WorldOpp roundtable on August 7th of 2018

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Revision as of 02:24, 8 August 2018 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Post-event feedback)
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WorldOpp roundtable on August 7, 2018 is the WorldOpp roundtable session that occurred remotely at 11am EST or 6pm Kenya time on August 7, 2018.


This event was supposed to revolve around understanding Friends of CNM and the participants:

  1. Opening the meeting - Event Organizer/Host - 5 Minutes
  2. Introduction of the participants: Participants will not be required to give their names, location or any contact details. However they may be asked to say 'Hello, mention their interests/hobbies and probably give their reasons/motivation for Joining WorldOpp as well as their expectations - 10 Minutes
  3. Short presentation of the WorldOpp program - This will be presented by Gary Igor - 25 Minutes
  4. Q&A Session - The floor will be open for all participants to ask any questions/concerns and comments they may have in regard to Friends Of CNM and WorldOpp - 15 Minutes
  5. Recap and closing remarks - 5 minutes


This event was supposed to be, but wasn't recorded in order to be posted on CNM Wiki for future learners.

Joining details

The event will be hosted on the Jitsi, which is a webconferencing software tool. This tool is web-based and does not require users to download or sign in. Participants are requested to join in at least 10 Minutes to the start of the session and ensure the mics are off at the time of joining the meeting.

Link to join the meeting -- -- click on or copy and paste this URL on your browser.

Call one of the following numbers: Australia: +61.8.7150.1136 Brazil: +55.21.3500.0112 France: + Germany: +49.89.380.38719 Japan: +81.3.4510.2372 Spain: +34.932.205.409 UK: +44.121.468.3154 US: +1.512.402.2718

Dial your meeting ID: '1640458252' and you will be connected!

Post-event feedback

Gary Ihar considers this event as an overall success besides two failures inherited from the previous session -- to record the session and post its minutes, as well as post-event highlights.

Kevin, Cecilia, Megan, and Gary participated in the event. Upon the discussion, the following decisions were prompted:

  1. Cecilia and Kevin lead the endeavor to develop the WorldOpp fb-page;
  2. Organizing of any WorldOpp roundtable will further to be offered as a contract in order to make sure that all requirements are delivered;
  3. Gary will launch the new Careerprise vendor conference for potential and acting contractors.