:Website IA No