Job Applicant Assets

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Job Applicant Assets (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Job Market Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to job marketing and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Careers session of Employableu Foundation. The Foundation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Job Market Resources.


Job marketing is marketing that workers conduct to land suitable employment. Job marketing assets are the assets that the worker can use to conduct his or her job marketing.
A directory of credentials is a document that lists one's credentials, most commonly, applicable to particular employment and is usually designed to help the reader, such as a recruiter, hiring manager, customer, or any other targeted stakeholder, of the directory to navigate them.
The most common assets include résumés, professional bios, elevator pitches, and a few others.
A résumé is any document that a person uses to present his or her achievements and capacities. In the industry of workforce services, a résumé usually presents credentials applicable to particular employment.
Descriptive accounts of a person's professional history are called professional bios.
In career administration, an elevator pitch is a short description of the value that a worker offers in a way such that any listener can understand it in short time. The other names for this description include elevator speech and elevator statement.
Similarly to any other directory, one's list of professional recognitions, list of educational credentials, list of worked projects, and list of key accomplishments can be composed for unspecified references or adjusted for a particular employment.
Professional portfolios are other examples of one's job marketing assets.

Key terms

Job marketing, job marketing asset, directory of credentials, résumé, LinkedIn profile, professional bio, elevator pitch (elevator speech, elevator statement), list of professional recognitions, list of educational credentials, list of worked projects, list of key accomplishments


Is the concept of job marketing explained well? --Yes/No/I'm not sure

Professional Portfolios is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.
"Resume" questions:
  1. Résumé is (not) an example of directory of credentials.
"Bio" questions:
  1. Professional bio is (not) an example of directory of credentials.
"Lists" questions:
  1. List of professional recognitions is (not) an example of directory of credentials.
  2. List of educational credentials is (not) an example of directory of credentials.
  3. List of worked projects is (not) an example of directory of credentials.
  4. List of key accomplishments is (not) an example of directory of credentials.
"Portfolio" questions:
  1. Professional portfolio is (not) a qualification, achievement, personal quality, aspect, or document relevant to a particular job.
  2. Professional portfolio is (not) a credential that hasn't been verified yet or cannot be verified.
  3. Professional portfolio is (not) a product of one's performance intended to show his or her capacity.
  4. Professional portfolio is (not) a range of work samples and/or other employment credentials.
  5. Professional portfolio is (not) a credential issued by a third party.
  6. Professional portfolio is (not) the experience of working in a specific field or occupation.
  7. Professional portfolio is (not) a sample of behavior that can be used to predict future performance in similar work situations.
  8. Professional portfolio is (not) a suggestion or proposal to hire somebody because of his or her professional capacity.
  9. Professional portfolio is (not) an observation and/or evaluation of professional performance made by a customer.