CNM Apps

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CNM Cloud In this presentation we will take a look at cloud essentials, Opplet roles, cloud applications and we will end up with the development of the cloud. Definition, CNM Cloud is the information technology that supports CNM Digital. CNM Digital is online services that Friend of CNM delivers to patrons of Career Network Ministry. There are five primary services;

  • The Websites, it’s a website available on the internet which serve the purpose to attract new and potential patrons.
  • CNM Wiki, we are using this wiki for the presentation. If you look at the screen you will see the word WIKI shows to the users of the internet.
  • CNM Campus, its learning management system where the courses including WorldOpp Orientation, where people can take exams or get certified and
  • Fixett is the system or developer hub, its actually not a system, its serving systems which serve developers. Why? it is kind of related to money, it is because this is where CNM vendors submit their works and get paid. All of those systems are stored on the opplet.
  • Opplet is the middle wear or a system which manages user rights and permissions. Users can assess Opplet through a dashboard which is called

If you want to restore your password in any of those systems, you are actually will be communicating to the opplet not to the system directly. Regardless of the fact that you can feel that you are on the system, the system, Opplet grants different roles, different permissions and an opplet role is any system user role within CNM Cloud.

There are several roles, one is Net anyone, any user of world wide web, net consumer is any user of world wide web who has expressed his/her interest in careerprice services but hasn`t made any purchase yet. Cert customer is a customer who made at least one purchase from Friends od CNM, Cert associate is a graduate from WorldOpp orientation who may or may not be a career price partner, a Cert Developer is a graduate from WorldOpp Developer seminar who may or may not be a careerprice vendor. The vendors get user rights at fixett.

A cert fellow is a graduate from WorldOpp placement seminar who may or may not be a WorldOpp Fellow, the Fellows get user rights at Fixett and admin rights at CNM Wiki. The structure of CNM Digital is very similar to the structure of CNM Cloud basically it repeats. CNM Wiki are powered by CNM Wiki ware, CNM Campus is powered by CNM courseware, Fixett is powered by CNM product ware and CNM websites are powered by CNM site ware. All these four are called CNM apps or applications and CNM app is any user and user application of the CNM Cloud.

Now, development of CNM Cloud occurs under CNM Cloud project which is the endeavor undertaken to provide your career network ministry with CNM Cloud in order to deliver services of CNM Digital. The project has several stages, currently has of January 2019 we are building so called umbrella which will give sites, campus, wiki, fixett and so on.

If you want to take a look at what are supposed to be developed further, in the third stage we plan to add even management system, something to share videos, emails and talk ware which is meant for video conferencing software.

In the fourth face, we most likely move to the cloud itself. The fifth stage will be federation and polishing everything, cleaning everything and making those sub-projects which were delayed and make them happen.

For now, in the development, we are looking for developers. Most importantly right now we need to develop CNM Cloud requirements which are requirements both business and solution ones that are valid for any part of CNM Cloud and example of those requirements you can possibly find on CNM Wiki page which is any page of CNM Wiki but if you click there you can find requirements for wiki page so you can have a better feeling what we are looking for.

The next presentation will be welcome to WorldOpp team.

WorldOpp's trade mark

Development Of WorldOpp is the last presentation in the Introduction to Careerprise lecture. The lecture itself is the sixth in WorldOpp Orientation. Consequently, the Orientation is the first stage of WorldOpp Pipeline.

This wikipage presents its full script and those test questions that are related to that presentation.


The video of the presentation is published at (2:58). Here is its full text.


Welcome to Development Of WorldOpp. In this brief presentation, we are going to take a look at the WorldOpp Project, which is an endeavor undertaken in order to create WorldOpp. Separate stops will be made at those events that are both related to that project and open to the general public. Let's shake it up.
WorldOpp Project. An endeavor undertaken to create WorldOpp.
WorldOpp event. Any event designed and/or organized by one or more WorldOpp event hosts that is absolutely free to its participants to attend.

What WorldOpp Project is

WorldOpp project is an endeavor undertaken to create an advanced WorldOpp, nothing is perfect and WorldOpp regards to the fact that it is in its seventh year of life right now as of January of 2019. The word WorldOpp emerged like two years ago, the program is older than its name and the most urgent need is probably which is the official website and this website yet needs to be designed yet we have many vendors who are available to develop it and the question is what will be written there, what should emerge there, what pages so design requirements this is the main tasks right now.

WorldOpp events is in some instruments to develop WorldOpp and WorldOpp events is any event designed, organized one or more WorldOpp events hosts that is absolutely free to its participants to attend. There are several types of WorldOpp events, here we will talk about three, first is WorldOpp prime table. If you are a part or a candidate or want to be a part at any time you are welcome to initaiate round table which woud be a discussion of Friends of CNM or brain storm solutions or to help in any how. CNM stand out is a little bit different from members of the team, employees like fellows but it should be available, open, most of these sessions. Not every but some of these sessions should be available for other to participate and to see what is going on and to ask questions which will be answered afterwards.

WorldOpp seminar is any seminar which covers the topics of WorldOpp and which is free of charge, with this we are ready to jump to introduction to CNM Cloud as our next lecture.


This concludes the Development Of WorldOpp presentation. We have defined WorldOpp Project and taken a look at the [WorldOpp event]]s associated with that including WorldOpp roundtable, CNM standup, and WorldOpp seminars. If you haven't done yet so, you are now welcome to move to WorldOpp Team Essentials.

Quiz questions

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.

See also