What CNMCyber Can
CNM Cyber Services CNM Cyber Essentials
|2||CNM Cyber service, employment placement, learning activity, professional credential; CNM Cyber in-house service, education, career administration, employment project support
- CNM Cyber service. Any CNM app that end-users of CNM Cyber can use to learn, land better jobs, and/or better position themselves on the job market.
- Employment placement. A service of placing a worker into a job. That job can be some work within the same organization or in another one. A business that employs workers to temporarily work for another organization is commonly called a temp agency and those workers are referred as contingent workers. In many countries, the governments regulate and, in few countries, ban those businesses that place workers into jobs in other organizations for a fee. In some countries, the governments support or even subsidize those organizations that place special categories of workers, especially the disabled, into jobs. This practice is called supported employment. Educational institutions may place their students into jobs as a part of their learning. This learning is often called residency training. Some educational institutions place their graduates into work as a hidden fee for education.
- Learning activity. Something that a learner does or is offered to do for his or her learning.
- Professional credential. An employment credential that specifically refers to one's professional capacity.
- CNM Cyber in-house service. Any service that CNM Cyber solely manages.
- Education. The product and/or process of facilitating the acquisition of one's knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA).
- Career administration. The process or the set of activities of (a) discovering one's vocation, (b) identifying one's target industry and/or occupation, (c) suggesting one's target employment, (d) identifying work-related competence needed for a particular position, (e) analysis of one's KSAs, (f) development of one's employment credentials, and/or (g) landing one's job, often, but not always, in the target occupation and/or target industry.
- Employment project support. A service that administratively and/or technologically supports those who in projects related to employment.