Difference between revisions of "CNMC DevOps Administrator"

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:With regard to:
:With regard to:
:*Administrative [[KSA]]s, the successful candidate should be gradually onboarded through [[CNM Cyber Orientation]], [[CNMCyber Bootcamp]], and [[Educaship Placement]];
:*Administrative [[KSA]]s, the successful candidate should be gradually onboarded through [[Employableu Foundation]], [[CNMCyber Bootcamp]], and [[Educaship Placement]];
:*Event announcements, the successful candidate should join the [[CNM Cyber Meetup]] [[meetup group|group]] and notify [[Gary Ihar]], who would promote him or her to an event organizer role.
:*Event announcements, the successful candidate should join the [[CNM Cyber Meetup]] [[meetup group|group]] and notify [[Gary Ihar]], who would promote him or her to an event organizer role.

Revision as of 19:23, 2 March 2023

CNMC DevOps Administrator (hereinafter, the Administrator) is the WorldOpp fellow working at WorldOpp Fellow Staff of Friends Of CNM (hereinafter, the Group) who virtually and/or onsite administers WorldOpp Project (hereinafter, the Project) and owns Fixett.

If the position is open and no WorldOpp fellow is available to fill it in, the Group may consider hiring an independent contractor instead of a WorldOpp fellow.


With regard to the DevOps, the Group is launching two types of CNM Cyber events: (a) CNM Cyber standups and (b) roundtables.


Main wikipage: CNM Cyber standup
The Group targets anything from bi-daily to daily CNM Cyber standups a month; all of them shall be offered free to the participants. The target audience is learners of WorldOpp incubators and everyone else who might join through a meetup group posting.


Main wikipage: CNM Cyber roundtable
Any part of Friends Of CNM may initiate CNM Cyber roundtables, which are community discussions, especially as a part of cognitive research techniques. The target audience is any part of CNM Cyber Community Board, WorldOpp Fellow Staff, and/or WorldOpp incubators.


Expected outcomes

  1. At least 20 CNM Cyber events a month;
  2. Any milestone of WorldOpp Project;
  3. Complete staffing of an WorldOpp incubator;
  4. Nice feel and look of the CNM Cyber Meetup group.

Job description

The Administrator:
  1. Drafts the DevOps strategy, including:
    • Collects strategic ideas from the Group's members;
    • Analyzes the collected information and incorporates into strategic plans;
    • Submits the strategic plans to Friends Of CNM for their approval or critique and follows up;
  2. Organizes the DevOps, including but not limited to:
  3. Manages public relations, including but not limited to:
    • Serving as a point of contact for the public;
    • Posting all related information to this CNM Wiki;
  4. Exercises any other legal and ethical duties in order to achieve Expected outcomes.


Two meetup groups are planned to be used:
  1. Own CNM Cyber Meetup;
  2. Partner CNM meetup group at meetup.com/mbc-cnm


Main wikipage: Careerprise partner
Any Administrator shall comply with laws and policies of Friends Of CNM stated at Careerprise partner.



The Administrator shall possess or be able to possess the following qualifications:
  1. Excellent listening, proactive research, and learning capacity;
  2. KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) of the DREPD. Particularly, ability to:
    • Ask questions and otherwise research the needs called requirements of the Events' clients in the enterprise discovery efforts;
    • Structure and prioritize the requirements of the Events' clients in the enterprise research efforts;
    • Envision concepts of what needs to be done in order to satisfy the prioritized requirements of the Events' clients in the enterprise envisioning efforts;
    • Plan the designed concepts to satisfy the prioritized requirements of the Events' clients in the enterprise planning efforts;
  3. Good English speaking and writing skills;
  4. Ability to communicate information and ideas in written formats especially demonstrated on the CNM Wiki;
  5. Willingness to jump to where ever is needed.


The successful candidate will be:
  1. Until the selection quiz is created, initially selected on the basis of his or her ability to post one or more questions to this position's description;
  2. Substantively selected on the basis of his or her answer to the key selection question, What would you do first if hired?, and knowledge of this wikipage;
  3. Contingently selected on the basis of his or her qualifying performance.


With regard to:


The Administrator's role needs to be clarified and further developed. The ideas for that development are expressed in the Roadmap.


The following roadmap is proposed in order to develop this role:
  1. To launch CNM Cyber roundtables in order to:
    • Discuss challenges facing the Staff, especially recruiting tasks;
  2. To launch CNM Cyber standups in order to:
    • Facilitate the further development, especially wiki-materials;
    • Develop the strategy and guidelines for the DevOps;
  3. To capture the development, including to:
    • Record the live sessions;
    • Publish the recorded sessions on YouTube;
    • Identify the way of posting links to the recorded sessions on the wiki.


Main wiki-talk: Talk: CNMC DevOps Administrator

Those questions and answers that are related to this wikipage are posted at Talk: CNMC DevOps Administrator.

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