CNMC for Experience
CNM Cyber for Experience (hereinafter, the Session) is a learning session introducing its participants to CNM Work Suite and work at CNM Cyber. The Session consists of three lessons, each of which is made of three to five lesson parts, called lectios. Every lectio includes a presentation and a quiz. The official version of the Session is published at CNM Cert. Its materials are also published at CNM Page, CNM Talk, CNM Wiki, and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes.
The Session is the final of four sessions of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.
The predecessor activity is the CNM Cyber for Action.
CNM Cabin Essentials
- Main wikipage: CNM Cabin Essentials
CNM Lab Essentials
- Main wikipage: CNM Lab Essentials
CNM Lab Essentials Lectios # Referred topics What CNM Lab Is 1 Systems of CNM Lab 2 CNM Lab vs Wiki 3 Cyber-Security at Lab 4
- CNM Lab is the development hub that CNM Cyber brings those developers who work on CNM Cloud, which is the technology behind CNM Cyber.
- CNM Lab stores everything that CNM Cloud uses and documents all the developments. Every software application, video, individually-written source code, etc. can be found there.
- Four systems support CNM Lab. They are document collaboration, project management, version control, and file-sharing ones.
- CNM Lab's file-sharing system contains all the web documents, source code and other files that have been used in CNM Cyber's development.
- CNM Lab's version control system allows for the management of all the changes to every of them.
- CNM Lab's project management system is in the heard of this service. CNM Lab treats every development as a project. For instance, only those developers who actively work on CNM Cert's development can assign, re-assign, or report on the project tasks, as well as can access, modify, and update its private details and get the update notifications.
- The project's private details are published by the secure wiki engine of CNM Lab's document collaboration system. Its wikipages are tightened to the projects, so a particular project team can collaborate on the content for its project.
- CNM Cyber features several wiki engines and all of them play different roles. CNM Cert's wikipages are useful in setting up those learning activities that involve learners' collaboration. CNM Social provides its communities with their wikipages, so those communities can collaborate on community documents. Wikipages of both CNM Lab and CNM Wiki are involved in CNM Cyber's development.
- CNM Cyber also features two development hubs, CNM Lab and CNM Wiki, and they play different roles as well.
- CNM Wiki belongs to the Competency Suite and is completely open to the public. Everyone can see that 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Even pre-entry-level developers can see the development process and entry-level ones can start working.
- On the contrary, CNM Lab belongs to the Work Suite and is private. Only administrators of CNM Cyber can manually grant access to CNM Lab for particular CNM Cyber users; it is not granted automatically.
- Finally, CNM Wiki is used to collaborate on the development of documents. CNM Lab deals with software development. CNM Lab' version control system is dedicated and its software repository can contain not only image files, but any type of single files and even software development projects.
- Within CNM Cyber, CNM Lab stores the most security-sensitive technical accounts. CNM Lab contains every detail of CNM Cloud's architecture and all its private keys that can be used to access CNM Cloud's core.
- Cybercriminals can use those accounts in order to attack CNM Cyber. CNM Lab has to be highly cyber-secure in order to provide CNM Cyber with cyber-security.
- CNM Cabin stores user records and is equally secure. Both services make up the Work Suite.
CNM Cyber Workforce
- Main wikipage: CNM Cyber Workforce
CNM Cyber Workforce Lectios # Referred topics What CNM Social Is 1 CNM Social Spaces 2 CNM Cyber Communities 3 Social at Action Suite 4
No successor session exists in the CNM Cyber Welcome Course. The CNM Cyber Orientation is the next course.