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==Partner motivation==
==Partner motivation==
We at [[CNMCyber]] strongly believe that [[#What practice we envision]], [[#What services we build]], [[#What delivery we anticipate]], and other [[#Student motivation]] would benefit the students, and, therefore, the partner. Beyond those, we would love to negotiate [[#Administrative fees]], [[#Academic exchange]], and [[#Marketing for partners]].
We at [[#CNMCyber]] strongly believe that [[#What practice we envision]], [[#What services we build]], [[#What delivery we anticipate]], and other [[#Student motivation]] would benefit the students, and, therefore, the partner. Beyond those, we would love to negotiate [[#Administrative fees]], [[#Academic exchange]], and [[#Marketing for partners]].
===Administrative fees===
===Administrative fees===

Revision as of 20:34, 29 September 2023

Educaship pitch is a sales pitch that Virginia Institute of Technology LLC (hereinafter, the Institute) develops, maintains, and markets in order to attract educational partners (hereinafter, the Partners) into development of introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrances to the labour market. CNMCyber Team (hereinafter, We), which is a group of volunteers, oversees the development on the Institute's side.

Business needs

Business needs of the Institute include resources for Kenyan youth that enters the workforce. According to the "Youth Employment Initiatives in Kenya" report of a Review Commissioned by the World Bank and Kenya Vision 2030,

Kenya faces a significant unemployment problem with youth being hit hardest. The high unemployment is related to the overall investment climate in the country and the economy’s low capacity to create new jobs. But youth find it particularly difficult to enter the labour market. Reasons for this are complex. They range from deficits in education and skills to lack of work experience, difficulties to obtain information about career options and job chances, irrational recruitment practices of employers, and the lack of necessary assets and attitudes to become self-employed. (Source: https://vision2030.go.ke/publication/youth-employment-initiatives-in-kenya/)

In the nutshell

For 7+ years, the Institute has been developing services for those who are thinking about careers and looking for jobs to begin with. Two services, commercial #Careerprise and free-of-charge #CNMCyber, are designed for adults. The signature service for high-school students is called #iDosvid, which means "and experience" in Ukrainian. The service was originally expected to be launched in Ukraine; however, because of the war there, the launch was postponed.
#iDosvid features artificial intelligence, introductory training, and workplace sandboxes to deliver vocational orientation and work experience to participating students. Its backbone is job-alike practice, in which the students explore various occupations to find the best match. Until target occupations are identified, the students can organize meetings, develop IT, operate clouds, and coordinate cyber endeavors that would benefit the public good.
While being placed in the drivers' seats of modern technology, the students start their professional experience and earn industry credentials. That was why the service was named "And experience" at the first place. Equally importantly, that practice may reveal or, at least, suggest professional aspirations of the students. The Institute envisions to use its results for their vocational orientation.
To complete #iDosvid's development, the Institute would like to deploy the DevOps model. The students would test the available products during one session and, based on that testing, new products would be developed until the next session.
Such development requires participating students. Therefore, the Institute is now looking for partners, most likely, high schools or whatever else that can bring a sizeable number of school-age participants to the development.
To the partnership, the Institute brings introductory training, workplace sandboxes, supporting technology, and limited financing. From the partners, the Institute expects their expertise and testing participants.

30-second pitch

We at #CNMCyber welcome high schools as partners to provide their students with introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrances to the labour market. The students are to explore various occupations, find the best match, and earn industry credentials. To the partnership, we bring introductory training, workplace sandboxes, supporting technology, and limited financing. We expect that our partners would contribute their expertise and student participation. If interested, educaship.com/schools shall get you started.

What practice we envision

The students are going to practice with the non-profit endeavors such as #CNMCyber that would benefit the public good. If the students and their custodians would like to work commercially and be paid, the policies shall be developed and implemented as well.

Event projects

The students are to organize non-sensitive meetings that would be offered to the general public at no cost. Technology user groups such as CNM WordPress Users, CNM Jitsi Users, CNM MediaWiki Users, CNM Moodle Users, etc. would be the primary focus.

Technology projects

The students are to develop documentation and prototypes for websites and other technology products. The best draft of a list of available projects is published on the CNM Website Projects wikipage.

Cloud operations

The students are to operate existing pieces of technology.

Endeavor coordination

The students are to coordinate the endeavors to develop new pieces of technology and operate the existing one. The best draft of a list of available endeavors is published on the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage.

What services we build

According to IDosvid pitch, we would love to provide school students, most likely, high-school students, with #Workplace sandboxes, which shall be similar to regular workplace, so the students can practice with #What practice we envision in order to explore various professions in order to find the best match and earn industry credentials.

Introductory training

The students should be given:
  1. System accounts that #Supporting technology shall deliver.
  2. Formal training based on #Course prototypes.

On-the-job support

  1. CNMCyber events
  2. CNM Social
  3. To get one-on-one connection, the students shall be served with a sufficient number of mentors. The mentors may also provide the students with some on-the-job training when needed.

Industry credentials

The certification and recommendation requirements for shall be defined and implemented.

Career intelligence

To be advised about their possible career paths, the artificial intelligence requirements shall be defined and implemented as well.

Products we are to market

All the market products we are working on are built on the first three stages of WorldOpp Pipeline. Thus, the products that we are to market have their limits. In simple words, we don't plan to build anything beyond introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrances to the labour market.

For instance, the third stage of WorldOpp Pipeline covers JavaScript, but barely to the extend for a participant to decide whether he or she likes to be a JavaScript developer or administrator. However, we cannot provide and don't plan to provide the participants with advanced training in that framework since we deal with the first three stages of WorldOpp Pipeline only.

If the participant would like to go to the fourth and fifth stages of WorldOpp Pipeline, he or she would be connected with advanced training providers. However, this matching is beyond the scope of our work.


The package of commercial services. The participants who are enrolled in Careerprise are supposed to pay for the services they receive and be paid for the services they render.
Unlike the other products, Careerprise is delivered not by us, but by the Institute directly. Nevertheless, we may market Careerprise because of the benefits to our participants. Our participants are welcome to acquire the services they need at no cost via our own products and, when they are ready to produce valuable services and be paid, switch to Careerprise.


The full scope of the first three stages of WorldOpp Pipeline delivered free of charge. While working, the participants perform as volunteers. They are not paid for the services they may render; however, they don't pay for the services they receive.


The full-scope version of #CNMCyber that is specifically tailored to high-school students.

VIT Career Camp

The shortened version of #iDosvid; the scope of job-alike practice and guided entrance to the labour market is significantly reduced. Those participants who are interested in the full scope can switch to #iDosvid at the end of the camp.

What delivery we anticipate

After-school program

As of now, we anticipate that #iDosvid would be initially offered as extracurricular activities within some after-school program.

Career days

Global extensions

As of now, we would like to consider global extensions when the schools in which #iDosvid is initially launched can collaborate; for instance, members of one team can participate from different countries such as Ukraine (where #iDosvid was supposed to be introduced originally), Kenya (where #iDosvid should be eventually introduced), and USA (where an "adult" version of #iDosvid called #CNMCyber was developed at first place).

What we already get

Course prototypes

Two courses, draft for the third one on CNM Cert

Workplace sandboxes

About 80% of MVP complete

Supporting technology

About 67% of MVP complete

Training experience

What we can commit to


We will work until 100% of MVP complete

Limited financing


Fundraising assistance

Private and government donors

Advisory committee

We consider creating International Council for Vocational Orientation.

What we need

We are slowly developing services behind . The services are just partially available at the moment. To expedite the development, we look for partner's help.


Someone from senior management position or executive-level retiree would participate in the #Advisory committee. Particularly, that council would discuss what needs to be created, where to source its developers, how to deploy, etc. We can treat that help as consulting.

Testing participants

While having a solid number of testing participants, we will move the development into the DevOps model. We will present what we have to the learners and ask them to practice with what we have, while new pieces get available.

Access to the cloud

To access the technology, the students should have:
  1. Internet connection. We may reimburse access expenses partially or wholly.
  2. Computing devices such as smartphones or laptops. We may work on fundraising for the devices, their storage, and transportation.
  3. If the service is offered onsite, location such as a class or another room. We can further pitch potential donors to make this room look like a real-world workspace with, for instance, office cubicles.

Recruitment assistance

Staffers on the ground

The students should have at least a couple of staffers on the ground. The target number of the staffers should depend on the number of students.

What partner we look for

Key requirements

  1. Legal entity -- business, government, or not-for-profit
  2. Access to people who haven't defined their occupations yet. If these people are minors, access to their guardians as well.

Partnership vs hiring

The Partner differs from a Careerprise contractor. The Institute offers monetary compensation for contractors' services, while hiring contractors. The Partner can be a contractor as well, but different agreements shall regulate these two roles.

What is to be negotiated

Contract text



Including both #Student motivation and #Partner motivation.

Student motivation


Such as smartphones, tablets, flashdrives, and laptops. What else?


For instance, the Internet access. What else?

Job offers

Student's successful completion of #What practice we envision automatically leads to an offer to execute the Careerprise contractor agreement.

Partner motivation

We at #CNMCyber strongly believe that #What practice we envision, #What services we build, #What delivery we anticipate, and other #Student motivation would benefit the students, and, therefore, the partner. Beyond those, we would love to negotiate #Administrative fees, #Academic exchange, and #Marketing for partners.

Administrative fees

Some nominal fees for administrating. What else?

Academic exchange

What else?

Mutual marketing

Mentioning on the website, career days such as https://www.meetup.com/techdc/photos/9029432/, tech summits such as https://www.meetup.com/techdc/photos/15509362/. What else?