CNM Tech Board 2023-10-26

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Revision as of 21:08, 25 October 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) ("Old" businesses)
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CNM Tech Board 2023-10-26 is the meeting of CNM Technology Board‎ that occurred on October 26th, 2023. The predecessor meeting is CNM Tech Board 2023-10-19; the successor meeting is CNM Tech Board 2023-11-02.

"Old" businesses

Kenya launch


  • Wiki.js, XWiki, docuwiki
  1. New Wiki. Natalia installed new wiki engines. DocuWiki looks like mobile-friendly MediaWiki. XWiki acts like Confluence, but I couldn't find how to plug it into CNM GitLab. Wiki.js seems like the application our school students will enjoy the most. Natalia -- may we try to integrate it into CNM LDAP and migrate our MediaWiki database to our Wiki.js instance?


  1. New LMS. Natalia, are there any updates on the CanvasLMS project? I plan to use Moodle for the third course, but the first two sound better on another LMS. OpenEdX is, probably, too complex for us for now.


  1. CNM WordPress. Because of changes in the visa process, I cannot predict when I get to China. Since we don't do a dry run, most likely, I have time to work on something. I am thinking about our websites -- at least, they will help our educaship marketing. During our tech board, I propose to discuss that.

VPN and proxy

  1. Break through the wall. Natalia enabled experiments with OpenVPN. However, I found at least one place where VPN is blocked, so, technically, encrypted VPN can be recognized and blocked. I would like to play with the Tor browser. Also, Natalia, may you take a look at Shadowsocks? It is regarded as the best solution to our needs at least here --

Businesses to watch




  • Updates: VM-based recording experiments. 4 cores CPU, 32Gb RAM, 64Gb hard. Natalia to create a kind of instruction, Natalia and Kevin to collaborate
  • Discussions: Can we install OBS Studio to VM?
  • Plans:


  • Updates: Create an instance on the non-clustered Proxmox, Jitsi bandwidth
  • Plans: Gary to reach out to previous applicants
  • Discussions:


  • Updates: Joseph, Natalia to check the CNM Lab project
  • Discussions: Are we ready to onboard? If no, what else do we need to do?
  • Plans:

Bureau Farm (Proxmox cluster)


  • Updates: Natalia to install WSO2 IS on the CNM Lab Farm and try to plug to Opplet, "A" record
  • Discussions:
  • Plans: After CNM WordPress integration, we will look for contractors to plug in other applications.

"New" businesses

First-priority backlog

  1. Mail server:,,,
  2. CNM Lab
  3. Possibly, get rid of DigitalOcean

Second-priority backlog

  1. CNM Tube, livestreaming
  2. CNM Lab Farm, non-cluster Proxmox; for VM project -- Ansible; time tracking
  3. CNM Campus Farm

Waiting backlog

  1. PHP tasks such as CNM MediaWiki beyond CNM LDAP
  2. CNM LDAP, LDAP-C contractor
  3. Cloudflare