CNMCyber standup

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A CNM standup (hereinafter, the Standup) is a stand-up meeting (or simply standup) of Friends Of CNM in which attendees typically participate while standing. The discomfort of standing for long periods is intended to keep the meetings short.

Typical agenda

By default, any Standup consists of three parts:

  1. Q&A session for new attendees related to the introductory presentation of Friends Of CNM. The presentation is pre-recorded and supposed to be viewed by the attendees before they arrive;
  2. CNM Fellow Candidates and CNM Lead Fellow Candidates one by one answer two questions:
    • What obstacles are impeding my progress?
    • (Looking at the board from right to left) What has progressed?
  3. Q&A session for new attendees open to any question related to WorldOpp development.


The Standups are usually organized simultaneously onsite to accommodate those who needs face-to-face interactions and online to accommodate those attendees who choose to participate remotely.

Onsite format

The Standups shall usually be scheduled to occur in the cafeteria of McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. The announcements shall usually be published at the Career Network Ministry meetup group and/or Tech Events for Managers and Entrepreneurs.

Online format

The Standups shall usually