Career Strategies

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Career Strategies (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Employability Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to careers and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Careers session of Employableu Foundation. The Foundation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Value Propositions.


A career strategy is a high-level plan to achieve one or more career goals under conditions of uncertainty. A career endeavor is an undertaking to implement the strategy and achieve the goal. The strategy depends on what one's career goal is. A combination of the endeavors represent one's career effort portfolio.
All the endeavors may be placed into the BCG matrix. So, strategies may be "let the dogs go" to "keep the cash cows" to "consider the question marks" to "nourish the stars".
The Ansoff Matrix is a tool that c-level executives use to formulate generic strategies for growth. Any worker can use this matrix to plan career growth.
Doing the same job tasks for the same employer, one can potentially work on his or her more competitive employability such as increase work-related competence and/or professional profile.
To explore new markets, one can potentially offer the current work services to new customers or in new geographic locations.
To develop new products, one can potentially build new competence and wait for a rank promotion opportunity.
These strategies would likely affect the "stars" quadrant and, if there is a star shortage, the "questions" quadrant. However, some unusual strategies can be developed as well.
Let's imagine, someone who works low-wage sitting in the office jobs, one is full-time and another is part-time. This worker starts noticing that the body needs more work-out, but he cannot afford to allocate time for gym. This worker may diversify his part-time "cash cow" to substitute it with, let say, dog walking. In this way, he will be still earning similar amounts and exercise more and even enjoy fresh air.

Key terms

Ansoff Matrix, career strategy


Is the concept of career strategy explained well? --Yes/No/I'm not sure/Let me think/Let's move on

What Career Endeavor Is is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam