What Employer Is

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What Employer Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Recruitment Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to job market and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Recruitment session of the CNM Cyber Orientation. The Orientation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Employment Vacancies.

Key terms

Employer. Any legal entity that employs one or more employees.


An employer is any legal entity that employs one or more employees. Not all employers are created equal. So are their owners.
Those employers who operate in the public sector are known as government and state-run organizations. These legal entities are owned by a government.
Those employers who operate in the nonprofit sector are known as non-profit organizations. A non-profit corporation is any corporation that cannot distribute its free cash flow to the Corp's shareholders, leaders, and/or members.
Those employers who operate in the private sector can be divided in two groups.
Operational businesses are the ones that generate profits that are sufficient to operate. These employers don't depend on external financing.
The rest of businesses are startups. They are still in search for their sustainable business models. Startups are usually enterprises in the early stages of operations. Commonly, they seek to solve a problem or fill a need. Startups don't generate enough profits from sales and depend on external funding.
Some startups employ thousands of workers. Uber, Tesla, and WeWork are some of those employers. There is no definite rule for what makes startups startups. Often, a business is considered a startup until they stop referring to themselves as a startup.
Finally, temp agencies play unique roles on the job market. A temp agency is a temporary staffing provider. These businesses employ workers to temporarily work for another organization. The temporary workers whom a temp agency employ are referred as contingent workers. Their employment is contingent on the availability of work.

What Sourcing Is is the successor lectio.
