Named vs Trial Apps

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Named vs Trial Apps (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Cloud Next Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to Opplet. This lesson belongs to the CNMC for Experience session of EmployableU Concepts.


The predecessor lectio is New Tech at Cloud.


There are two types of CNM apps.
The primary apps, CNM named apps, are well-documented and named. CNM Cabin, Cert, Lab, Linkup, Mail, Page,, Talk, Tube, CNM Corp, and CNM Wiki are those eleven named apps that belong to the Bureau Apps.
Any CNM named app has at least two identical twins. For instance, Opplet has three instances of Educaship Moodle, three instances of Educaship WordPress, three instances of Educaship MediaWiki, and so on. It makes the total number of the named apps thirty three, or eleven multiplied by three.
Those identical twins, who are human beings, share the same genes. At Opplet, identical apps share the same software, but the content such as texts and graphics, is likely to be different since their users' goals vary. CNM Bureau Apps can be used by KSA Certified Digital Operators. CNM HandsOn Apps are used by the learners who practice how to use CNM apps. CNM Next Apps are used by Educaship fellows who practice how to administer CNM apps.
The secondary apps, CNM trial apps, are not named. Their documentation may or may not exist. Their exact number is flexible because any app can be deployed or retired at any time. They can be installed only on CNM Lab Farm and belong to CNM Next Apps. No CNM trial app can be installed at either CNM Bureau Farm or CNM HandsOn Farm.

Key terms

CNM named app, CNM trial app


Is the concept of CNM trial apps explained well?---Yes/No/I'm not sure

CNMCyber Projects is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam