CNM Event Organizer
A CNM Event Organizer (hereinafter, the Org) is an incumbent of the initial, first-quarter CNMCyber practice (hereinafter, the Practice) that The Economic Group has developed to practically introduce CNMCyber patrons to event organizing. The Orgs generally practice in organizing CNMCyber events or other meetings and conferences, including their preparation, moderation, and post-event activities. A CNMCyber event that the Org is about to organize, hereinafter, is referred as the Event.
The Orgs may develop either:
- Those Events that the Orgs are authorized to produce, or
- Those requirements that would allow hiring Careerprise contractors to develop those CNMCyber events that the Orgs don't produce directly, on their own. The Practice belongs to the first quarter of CNMCyber Bootcamps. This quarter's lessons are called Event Organizer Bootcamp (hereinafter, the Bootcamp); are designed to prepare the Orgs to that Practice.
The Practice is offered to those CNMCyber patrons who successfully pass CNM Event Organizing Exam at the end of Bootcamp's lessons. Successful completion of the Practice qualifies the Residents as KSA Certified Event Organizers.
Choice of practice
- The Orgs can choose between:
- Authorized events that CNMCyber Customer authorized for funding. Any Org is welcome to pick any event that he or she would like to practice with.
- Their own events for which they can request CNMCyber Customer's authorization.
- By default, the Orgs choose those Events that suit them best. Since timing of some CNMCyber events cannot be moved, the Orgs can pick those events which schedule work for the Orgs.
Effort cycles
- To perform effectively, the Org is encouraged to follow the DREPD cycles, particularly:
- Discover the needs via reviewing the CNMCyber Event-Driven Projects wikipage, other events on the market, and communicating with stakeholders.
- Research event requirements and available resources -- one can call it "researching this very knowledge base, similar events on the market, and, if anything is unclear, asking questions about what should be done and whether requirements to how it should be done are available" in order to prioritize and prepare assumptions for the those parts that are not covered by the requirements.
- Envision the event including all of its possible details; and, finally;
- Plan the design of the upcoming meeting.
- Discover the needs via facilitating the already designed meeting and commissioning the event records in order to restart the cycle.
How to start
- Are you interested in getting started as the Org? Please follow a step-by-step instruction as follows:
- Succeed as a CNM Website Developer.
- Until Event Organizer Bootcamp is fully developed, briefly review the following wikipages:
- This very wikipage since it describes your event organizing Practice specifically,
- Event organizing since this wikipage describes management of meetings and conventions generally, not specifically to your Practice, but your Practice can correlate to it,
- Event 5W3H since your Practice will deal with event settings,
- CNMCyber event wikipage since it describes the events you are about to organize, and
- CNMCyber Event Projects since this wikipage describes those events that are authorized to practice with.
- Ask questions.
- At the CNMCyber Event Projects wikipage, pick up the event you would like to organize or advance.
- Present your pick during a CNMCyber This Week event, while stating (a) the event you picked, (b) what you plan to deliver, and (c) how much time you expect to work in order to deliver what you plan to deliver.
- Wait for CNMCyber Customer's approval or feedback to start your Practice this week or modify your proposal.
- The Org's Practice touches many occupations. They may include one or more of the following:
- Convention planning such as Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners as long as the Orgs plan events.
- Document production such as Desktop Publishers, Information and Record Clerks, News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists, and Technical Writers as long as the Orgs produce documents before, during, and after events.
- Marketing such as Customer Relationship Manager, Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists, Marketing Managers, Online Merchants, Public Relations Specialists, Sales Engineers as long as the Orgs introduce upcoming events and their records to the public, as well as position them on the market.
- Knowledge management such as Document Management Specialists, Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks as long as the Orgs manage documents before, during, and after events.
- Product design such as Business Analysts, Business Intelligence Analysts, Product Managers, Product Owners, Requirements Engineers as long as the Orgs collect stakeholders requirements and design events.
- CNMCyber Meetup group (hereinafter, the Group) as a channel for onsite events; and/or
- WorldOpp (fb) Facebook page (hereafter, the FB Page) to connect with event participants.
- CNM Tube
- CNM Talk
- Recording room
- OBS Studio
- CNMCyber at YouTube
What Orgs produce
- Most importantly, the Orgs are expected to acquire their new knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) and other benefits as their result of the Practice. As a part of CNMCyber Team, the Orgs shall produce two categories of measurable outputs:
- Internal documents that the Org who practice utilize in the organizing process and that the other Orgs may further utilize in their Practice as prototypes and training materials.
- Public deliverables that event consumers will obtain as results of the event.
Public deliverables
Attendees' experiences
Event records
Scripts, videos
Media footprints
Outreach materials
- Outreach materials, which are marketing drafts intended to outreach to current and potential clients and participants such as Friends Of CNM newsletters.
- Webpage texts
Internal documents
For the purposes of this very wikipage, internal documents refer to those documents which target audience differs from the general public regardless of whether those documents are available to the public or not. A particular Org who practices with a particular CNMCyber event shall use internal documents for development process; the other Orgs who will further work on other events, may use those documents as prototypes and training materials. As work products of the Orgs, documents shall be published at CNM Wiki.
Event wikipages
- For the purposes of this very wikipage, event wikipages refer to those pages of CNM Wiki that describe CNMCyber events as parts of Careerprise Funnel and other products that the Event cycles are intended to create.
- At CNM Wiki, any event wikipage belong to one of two groups:
- Event group wikipages describe common features of one group of events. CNMCyber This Week, CNMCyber Guided Tours, and CNMCyber Welcome wikipages describe series of events. The CNMCyber event wikipage describes common features of all events that the Orgs organize. Event group wikipages include deliverable requirements, organizational and technical documentation such as standing operating procedures (SOPs), minutes of the meetings, testing and other reports, etc. Those pages are listed at the "CNMCyber Events" category.
- Single event wikipages describe particular events. Category names of single events depend on the names of the series they belong to; for instance, "CNMCyber This Week" category, "CNMCyber Guided Tours" category , and "CNMCyber Welcome" category.
Project documents
- Location of project documents such as project charter, asset register, competency register, stakeholder register, requirements traceability matrix, project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria, as well as those communications, memos, meetings, etc. that are related to developments of CNMCyber events depends on predictability of events. Project documents for:
- Predictable events such as CNMCyber This Week, CNMCyber Guided Tours, and CNMCyber Welcome are published on their event group wikipages altogether with their standing operating procedures (SOPs). For the purposes of this very wikipage, predictable events refer to those meetings and conventions that have known agendas, descriptions, locations, speakers, timing, and titles.
- Unpredictable events are published on single event wikipages. For the purposes of this very wikipage, unpredictable events refer to those meetings and conventions which agendas, descriptions, locations, speakers, timing, and/or titles are not known at the moment when the Org starts organizing them.
- Progress on projects to develop particular CNMCyber events is documented using the CNMCyber Event Projects wikipage. It belongs to the "Event Projects" category.
For the purposes of this very wikipage, events refer to meetings or conferences that are planned for special purposes. While organizing events, the Orgs are engaged in the What Orgs do activities.
Authorized events
- Those Events that are authorized to practice with are listed on the CNMCyber Event Projects wikipage.
Outreach events
- Outreach events, which are CNMCyber events organized to promote the Cyber, the Cloud, CNMCyber Team, technologies, needs, and services to outreach to current and potential clients and participants. Specifically to the Coords, the outreach products include CNMCyber This Week events, which are weekly meetings of the Coords who present (a) what they accomplished last week, (b) what they plan to do next week, and (c) what assistance do they need. The outreach events are normally published on the CNMCyber Meetup group.
What Orgs do
No final instructions exist. Blueprints below represent just suggestions, not strict directions. Based on timing of their Effort cycles, the Orgs' practice can be divided in sets of processes.
Whenever is appropriate
- Whenever is appropriate, the Orgs shall:
- Respond to possible comments of the Event participants.
- Observe whether anything related to the Event goes not as it has been planned.
- Raise the challenging issues and general observations in the CNMCyber Users space.
- Update event wikipages at CNM Wiki whenever new data emerges, as well as CNMCyber Meetup, WorldOpp fb-page, and CNM Social announcements when the Event 5W3H settings change.
- Request (a) assistance of other members of CNMCyber Team when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the series and/or CNMCyber event wikipages when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
- Report on progress of the event organizing using the CNM Event Projects wikipage; the report shall include proposed or implemented improvements to the Event.
- Present the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
Preparing the Event
- To prepare the Event, the Orgs:
- In about 6 days and 23 hours before the Event, shall:
- Follow the How to start recommendations.
- Join the CNMCyber Users space.
- Create a single event wikipage for the Event at CNM Wiki. The Org should use the previous event page if your event is a part of a series.
- Make sure that the wikipage that the Org has just created addresses all of the required settings of the Event 5W3H framework.
- Identify the business need that the Event you are about to organize shall satisfy.
- Explore existing CNMCyber events, their documentation at CNM Wiki, other events related to career services that are available on the market and that address similar business needs.
- Compare existing CNMCyber events, their documentation at CNM Wiki, as well as other websites related to career services that are available on the market to detect opportunities to improve existing CNMCyber events.
- Decide whether the Org is changing anything to make the Event better.
- Publish the Event at the CNMCyber Users space, while implementing those changes that don't contradict the corresponding series and CNMCyber event wikipages.
- Check whether the particular Org has event organizer rights in the CNMCyber Meetup group. The particular Org should be able to edit events there.
- Publish the Event on the CNMCyber Meetup group unless the event has already been published as a repetitive event. Copying a similar event, if such event is available, tends to save time.
- Adjust the Event's URL to the[event-label]-[2-digit-month]-[2-digit-day]] format; for instance,
- Finalize the Event's settings; here, the Org shall improve them based on the Org's exploration of the market.
- Check whether the particular Org has event organizer rights on the WorldOpp fb-page. The particular Org should be able to edit events there.
- Publish the Event on the WorldOpp fb-page unless the event has already been published as a repetitive event.
- Adapt the Event's URL and other settings similar to the ones in the CNMCyber Meetup group.
- In about 15 minutes before the Event, shall:
- In about 5 minutes before the Event, shall:
- Switch on the recording function of CNM Talk.
- Start the recording function of another tool.
- Leave the created videoconference as a bot.
- Enter the created videoconference as the particular Org.
- In about 6 days and 23 hours before the Event, shall:
- When (a) the Event is fully planned and documented at CNM Wiki, (b) its announcement is published at CNM Social, CNMCyber Meetup, WorldOpp fb-page, (c) the videoconferencing is started as by the "Record bot" from the recording room, (d) the Event's recording in the recording room has been started, (e) the Org left the recording room, and (f) the Org has entered the videoconference as the Org, the Event should be considered as prepared.
Facilitating the Event
- To facilitate the Event, the Orgs shall:
- Remember that the Org who organizes the Event is not only a participant but also the host of the event. Particularly, that means that the Orgs should mention that they act as simple participants when they do so.
- Begin greeting the participants at the time that is announced as the start time; that would indicate that the Event has been started on time.
- Present themselves and welcome the participants.
- Preview the Event to the participants, while stating its key points.
- Disclaim that the Event is recorded.
- State where the recording will be available after the end of the Event.
- Introduce new sections of the Event.
- Recognize the Event's speakers.
- Moderate the questions and answers (Q&A) part of the Event, if any.
- Indicate why CNMCyber organizes such events.
- Invite the participants to attend upcoming CNMCyber events.
- If some participants are not a part of CNMCyber Team, invite them to join.
- Close the Event while restating its key points, follow-ups, location of the recording.
- Leave the created videoconference as its participant.
- Enter the recording room.
- Login into CNM Talk as a "Record bot".
- Switch off the recording function of CNM Talk.
- Stop the videoconference.
- The Event is closed when its videoconference is stopped.
Commissioning the records
- To commission the Event's records, the Orgs shall:
- Create the Event's summary on the event wikipage of CNM Wiki.
- Publish the recording and the Event's summary at CNM Tube.
- Publish the recording and the Event's summary at the CNMCyber at YouTube channel. Please note that YouTube will not save any links such as to CNM Wiki and CNMCyber Meetup.
- Create the recording script of the meeting using the CNMCyber at YouTube channel; you don't need to edit the script.
- Publish the script on the event wikipage of CNM Wiki.
- Publish the link to the recording that is hosted by CNM Tube as an Event comment in the CNMCyber Meetup group.
- Publish the link to the recording that is hosted by CNM Tube as an Event comment on the WorldOpp fb-page.
recording function of another tool.
Everyone is welcome to apply. Attracting participants of event is not a part of the Org role. Usually, CNMC Event Administrator is responsible for that task.
- An initiative group is currently looking for a "Meeting Organizer" to join our future team. This is an entry level position with opportunity for growth. The candidate is expected to organize one or more weekly meetings to discuss challenges, especially in recruitment, that the Community faces.
- Job Description:
- Primarily, organize one or more CNMCyber roundtables. In addition:
- Research and recommend new sources for active and passive candidate recruiting;
- Network and maintain relationships with key talent communities for short and long-term opportunities;
- Develop a sustainable talent acquisition and hiring strategy to meet growth needs of the Community;
- Find bottlenecks in the recruiting process and provide suggestions for improving the candidate experience;
- Develop a broad professional network of top talent;
- Stay current on market trends and competitors within our industry.
- Requirements:
- Must be able to read, write, speak, understand and comprehend some level of English;
- High School Diploma or equivalent is not required; Bachelor's Degree or graduate degree may be an obstacle;
- Excellent communication skills and/or ability to acquire those skills are required;
- Must be able to work or learn to work as part of a team;
- Strong problem-solving and analytical skills and/or ability to acquire those skills are required.
What to expect
- If you succeed to state what valuable you would do for this project, you will get a job offer for 5 hours weekly. In this particular project, the job offer is more like a beginning rather than the destination point. Your skills would be assessed based on your performance, not "interviewing".
- If you succeed not to state anything concrete (let say, you say some nonsense similar to "I will deliver on this project by scheduling meetings and ensuring they are successful and their outcome can be felt immediately"), you can be offered to organize one meeting just to see that you are able to do something valuable knowing that you are not able to write.
- When you start working, you can expect detailed feedback. Questions, creative solutions, and taking risks are especially welcome. Under any circumstance, you will not be punished for taking a risk if your endeavor is undertaken within the scope of the project. Your charges will be disputed if you try to charge the financier for your personal stuff such as working on other projects, chatting to your friends on Facebook, etc.
- If you succeed to organize at least one meeting within a week, your contract will be extended. A bad meeting is better than no meeting at all -- no one is perfect, so is your performance expected to be.
- If you succeed to organize no meeting within a week, the contract will be paused, you will be asked why and, if no clear output is achieved, the your contract will be ended. This doesn't mean that we cannot work on other projects.
- Please note that Gary aka "Igor" is widely available for soliciting additional requirements from him. All currently available requirements are posted at CNMCyber roundtable -- please visit the link. It is under constant development, but it reflects the current state of development.
- The role was identified in early July of 2018. The job announcement was published on July 10th. Fourteen initial job offers were sent; two of them were never accepted and eight of contractors either have never started working or started in unacceptable ways.
- On August 2nd, 2018, michael succeeded to organize the first meeting. On August 4th, Gary aka "Igor" sent the following message to every of four contractors working on the role:
Today marks three weeks that we have been collaborating on the project. Since we have already had the first meeting, it is successful. In a week, I will be evaluating your contributions to its success. If you don't organize any meeting and/or contributed to the wikipages, I will end our contract, while marking your work as success, giving all-star rating, and positive feedback. Meeting my expectations is not a challenge. You have met those and I appreciate your service. However, we need to keep going forward. I would like to see that you are able to move this project to the next level, which are development/brainstorming meetings every day and fully staffed Thank you so much for everything you have done!