Partners in CNMCyber

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Partners in CNM Cyber (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Cyber Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cyber. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cyber session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is CNM Cyber Suites.

Key terms

Friends Of CNM's trade mark
Friends Of CNM. A non-government non-political non-religious group of legal entities, every of which is called a CNM friend, that provides the Career Network Ministry (CNM) with CNM Cyber at no cost to CNM and, furthermore, provides patrons of the CNM with those services that CNM does not offer.
WorldOpp Fellowship. The service that the CNM Cyber Team and Friends Of CNM jointly design, produce, market, and/or deliver to the patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) and worldwide.


The CNM Cyber Team is constantly looking for partners to keep the existing CNM Cyber services available, as well as to add new services.
Friends Of CNM is an alias name of a commercial company that sponsors CNM Cyber. This company covers all the expenses associated with CNM Cyber, employs its staffers, and, generally speaking, leads the implementation of requirements that the CNM Cyber Team creates.
The Friends Of CNM has been created to support and extend services of the Career Network Ministry (CNM). In the nutshell, the Friends Of CNM would like to enhance those services that CNM offers and provide the patrons of CNM with those services that CNM does not offer. To achieve that goal, the CNM Cyber Team and Friends Of CNM have teamed up to design, develop, and market WorldOpp Fellowship. This fellowship is a combination of three lines of services.
The first is called Careerprise and this is designed to be a one stop shop for career services, which shall be delivered by Careerprise partners that the Friends Of CNM sources, screens, selects, and controls.
Educaship is a combination of education (the edu part), career administration (the ca part), and apprenticeship (the ship part). The Friends Of CNM is looking for educational partners to launch that.
WorldOpp is an international development programme which goal is to look for entrepreneurial-minded people especially in under-served communities around the world and help those people to launch their enterprises.
Donors cover all the costs associated with WorldOpp Fellowship. In addition, the Friends Of CNM offer its paid services to the members of CNM Cyber Team at no cost.

WorldOpp Services is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:

Placement entrance exam

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.
"Careerprise" questions:
  1. Careerprise is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  2. Careerprise is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  3. Careerprise is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  4. Enterprise is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  5. Enterprise is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  6. Enterprise is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  7. Careerprise service is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  8. Careerprise service is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  9. Careerprise service is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  10. Educaship is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  11. Educaship is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  12. Educaship is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.

"Friends" questions:
  1. Friends Of CNM delivers (or does not deliver) CNM Cyber.
  2. Friends Of CNM delivers (or does not deliver) services directly.
  3. Friends Of CNM delivers (or does not deliver) services of WorldOpp Pipeline.
  4. Friends Of CNM includes (not) only individuals and organizations.
  5. Friends Of CNM includes (not) only individuals.
  6. Friends Of CNM includes (not) only organizations.
  7. Friends Of CNM intends (or does not intend) to create a platform for professional networking.
  8. Friends Of CNM intends (or does not intend) to provide Career Network Ministry with CNM Cyber.
  9. Friends Of CNM intends (or does not intend) to provide Career Network Ministry with services at no cost.
  10. Friends Of CNM intends (or does not intend) to provide patrons of the CNM with new services.
  11. Friends Of CNM is (not) a Christian group.
  12. Friends Of CNM is (not) a community-driven educational initiative.
  13. Friends Of CNM is (not) a department of the Career Network Ministry (CNM).
  14. Friends Of CNM is (not) a governmental group.
  15. Friends Of CNM is (not) a group of individuals.
  16. Friends Of CNM is (not) a group of legal entities.
  17. Friends Of CNM is (not) a group of organizations.
  18. Friends Of CNM is (not) a host of Careerprise services.
  19. Friends Of CNM is (not) a legal entity itself.
  20. CNM Cyber Workforce is (not) a part of Friends Of CNM.
"CNM" questions:
  1. The Career Network Ministry is (not) a legal entity.
  2. The government runs (or does not run) Career Network Ministry (CNM).
"Services" questions:
  1. CNM Cyber Services is (not) a legal entity.
  2. CNM Cyber Services is (not) a part of Educaship Alliance LLC.
  3. CNM Cyber Services is (not) the default host of Careerprise services.
  4. CNM Cyber Services is (not) the backbone of WorldOpp Pipeline.
  5. CNM Cyber Services is (not) a part of Friends Of CNM.
  6. CNM Cyber Services is (not) a community-driven educational initiative.
  7. CNM Cyber Services is (not) a department of the Career Network Ministry (CNM).
  8. CNM Cyber Services is (not) a part of CNM Community Board.
  9. CNM Cyber Services is (not) one of CNM professional committees.
  10. CNM Cyber Services is (not) one of CNM industry councils.
  11. CNM Cyber Services administers (or does not administer) computer services of the Career Network Ministry (CNM).
  12. CNM Cyber Services consists (or does not consist) of industry councils and professional committees.
  13. CNM Cyber Services brings (or does not bring) online services to patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM).