CNM Cloud Project

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Revision as of 20:53, 24 December 2018 by Gary (talk | contribs)
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CNM Cloud Project (hereinafter, the Project) is the endeavor undertaken to provide the Career Network Ministry with CNM Cloud in order to deliver services of CNM Digital. Friends Of CNM Cloud Administrator is responsible and members of Careerprise Team (hereinafter, the Team) shall be accountable for this Project. The Project is a part of Friends Of CNM Program.

Project-wide requirements

Business requirements

Main wikipage: CNM Digital

Solution requirements

Main wikipage: CNM Cloud requirements
CNM Cloud requirements is the best wikipage to overview general solution requirements; however, different parts of the Cloud have their specific requirements that are or shall be published at their wikipages. A big portion of solution requirements is also published in Russian --Брацко_Облако


Five phases are identified as of December of 2018. The first phase has been accomplished and the second is the current one.

Beginnings -- completed phase

Main wikipage: CNM Cloud Project beginnings
CNM Cloud Project beginnings is the first phase of the Project. It was accomplished by the beginning of 2018. The beginnings could be characterized by three factors:
  1. Many experiments including software ventures and examinations of both technology and various organizational structures designed to support that technology;
  2. Unbalanced and often disruptive availability of resources. Although the Team enjoyed assistance of a number of volunteers, donor's money, software subscriptions, and venues, the Team's inability to pay for technology sustainability ultimately led to several adverse events including the major technology crash in 2016 and further necessity to destroy the first cloud.
  3. Poor recording, documenting, and storage facilities. For instance, just few training materials were saved and just a couple of videos were taken at hundreds of training sessions. As a result, volunteer time could be utilized way more efficiently.
Nonetheless, a few significant concepts, lessons learned, and lines of code were developed during this initiating phase of the Project.

Embryo -- current phase

Main wikipage: CNM Cloud Project embryo
CNM Cloud Project embryo is the second phase of the Project. Several concepts, lessons learned, and pieces of software that was developed in the CNM Cloud Project beginnings have been utilized in the successor phase. The Team calls the new phase Embryo because the embryo of the new cloud is going to be developed during this phase. The key developments could be summarized as follows. The Team:
  1. Identified:
    • Business needs. These needs are expressed in User stories for the embryo;
    • System architecture including the core package of technology that would support User stories for the embryo;
  2. Designed and is implementing a new recruitment process based on the core package of developed technology;
  3. Dramatically increased funding for both technology development and recruitment.

Organization -- future third phase

CNM Ventureware based on an Odoo instance shall be the primary deliverable of the third phase. Other deliverables may include Eventtune, CNM Calendar, CNM Videoshareware, CNM Mailware, CNM Talkware. New sprints of are also expected.

Security -- future fourth phase

Private clouds such as Dev Cloud, Production Cloud, and Control Cloud shall be primary deliverables of the fourth phase of the Project.

Federation -- future fifth phase

At the fifth phase of the Project, the initial requirements, CNM Digital by Loredana C, shall be revised and tested on the completion. This phase is also reserved for any developments, especially federations, that haven't been accomplished in the previous phases.

Current state


Three members of the development group who are currently working on the Project are as follows:
  1. Romanof. As the PHP sub-project manager and developer, Romanof developed all working parts of the existing technology. Romanof also documented in Fixett a deal of the work done;
  2. Gary Ihar. As the product owner, Gary is drafting documentation in CNM Wiki on every software included in the second phase;
  3. Natalia. As a vendor liaison, Natalia is working on CNM Wikiware documentation.

Completion rates

The DADP is the development cycle that includes 4 components: (1) discover, (2) analyze, (3) design, and (4) plan. No component is fully developed to the date. The following table presents estimates on every component of every software to be launched:
CNM software Service Sprint Description DADP component
Discover Analyze Design Plan
Platform Infrastructure (temporarily, outsourced) Second Requirements and designs are drafted in Russian in Fixett; DigitalOcean is temporarily used for implementations 90% 90% 90% 90%
Middleware Fourth Requirements and designs are drafted in Russian in Fixett; handles user management for CNM Cloud 75% 75% 75% 75%
Productware Fixett Second Requirements and designs are drafted in Russian in Fixett; the current implementation is located at a classified URL 50% 50% 50% 50%
Courseware Campus Second Requirements and designs are drafted in Russian in Fixett and English in CNM Wiki; the current implementation is located at 25% 25% 25% 25%
Wikiware Wiki Second Requirements and designs are drafted in Russian in Fixett and English in CNM Wiki; the current implementations are located at and, in Russian, at 90% 90% 90% 90%
Publicware CNM website Second Requirements and designs are drafted in English in CNM Wiki; some implementations launched in the first sprint include and 25% 10% 10% 0%


Lack of procurement documentation is still the primary obstacle for the Project to move forward faster. There are a plenty of developers ready to implement technical requirements, but those requirements are needed to be documented. If some backup has been de-facto implemented, the state of cyber-security is either inappropriate or unknown.


Neither education nor experience is needed for the vacancies listed below. Full-time (at least, 40 hours a week) availability and willingness to learn on the job (and any learning includes so-called "errors" and "mistakes") are absolute musts. Since English language is the primary medium at Friends Of CNM, some level of English capacity is needed as well.