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Any [[CNM Cyber Project Coordinator]] (hereinafter, the ''Coord'') is the learner matriculated into the [[WorldOpp Pipeline]] program who is undergoing initial practical training. This training is a part of the [[CNM Cyber Placement]] stage.  
[[CNMCyber Coordinator]] (hereinafter, the ''Coord'') is an incumbent of the graduating, final-quarter [[CNMCyber practice]] (hereinafter, the ''Practice'') that [[The Economic Group]] has developed to practically introduce [[CNMCyber patron]]s to workspace overall. The ''Coords'' practice in executing the [[CNM Agile]] framework primarily including coordination of its separate endeavors.
At the [[Occupational Information Network]], the closest occupation is [[Information Technology Project Manager]]. The [[CITPMA|Certified Information Technology Project Management Associate]] ([[CITPMA]]) credential is awarded to the successful ''Coords''.
The ''Coords'' don't develop [[CNMCyber product]]s directly, on their own. On the contrary, they assist in hiring [[Careerprise contractor]]s and working with them.
The ''Practice'' belongs to the fourth quarter of [[CNMCyber Bootcamps]] (hereinafter, the ''Bootcamp''). This quarter's lessons are called [[Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp]]; they are designed to prepare the ''Coords'' to that ''Practice''. The ''Practice'' is offered to those [[CNM Cloud Operator]]s who successfully pass [[Information Technology Project Management Exam]] after taking the fourth quarter's classes. The graduating endeavor encompasses the learner's individual plan to land a professional job. Successful completion of the cyber coordination practice qualifies the ''Coords'' as [[Certified Information Technology Project Management Associate]]s ([[Certified Information Technology Project Management Associate|CITPMA]]s). Graduation from the ''Role'' ends the ''Bootcamp''.
The ''Coords'' work on [[project]]s, which can be defined as [[enterprise effort]]s undertaken to create a unique [[deliverable]], functional features of which are identified or can be identified before the ''efforts'' start. Any ''project'' can be viewed as a set of [[process]]es. The ''deliverables'' of the ''projects'' that the ''Coords'' coordinate are described in the [[#Products|Products]] section of this wikipage.
===Authorized work===
: Одобренные для финансирования и доступные для ''Координаторов'' проекты собраны на трёх вики-страницах:
The ''Coords'' practice is to facilitate someone else's performance on [[#Projects vs operations|Projects vs operations]] related to [[CNMCyber product]]s. The ''Coord'' [[#Choice of work|chooses]] the paid work from the [[#Authorized work|Authorized work]]; alternatively, the ''Coord'' may propose own work, which may or may not be authorized for compensation. To learn about benefits, competencies, history, supervision, and target audiences, please consult the '''[[CNMCyber practice]]''' wikipage.
# [[Работы над Bskol]] для разработок услуг по подготовке к трудоустройству и его получения для тех, кто находится на рынке труда или собирается там быть.
# [[Робота над iDosvid]] (на украинском языке) для разработок услуг по профессиональной ориентации школьников общеобразовательных школ и получения первоначального опыта.
# [https://pravka.bskol.com/en/CNM_Cloud_Usable CNM Cloud Usable] (на английском языке; русскоязычная версия -- [[Работы над Облаком]]) для разработок комплекса технологий под названием [[Брацко Облако]].
    Projects approved for funding and available to the ''Coords'' are collected on three wiki pages:
===Choice of practice===
: By default, the ''Coords'' choose [[#Endeavors|Endeavors]] that suit them best. [[CNMCyber Project Manager]]s may ask a ''Coord'' to take an urgent or specific project when they know anything professional about the ''Coord''. That means that the ''Coords'' have to choose their first endeavor at least.
    Work on Bskol to develop employment preparation and acquisition services for those who are in the labor market or are going to be there.
: The work of the ''Coords'' is paid when they work on those endeavors that funding is authorized on the '''[[CNMCyber Usable]]''' wikipage. That page contains links to:
    Work on iDosvid (in Ukrainian) to develop career guidance services for secondary school students and gain initial experience.
:* Endeavors that the ''Coords'' can work on. Those pages are called "endeavor pages" and are combined in the [[:Category: CNMCyber endeavors]]; for instance, [[WordPress for CNM Cloud]].
    CNM Cloud Usable (in English; Russian version - Works on the Cloud) for the development of a set of technologies called Bratsko Cloud.
:* Products that should emerge as a result of the ''Coords'' work. Those pages are called "product pages" and are combined in the [[:Category:CNM Cyber products]]; for instance, [[Educaship WordPress]].
===Choice of work===
: Any ''Coord'' is welcome to pick any endeavor he or she would like to work on. In addition, the ''Coords'' are encouraged to propose their own endeavors.
: ''Координатор'' имеет право выбора того проекта, который ему или ей больше подходит. Работа ''Координатора'' оплачивается, если он или она работает над проектом включённым в один из [[#Списки профинансированных|Списков профинансированных проектов]]. ''Координатор'' также может предложить свой проект.
    The ''Coord'' has the right to choose the project that suits him or her best. The work of the ''Coord'' is paid if he or she works on a project included in one of the Lists of Funded Projects. The ''Coord'' can also propose his own project.
===How to start===
: Are you interested in getting started as the ''Coord''? Please follow a step-by-step instruction as follows:
:# '''Get''' professional experience as [[CNM Website Developer]], [[CNM Event Organizer]], and [[CNM Cloud Operator]].
:# Until [[Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp]] is fully developed, briefly '''review''' the following wikipages:<ol type="a"><li>this very wikipage since it outlines your work,</li><li>[[CNMCyber product]] since this wikipage outlines the products, which development and management you are going to facilitate.</li><li>If you consider working on ''Cyber'' marketables, please consult also [[Careerprise Funnel]].</li></ol>
:# '''Ask''' questions. Questions are a huge part of your work; if you cannot ask, you cannot work. If you prefer videoconferences, attend any [[CNMCyber This Week]] event. You will have opportunities to ask questions and get responses in real time.
:# '''Understand''' why the ''Cyber'' endeavors are undertaken and what value is expected from the ''Coord''. That's simple. If you cannot deliver what [[CNMCyber Customer]] supports, you cannot work. Everything that [[CNMCyber Customer]] supports is stated on this very wikipage.
:# '''Wait''' for 2-3 months if you cannot understand what your objectives are. There is a chance that the course and/or videos will be developed out of this wikipage during that time. The introductory courses will be available at https://cert.cnmcyber.com after registering at https://opplet.net/user/register ; the videos will be published on [[CNM Tube]] and [[YouTube]]. Some of course wiki-materials are linked to [[WorldOpp Orientation]], [[EmployableU Concepts]], and [[CNMCyber Bootcamps]] wikipages
:# '''Pick up''' your first endeavor at the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage when you understand what your objectives are. You may have no idea what that particular endeavor is about. First of all, no endeavor is fully clear and, secondly, to learn about one endeavor is always simpler that to learn about many. When you really studied this very wikipage, you should know how to go about that endeavor. If you cannot pick your project, you cannot start working as the ''Coord''.
:# '''Contact''' [[CNMCyber Customer]] while stating (a) the endeavor you have picked, (b) what you plan to deliver, and (c) how much time you expect to work in order to deliver what you plan to deliver.
==What Coords do==
: By the way, you can be paid to ask questions about this wikipage when you identify the endeavor behind that page.
Каждая разработка может иметь своего ответственного ''Координатора''. Для каждого проекта, над которым ''Координатор'' работает, он или она документирует результаты поисков, разработок, утверждений. Кроме того, в течение одного прогона, он или она [[#Подготовка к созданию|готовится к созданию изделия]], [[#Создание изделия|курирует его создание]], [[#Перевод в эксплуатацию|переводит изделие в эксплуатацию]] и/или [[#Управление изделием|курирует управление его развитием]].
===Defining the product===
: Основная цель действий по планированию изделия и его создания -- это получение изделия в [[Состояние определённости|состоянии определённости]], которое определяется наличием [[Соглашение об изготовлении|Соглашения об изготовлении]]. Другими словами, планирование -- это получение такого описания изделия и процесса его разработки, которое позволяет эту разработку начать. Для достижения этой цели, ответственный ''Координатор'':
: [[The Economic Group]] has created and markets the ''Coord's'' role for those who don't necessarily possess any occupation yet. At the [[Occupational Information Network]], the closest occupation is [[Information Technology Project Manager]]; the principal difference is that the ''Coords'' don't make managerial decisions. The [[CITPMA|Certified IT Project Management Associate]] ([[CITPMA]]) credential is awarded to the successful ''Coords''.
:# '''Выявляет''' те доступные ресурсы, которые должны или могут задействоваться в разработке без дополнительных расходов. Людские ресурсы включают [[#Персонал Bskol|Персонал Bskol]]. Другие ресурсы включают те данные, которые представлены в трёх курсах [[Лестница к Профессии|Лестницы к Профессии]], на вики-страницах [[Брацка Правка|Правки]], существующие прототипы и готовые изделия, а также доступные во [[Всемирная Паутина|Всемирной Паутине]] и других источниках материалы. Для готовых продуктов обычно полезны вебсайты разработчиков и профессиональные ресурсы типа https://stackoverflow.com/.
:# '''Собирает''' данные, пользуясь выявленными ресурсами. Это изучение включает общение с заинтересованными лицами, анализ документов и тестирование тех прототипов и готовых продуктов, которые доступны.
:# '''Выбирает''' те ресурсы и те данные, которые будут задействованы в разработке.
:# '''Инвентаризует''' те данные, инструменты, материалы, прототипы и факторы, которые были выявлены как должные или могущие быть задействоваными в разработке.
:# '''Описывает''' будущее изделие и его возможное изготовление, опираясь на идентифицированные в инвентаризации ресурсы. Описание должно включать (а) [[высшие требования|высшие]], (б) [[пользовательские требования|пользовательские]], (в) заготовку [[технические требования|технических требований]] к изделию, (г) [[рабочие требования|рабочих требований]] к его разработке, а также (д) намётки [[Соглашение об изготовлении|Соглашения об изготовлении]].
:# '''Удостоверяется''' в том, что заказчику изделия нужно именно изделие, отвечающее описанным [[высшие требования|высшим требованиям]].
:# '''Приводит''' [[пользовательские требования]] в соответствие [[высшие требования|требованиям высшим]].
:# '''Формулирует''' разницу между тем, что есть, и тем, что надо. Эта выявленная разница должна быть адресована [[технические требования|техническими требованиями]].
:# '''Проверяет''' [[технические требования]] на полноту. Полнота характеризуется наличием (а) условий как функциональности, так и применимости изделия, (б) спецификаций как к будущему изделию, так и к процессу разработки. Условия применимости должны включать задания по документации изделия, то есть системные схемы, перечень необходимых доступов, а также наличие рабочей инструкции по эксплуатации ([[standard operating procedure]] или [[SOP]]), мероприятий по защите изделия и инструкций по восстановлению в случае аварий.
:# '''Оценивает''' необходимо ли привлекать к изготовлению сторонних подрядчиков и, если необходимо, требуется ли их помощь для создания [[технические требования|технических]], [[рабочие требования|рабочих требований]] и текста контракта.
:# '''Представляет''' данные заказчику для принятия решения либо о привлечении подрядчиков, либо о создании изделия собственными силами, а также начале финансирования работ по созданию.
:# '''Доводит''' требования и другие документы разработки до полноценности.
: Если дальнейшее создание будет вестись без привлечения подрядчиков, заказчик может авторизовать его начало до готовности [[Соглашение об изготовлении|Соглашения об изготовлении]]. В этом случае, требования дорабатываются с учётом данных полученных в процессе создания.
: Other close occupations include Project Management Specialists, Computer and Information Systems Managers,  
: Если сторонние подрядчики необходимы, ''Координатор'' далее:
Administrative Services Managers
:# '''Подготавливает''' найм подрядчиков на разработку, в том числе, разрабатывает тексты объявлений на привлечение и варианты их размещания, формирует список консультантов и потенциальных разработчиков, а также организует сообщество на Сетке и планирует видеоконференции, на которые будут приглашаться все заинтересованные в разработке.
Chief Executives
:# '''Приглашает''' подрядчиков на разработку и, параллельно, уточнение [[технические требования|технических требований]] и контракта, включающего объём работ, график и бюджет разработки.
Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants
:# '''Ассистирует''' в процессе найма подрядчиков на разработку, включая отбор наиболее перспективных кандидатов, переговоры, заключение контракта на разработку и ввод подрядчиков в работу. Исторически, требования дорабатываются в процессе рекрутирования. Если требования не могут быть сформулированы в процессе рекрутирования, они сами становятся целевым изделием проекта.
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
:# '''Сообщает''' заказчику о готовности договора или контракта подряда к заключению. Заключение контракта авторизует финансирование создание изделия подрядчиками. С одним из консультантов может быть заключён контракт на консультации и/или участие в видеоконференциях.
Office and Administrative Support Workers
Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
Human Resources Manager
General and Operations Managers
: Планирование как самого изделия, так и процесса его создания открывается до начала работ по непосредственному созданию изделия и, даже в случае привлечения подрядчиков, периодически возобновляеся уже после начала, так как создание всегда вскрывает новые факторы и требования.
:* [[Inplz app]]s
:* [[CNM Wiki]]
===Creating the product ===
==What Coords produce==
: Основная цель действий по созданию изделия -- это получение изделия в [[Состояние дееспособности|состоянии дееспособности]], которое определяется тем, что изделие соответствует всем требованиям, которые были для него утверждены. Помимо самого изделия, [[Технические требования|техническим требованиям]] должен удовлетворять также и процесс его создания. Для достижения этой цели, ответственный ''Координатор'':
To facilitate development and/or management of [[CNMCyber product]]s, the ''Coords'' produce four categories of their first-level results. They are (1) [[#Meetings|Meetings]], (2) [[#Documents|Documents]], (c) [[#Records|Records]], and (d) [[#Communications|Communications]]. For the ''Coords'', those results represent measurable outputs of the ''Practice''.
:# '''Курирует''' создание изделия, играя роли [[куратор продукта|куратора изделия]] ([[product owner]]) и [[Куратор проекта|куратора проекта]] ([[project owner]]) в случае отсутствия других сотрудников, закреплённых за этими ролями. Таким образом, ''Координатор'' решает, каким в рамках согласованных требований изделию и проекту быть.
:# '''Тестирует''' изделие и, при необходимости, его части.
:# '''Следит''' за ходом разработок и выполнением проекта, включая контроль за соблюдением бюджета, графика и объема работ.
:# '''Инициирует''' изменения в требования к изделию или его созданию.
:# '''Заводит''' под работу над изделием закрытый от общественности проект на [[Брацка Крынка|Брацкой Крынке]] в дополнение к вики-странице проекта на [[Брацка Правка|Брацкой Правке]].
:# '''Отчитывается''' перед заказчиком о состоянии проекта, собирая, анализируя и обобщая информацию и тенденции.
:# '''Обеспечивает''' приёмку изделия включая ту документацию, которая была согласована договором, либо мотивирует необходимость отказа от приёмки после сообщения подрядчика о полном выполнении работ по непосредственному созданию изделия.
:# '''Вносит''' изменения в документацию, основываясь на данных разработок.
: Если в разработке участвуют сторонние подрядчики, ''Координатор'' также:
:# '''Служит''' промежуточным звеном между заказчиком и подрядчиками, сообщая о проблемах, требующих разрешения.
: For the purposes of this very wikipage, [[communications]] are defined as distribution of the messages that are related to the ''Cyber'', the ''Cloud'', as well as efforts to develop those. Particularly, the ''communications'' are used to exchange the [[#Documents|Documents]] and [[#Records|Records]]; the [[#Meetings|Meetings]] are used to facilitate the ''communications''.
:# '''Организует''' видеоконференции или другие встречи сторон, заинтересованных в проекте, особенно, необходимые для разрешения возникающих в ходе проекта проблем.
:# '''Запускает''' в действие процесс оплаты подрядчикам за выполненные ими работы. До создания организационных процедур, это подразумевает запрос руководителю или заказчику.
: Непосредственное создание изделия открывается после решения заказчика это создание начать, как правило, когда в наличии присутствуют [[высшие требования|высшие]] и [[пользовательские требования]]. [[Технические требования]] и [[прототип]] могут быть доработаны параллельно с созданием дееспособного изделия. Создание изделия закрывается с приёмкой изделия и может быть возобновлено, если выяснятся проблемы с дееспособностью изделия.
===Commissioning the product===
: The ''Coords'' run their communications to make development of [[CNMCyber product]]s possible. These communications include:
: Основная цель действий по передаче изделия в эксплуатацию -- это получение изделия в [[Состояние применимости|состоянии применимости]], которое определяется тем, что изделие не только функционально, но и может быть использовано по тому назначению, для которого оно создавалось. Для достижения этой цели, ответственный ''Координатор'':
:* '''Internal communications''' such as project and product communications, meeting invitations, reminders, moderation and discussion messages, and follow-ups.
:# '''Отвечает''' за ограничение дальнейшего доступа подрядчика к изделию.
:* '''External communications''' such as marketing campaigns, as well as distribution of outreach messages.
:# '''Публикует''' полученную от подрядчика документацию на ресурсах ''Облака''. Внутренняя, закрытая от общественности, документация, например, администраторские доступы к установленному программному обеспечению, публикуются на [[Брацка Крынка|Брацкой Крынке]]. Та документация, которая может быть открыта общественности без ограничений, публикуется на [[Брацка Правка|Брацкой Правке]].
:# '''Способствует''' реализации перевода изделия из принятого от подрядчика до введённого в эксплуатацию. Это "способствование", в частности, может включать (а) уточнение у заказчика кто из [[#Персонал Bskol|Персонала Bskol]] будет администрировать созданное изделие, (б) передачу администраторам доступа к закрытой документации на [[Брацка Крынка|Брацкой Крынке]], (в) вместе с администраторами, детализацию порядка передачи изделия в эксплуатацию, (г) уточнение стандартных операционных процедур ([[standard operating procedure]] или [[SOP]]), мероприятий по защите изделия и инструкций по восстановлению в случае аварий, а также (д) найм подрядчиков на обслуживание. Обслуживание может включать оперативную помощь по запросу администраторов, периодические ревизии изделия и своевременное обновление программного обеспечения, если таковое задействовано
:# '''Вносит''' изменения, отражающие реальное состояние дел, на эту самую вики-страницу, а также связанные с нею вики-страницы проектов.
: Перевод в эксплуатацию открывается не позднее получения готового изделия и заканчивается началом использования изделия, обычно, поначалу в процессе [[бэта-тестирование|бэта-тестирования]].
===Managing the product===
: Marketing communications are described in the [[#Market presence|Market presence]] section of this very wikipage. Within the [[#Project results|Project results]], internal communications represent [[project scrap]]s; they are needed to produce [[project output]]s. External communications, especially marketing campaigns and products, represent [[project output]]s.
: Основная цель действий по управлению изделием -- это получение изделия в [[Состояние управляемости|состоянии управляемости]], которое определяется тем, что изделие не только используется по тому назначению, для которого оно создавалось, но и управляется. Это управление подразумевает как совершенствование и улучшение характеристик изделия, так и решения об окончании эксплуатации или замене. Для достижения этой цели, ответственный ''Координатор'':
:# '''Следит''' за эксплуатацией изделия, работой администраторов, отзывами пользователей и тенденциях на тех рынках, которые с этим изделием связанных. Речь идёт о коммерческих вариантах аналогов, комплектующих изделия, а также измемениях в факторах и процедурах их задумывания, дееспособности, применения и доводки.
:# '''Организует''' видеоконференции или другие встречи сторон, заинтересованных в изделии, особенно, необходимые для обсуждения изделия, работы администраторов, отзывов пользователей и тенденций на рынках.
:# '''Выявляет''' проблемы и возможности улучшений изделия или замены изделия другими решениями.
:# '''Инвентаризует''' те проблемы и возможности, которые были выявлены.
:# '''Представляет''' заказчику идентифицированные в инвентаризации проблемы и возможности для принятия решений об открытии новых проектов.
:# '''Вносит''' изменения, отражающие реальное состояние дел, на эту самую вики-страницу, а также связанные с нею вики-страницы проектов.
: Управление изделием открывается не позднее перевода изделия в эксплуатацию и заканчивается отправкой изделия на пенсию.
==Goals of Coords' work==
Конечными результатами работы ''Координаторов'' являются '''[[#Целевые изделия|целевые изделия]]''' в различных '''[[#Состояния изделий|состояниях]]''' и '''[[#Области разработок|областях]]'''. В основной массе ''изделия'' разработаны подрядчиками на основе утверждённых описаний и доработаны ''Координаторами'' и/или другими участниками [[#Персонал Bskol|Персоналa Bskol]]. Oписания изделий производятся на [[Брацка Правка|Правке]] и включают описания замыслов по разработкам будущих изделий.
: Generally speaking, a [[document]] is a separate piece that (a) presents data, (b) is composed with texts and/or images, and (c) can further be edited or revised. The former document that can no longer be revised, for instance, a signed contract, becomes a [[record]].
: Probably, ''documents'' are the single most important output of the ''Coords's'' work. To facilitate development of [[CNMCyber product]]s, the ''Coords'' draft, edit, groom, and manage documents. Those documents may include:
: Целью разработок Bskol есть изготовление новых продуктов или изменение продуктов уже существующих, включая:
:* '''Blueprints''', which are document prototypes useful to create final documents. For instance, the [[Careerprise contractor agreement]] wikipage is used as a blueprint to draw up contracts with individual contractors. As a rule, these target documents are published on [[CNM Wiki]].
:* '''Административные процедуры''' для кадровых, финансовых, учётных и юридических операций ''организационной структуры'' Bskol.
:* '''Legal drafts''' such as papers drafted to be signed as [[contract]]s.
:* '''Документы''' обычно являются частью других изделий, но некоторые из них представляют изделия сами по себе. Например, типовой договор подряда задействуется для составления договоров с отдельными подрядчиками. Как правило, эти целевые документы публикуются на [[Брацка Правка|Брацкой Правке]].
:* '''Product documents''', which are descriptions of former, existing, and future products published on [[CNM Wiki]], as well as deliverable requirements, emails and other messages between product owners and developers, organizational and technical documentation such as [[standing operating procedure]]s ([[SOP]]s), minutes of the meetings, testing and other reports, etc.
:* '''Должности''', то есть разработанные документально рабочие места сотрудников включённых в ''организационную структуру''. Эта самая вики-страница является разработкой одной из должностей Bskol.
:* '''[[Project document]]s''', which are project requirements, progress reports, emails and other messages between project owners and developers, memos with the results of project approvals, developments, meetings, and research.
:* '''Информационные ресурсы''' для привлечения потенциальных партнёров и клиентов Bskol, такие как веб-сайты, материалы в социальных сетях, и рассылки, а также типовые сообщения, приглашения и рекламные объявления.
:* '''Мероприятия''', то есть события Bskol, в которых физически или удалённо участвуют живые люди, такие как собеседования кандидатов в подрядчики, встречи профессионалов и конференции для потенциальных участников.
:* '''Организационная структура''' для работы сотрудников и волонтёров Bskol; их права и обязанности определяются ''должностями''.
:* '''Прилады''', которыми могут пользоваться нынешние и потенциальные ученики, подмастерья и сотрудники Bskol.
:* '''Программное обеспечение''', которое может быть использовано в ''Облаке''.
:* '''Связи''' с потенциальными и существующими клиентами, такими как участники, подрядчики и партнёры. Заинтересованные лица привлекаются к связям через (а) наймы подрядчиков на превращение утверждённых заказчиком описаний в изделия, (б) принятия сотрудников на разработанные должности, (в) участия потенциальных участников Bskol в организованных проектом мероприятиях.
:* '''Содержимое прилад''', как, например, тексты, иллюстрации и мультимедийные материалы курсов Bskol.
:* '''Трудовые ресурсы'''. Все изделия требуют работы над ними. Однако развитие трудовых ресурсов также является одним из конечных изделий проекта, а в плане развития профессиональных компетенций ''Координаторов'' -- его главной целью.
===Personnel development===
: Although outreach materials such as those that are used in organizing of [[CNMCyber event]]s and website texts are documents, the ''Coords'' don't normally create them. [[Careerprise contractor]]s, [[CNM Cloud Operator]]s, [[CNM Event Organizer]]s, and [[CNM Website Developer]]s shall create them; however, if no contractors, developers, operators, or organizers are available, the ''Coords'' may step in.
:В плане развития трудовых ресурсов, результатами работы ''Координатора'' могут быть:
:# Рекрутирование подрядчиков и новых ''Координаторов'' путём:
:#* Разработки объявлений, собственного сайта и других ресурсов.
:#* Размещения объявлений на специализированных сайтах, социальных сетях типа Телеграм и Инстаграм, а также других каналах.
:#* Проведения видеоконференций и других мероприятий для заинтересованных лиц.
:#* Нахождения партнёров среди коммерческих, общественных и государственных организаций.
:# Развитие профессиональных знаний, навыков и умений существующих трудовых ресурсов и новых рекрутов.
===Development areas===
: Within the [[#Project results|Project results]], those draft and final documents are either [[project scrap]]s or [[project output|output]]s. As the ''outputs'', they usually accompany other [[CNMCyber product]]s. For example, products normally come with instructions. However, some of documents represent whole products on their own. For example, to bundle the functional product with the instructions, those instructions were needed to be developed before.
: Учеников на практике также призывают [[#Назовите свои|предложить свои темы и области]]. Опубликованные на этой вики-странице разработки сгруппированы по работам над изделиями Bskol в следующих областях:
:* '''[[#Администрация Bskol|Администрация]]''' проекта [[Bskol]], охватывающая кадровые, юридические, финансовые и организационные вопросы.
:* '''[[Брацко Облако|Брацко Облако]]''' (здесь и далее -- ''Облаком''). Наиболее полное описание всех технических проектов опубликовано на странице [[Работы над Облаком]]. Базируясь на утверждённой технической документации, результатами работы ''Координатора'' могут быть нехватающая система или её часть, программное обеспечение, содержимое системы, потребительская услуга и, вообще, работа того, что не работало. Как информационно-технический комплекс, ''Облако'' состоит из:
:*# [[#Фермы|Ферм]], в том числе инструментов по их [[высокая доступность|высокой доступности]].
:*# [[#Оплёт|Оплёта]], который обслуживает как пользовательские приложения называемые "приладами", так и напрямую пользователей.
:*# Программного обеспечения (ПО) [[#Прилады|Прилад]]. Некоторые разработки прилад касаются только их ПО, некоторые -- только используемого в оказании услуг содержания, некоторые разработки объединяют и то, и другое.
:* '''[[#Обслуживание клиентов|Обслуживание]]''' конечных потребителей, потенциальных участников и партнёров Bskol.
:* '''[[#Присутствие на рынке|Присутствие]]''' услуг проекта и его участников на рынке труда и рынке бизнес-услуг.
:* '''[[#Профессиональные услуги|Услуги]]''', в том числе профессиональная ориентация, подготовка и трудоустройство при поддержке волонтёров и [[#Прилады|Прилад]], а также бизнес-услуги участников проекта.
: Некоторые изделия могут относиться к нескольким областям. Например, сессия практического тренинга является услугой, но объявления в её ходе могут иметь целью присутствие на рынке. Прилады могут рассматриваться как программное обеспечение, но дееспособные и наполненные содержимым прилады, прежде всего, являются услугами.
: Generally speaking, a [[meeting]] is an occasion in which people meet to exchange data, discuss something, make decisions, and/or collaborate. Meetings occur online and/or offline in forms of verbal conversations, videoconferences, and/or webcasts.
: To support development of [[CNMCyber product]]s, the ''Coords'' prepare, moderate, conduct, and close meetings. Those meetings may include:
: Дополнительные результаты -- это те [[#Конечные результаты|Конечные результаты]], ради которых разработка не затевалась, но которые были разработаны в качестве побочных продуктов.
:* '''Hiring events''', which are interviews and other meetings between contractor candidates and [[CNMCyber Project Manager]] organized to discuss potential entering into a [[contract]] and/or to make that decision.
:* '''Product meetings''', which are meetings organized (a) to discuss deliverable features, (b) to make deliverable decisions, and/or (c) to communicate those decisions.
:* '''Project meetings''', which are meetings organized (a) to discuss project features, (b) to make project decisions, and/or (c) to communicate those decisions.
: Although [[CNMCyber event]]s can be considered as meetings, the ''Coords'' don't normally organize them. Either [[Careerprise contractor]]s or [[CNM Event Organizer]]s shall organize them; however, if neither ''contractors'' nor organizers are available, the ''Coords'' may step in.
: Как правило, [[#Конечные результаты|Конечные результаты]] включают в себя несколько промежуточных результатов. Изготовление новой прилады, например, невозможно без документов, которые описывают требования, и составление требований невозможно без мероприятий в виде встреч.
: Для достижения промежуточных результатов, ''Координатор'' может следовать тому же порядку действий, что и результатов окончательных.
: At the same time, the ''Coords'' shall participate, synchronically or asynchronically, in [[CNMCyber This Week]] events, which are weekly meetings of the ''Coords'' who present (a) what they accomplished last week, (b) what they plan to accomplish next week, and (c) what assistance do they need.
: Целевые результаты -- это те результаты, ради которых предпринимается разработка. Обычно, речь идёт о комплексе [[#Изделия|Изделий]].
==States and readiness==
: Within the [[#Project results|Project results]], the meetings immediately produce [[project scrap]]s. Their archived recordings are [[#Records|Records]]. The meetings are used to develop [[#Documents|Documents]].
===Product states===
: ''Координаторы'' работают над приведением изделия в одно или несколько из следующих состояний:
: Generally speaking, a [[record]] is a piece of matter that (a) presents data and (b) cannot further be edited or revised unless losing the status of a record. For instance, a signed contract, which is a [[record]], can be used as a [[prototype]] to create new [[document]]s.
:# '''[[Состояние замеченности]]''' -- в этом состоянии, будущее изделие существует в виде замеченной и задокументированной идеи.
:# '''[[Состояние определённости]]''' -- в этом состоянии, будущее изделие существует в виде полноценного [[Соглашение об изготовлении|Соглашения об изготовлении]].
:# '''[[Состояние дееспособности]]''' -- в этом состоянии, изделие уже создано в соответствии со всеми требованиями, которые были для него утверждены.
:# '''[[Состояние применимости]]''' -- в этом состоянии, изделие не только функционально, но и может быть использовано по тому назначению, для которого оно создавалось.
:# '''[[Состояние управляемости]]''' -- в этом состоянии, изделие не только используется по тому назначению, для которого оно создавалось, но и управляется, то есть изделие либо совершенствуется и его характеристики улучшается, либо изымается из экплуатации.
: На практике, эти состояния не всегда представляют собой иерархию из пяти уровней, в которой более высокий уровень включает в себя состояния низших уровней. Однако ''Координаторы'' должны стремиться к этому идеалу, например, невозможно полноценно говорить о применимости без дееспособности, об управляемости без определённости и так далее.
===Devices of certainty===
: To support development of [[CNMCyber product]]s, the ''Coords'' collect records, place them in designated spaces, and, if applicable, manage their storage. Special [[standing operating procedure]]s ([[standing operating procedure|SOP]]s) shall designate spaces for that purpose. Those records may include:
:* '''[[Высшие требования]]''' -- описание тех потребностей, для удовлетворения которых предпринимается разработка продукта.
:* '''Archived files''' such as videos, audios, textual files, as well as coded and programmed scripts.
:* '''[[Прототип]]''' (от греческих "prōtos" в значении "первый", "изначальный" и "typos" в значении "оттиск", "слепок", узор") -- экземпляр, образец или модель по примеру которой изготавливаются или дорабатываются другие. В разработке изделий прототипы часто строятся для проверки восприятия, концепции или процесса. Прототипы могут как подбираться из существующих изделий, так и изготавливаться в ходе проекта.
:* '''Databases''' of contacts, competencies of contractors, characteristics of tested software, etc.
:* '''[[Пользовательские требования]]''' -- описание будущего изделия сделанное от лица различных типов его пользователей.
:* '''Enterprise records''' such as [[contract]]s, which are legally-binding agreements, applications and reports that are officially submitted to governmental bodies and partners, identification and other personal documents of ''Cyber's'' employees that the law requires to keep in the enterprise system, accounting records, etc. At the ''Cyber'', enterprise records are stored at [[CNM Corp]].
:* '''[[Рабочие требования]]''' -- описание условий изготовления будущего изделия.
:* '''Product records''' such as approved requirements for the project deliverable are posted at [[CNM Wiki]]. To be product records, they need to be protected from unauthorized edits and belong to the [[:Category: Product records|Product records]] category.
:* '''[[Технические требования]]''' -- комплекс заданий изготовителям изделия касаемых его требуемых характеристик.
:* '''Project records''' are kept at several spaces depending on their nature. Project reports are posted at the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage. Legally-binding documents are stored at [[CNM Corp]]. Accepted deliverables are stored at [[CNM Lab]].
:* '''[[Соглашение об изготовлении]]''' -- утверждённые как заказчиком, так и изготовителем условия изготовления, включающие объём, график и бюджет работ. ''Договорённость'' может принимать две формы:<ol type="1"><li>[[Контракт]] -- юридически-обязывающая договорённость между заказчиком и подрядчиком на изготовление изделия.</li><li>[[Рабочая инструкция по изготовлению]] -- подробное описание процедур необходимых для изготовления.</li></ol>Полноценное соглашение должно включать критерии приемлемости изделия, а также:<ol type="a"><li>либо график и бюджет,</li><li>либо те принципы, по которым будут определяться сроки и стоимости работ.</li></ol>Критерии приемлемости изделия должны отражать объём работ.
:* '''Publications''' such as minutes of meetings and others textual records that reflect past events, content of [[CNM Lab]], [[CNM Page|Page]], [[CNMCyber.com]], and [[CNM Wiki|Wiki]], as well as those postings on [[YouTube]], [[CNMCyber Meetup]], and other [[social media]] that the ''Coords'' may make. There is no single place for publications' storage at the ''Cyber''; they are posted at different media. [[CNM Wiki]] can be used for development of publications; appearance of [[CNM app]]s at the [[WWW]] can also be considered as publications.
:* '''Technology records''' such as access credentials and detailed descriptions of software used in the ''Cloud''. At the ''Cyber'', technology records are stored at [[CNM Lab]].
===Readiness levels===
: Within the [[#Project results|Project results]], the records represent [[project output]]s by their definition.
:Для '''[[#Состояния изделий|состояний изделий]]''', ''Координаторы'' работают над одним из следующих уровней готовности:
:#''[[Уровень разработки|Разработка]]'', когда работа над соответствующим состоянием начата, но само состояние ещё не достигнуто.
:#''[[Уровень операций|Операции]]'', когда состояние уже достигнуто, но требует периодической ревизии.
:[[Состояние определённости]] характеризуется наличием нескольких [[#Носители определённости|носителей определённости]]. Каждый из носителей имеет несколько уровней готовности:
:#''[[Требование в разработке|В разработке]]'', когда работа над конкретным носителем начата, но он ещё пока не предложен на согласование.
For the purposes of this very wikipage, ''endeavors'' refer to both [[#Projects vs operations|development projects and management operations]]. Each endeavor can have the ''Coord'' who coordinates this endeavor and, particularly, facilitates the [[#Contractors|Contractors]]' performance. Each ''Coord'' [[#Choice of work|chooses his or her endeavor to coordinate]].
:#''[[Требование на согласовании|На согласовании]]'', когда конкретный носитель предложен на согласование, но пока ещё не согласован.  
:#''[[Требование согласовано|Согласовано]]'', когда носитель согласован. Согласование всех носителей, кроме [[Соглашение об изготовлении|Соглашения об изготовлении]], осуществляет заказчик. Согласование [[контракта]] осуществляет подрядчик. [[Рабочая инструкция по изготовлению]] становится рабочей после обкатки в аналогичных разработках.
==Project factors==
Endeavors may include several projects and/or operations, but the ''Coord'' must concentrate only on one project or operation during one week. The endeavors are listed in the [[:Category: CNMCyber endeavors|"CNMCyber endeavors" category]].
===Administrators in CNM Cyber===
===Authorized endeavors===
: Для целей этой вики-страницы, администрирование определено как управление чем-либо и кем-либо. В Bskol, можно различить несколько типов администраторов:
: Those [[#Endeavors|Endeavors]] that are authorized to practice with are listed on the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:* '''Администраторы Bskol''' -- это те сотрудники [[Персонал Bskol|Персонала Bskol]], которые управляют группами разработок, операций и изделий Bskol. Администраторов Bskol можно описать как супер-администраторов изделий Bskol. Фактически, администратор Bskol -- это руководитель и все, кто им или ей назначены администрировать ту или иную группу разработок, операций и изделий.
:* '''Администраторы изделий''' -- те сотрудники [[Персонал Bskol|Персонала Bskol]], которым ''администраторы Bskol'' передали в управление то или иное изделие после его изготовления. Во время его создания администрирование изделий ведут ''Координаторы''. Наивысшим администратором каждого изделия является как минимум один из администраторов Bskol.
:* '''Администраторы прилад''' -- те сотрудники [[Персонал Bskol|Персонала Bskol]], которым в приладах даны роли выше пользовательских. Например, администратор Правки может защищать страницы от редактирования неадминистраторами. Самыми высокими ролями в приладах владеют [[Сисадмин Bskol|Системными администраторами]]; они и управляют назначением администраторов в приладах.
:* '''[[Сисадмин Bskol|Системныe администраторы]]''' -- это выделенная должность, предназначенная для тех сотрудников, которые администрируют технологические системы Ферм, Оплёта и ПО прилад. Наивысшим администратором каждой прилады является как минимум один из системных администраторов, потому последних можно описать как супер-администраторов прилад.
===CNM Cyber Customer===
===Endeavor documents===
: Заказчик предоставляет требования к будущим изделиям и оплачивает бюджеты проектов. Простыми словами, заказчик заказывает изделия и платит за их изготовление. Работа ''Координатора'' оплачивается постольку, поскольку она является частью разработки изделия. Заказчик подразумевает, что ''Координатор'' отрабaтывает проекты руководствуясь инструкциями изложенными на данной вики-странице. По доброте душевной и в целях профессиональной подготовки, заказчик может делать работу ''Координатора'' временно до той поры, пока заказчик верит в то, что ''Координатор'' когда-то сможет работать самостоятельно.
: At [[CNM Wiki]], ''Cyber'' endeavors are documented using two types of wikipages:
:# The progress on particular endeavors is reported at the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# Endeavor pages document everything, but progress reports. Those pages are listed at the [[:Category: CNMCyber endeavors|"CNMCyber endeavors" category]] and include [[project document]]s such as [[project charter]], [[asset register]], [[competency register]], [[stakeholder register]], [[requirements traceability matrix]], [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and [[acceptance criteria]].
===Projects vs operations===
:# ''Координаторы'' способствуют реализации проектов действуя согласно [[#Порядок разработок|Порядку разработок]].
: The ''Coords'' work and/or facilitate someone else's work on endeavors, which are either:
:# '''[[Сисадмин Bskol|Системныe администраторы]]''' обеспечивают стабильность операций ''Облака'' и консультируют по технологическим разработкам.
:* '''Product development projects''' are development endeavors; they are undertaken to create new products or new features of existing products, which is addressed in the [[#Projects|Projects]] section of this wikipage. Projects are temporary endeavors; they close when [[CNMCyber Team]] receive all of the required deliverables and [[#Contractors|Contractors]] receive their compensation. While working on projects, the ''Coords'' are engaged in the [[#Formalizing the project|Formalizing the project]], [[#Specifying the deliverables|Specifying the deliverables]], [[#Planning the project|Planning the project]], [[#Creating the deliverables|Creating the deliverables]], and [[#Commissioning the product|Commissioning the product]] activities.
:# '''[[Рекрутер Bskol|Рекрутеры]]''' обеспечивают наличие рекрутингового процесса, наличие кандидатов в ''Координаторы'' и, при наличии одобрения заказчика, на другие штатные должности в рекрутинговом "трубопроводе", а также консультируют по тем разработкам, которые касаются рекрутинга. В своих проектах, ''Координаторы'' также играют роли рекрутеров и берут на себя найм подрядчиков. В отличие от рекрутеров, ''Координаторы'' обсуждают с кандидатами требования и другие документы проектов. К рекрутерам ''Координаторы'' обращаются в тех случаях, когда собственных компетенций или ресурсов для привлечения подрядчиков не достаточно.
:* '''Product management operations''' are operational endeavors; they are undertaken to manage existing [[CNMCyber product]]s, including their service, maintenance, audits and revisions, as well as end of life. [[Ongoing operation]]s can be viewed as permanent endeavors, which possibly close only when all of the existing products reach their end of life. While working on projects, the ''Coords'' are engaged in the [[#Managing the product|Managing the product]] activities.
:# '''Руководитель проекта''' отвечает за разрешение административных, кадровых, финансовых, юридических и организационных вопросов. В частности, руководитель закрепляет проекты за ''Координаторами'', размещает объявления о найме подрядчиков, даёт координаторам рекрутерские доступы и оплачивает бюджеты проектов. Руководителя можно назвать "супер-координатором". Если координатор работает над одним проектом, который сам и выбирает, руководитель отвечает за всю группу разработок и операций, включая финансы, кадры, администрацию тех же координаторов и так далее. В данный момент, руководителя заменяет заказчик, но делает он это временно, до того, как таковой человек или люди найдутся.
: Хотя ''подрядчики'' формально не входят в персонал проекта, они являются важной составляющей разработок проекта.
: Regardless of work on projects or operations, the ''Coords'' are always engaged in the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities and can be engaged in the [[#Hiring the contractors|Hiring the contractors]] and [[#Working with contractors|Working with contractors]] activities.
: ''Координатор'' работает над одним проектом обычно до трёх и, в исключительных случаях, до пяти недель.
:# В первую неделю он или она знакомится с проектом. По окончанию ознакомления ''Координатор'' должен быть способен объяснить то, что описано на соответствующих проекту вики-страницах, и быть готовым к обсуждению с заказчиком нулевого прогона.
:# Начиная со второй недели и заканчивая предпоследней, он или она ведёт прогон изделия, следуя [[#Порядок разработок|Порядку разработок]].
:# В последнюю неделю он или она завершает работу с проектом, документируя свой прогон и те данные, которые вскрылись в ходе этого прогона
: Проекты могут накладываться друг на друга. Например, последняя неделя работы над одним проектом может быть первой неделей работы над другим проектом. Для старших ''Координаторов'', ограничений нет.
==Factors for hiring contractors==
===Sets of processes===
===How not to hire===
: Any endeavor can be viewed as sets of [[process]]es. On that very wikipage, those processes are grouped in nine sections of [[#What Coords do|What Coords do]].
: Вот пример того, как ''Координатору'' '''не следует''' нанимать подрядчиков:
:# Находим человека или несколько человек, которые согласны взяться за данную разработку и хорошо говорят, пишут, выглядят, вовремя выходят на связь, быстро отвечают и так далее.
:# Связываемся (желательно звонком) для уточнения их требований по оплате и обещаний по срокам.
:# Присуждаем контракт тому или той, кто предлагает лучшие условия, и отказываем другим.
===How to recruit===
: However, every of those groups, in fact, are separate developments on their own. For instance, the [[#Formalizing the project|project formalization]] shall result in a [[project charter]], but this document may be considered as an output of a separate development that requires its own formalization, studies, specification, planning, creation, and commissioning. Sometimes, it also requires hiring contractors and working with them. Thus, the sections of [[#What Coords do|What Coords do]] show just some level of tentative divisions and do not represent definite classifications.
: Вот пример того, как ''Координатору'' следует нанимать подрядчиков:
:# Знать те критерии, которые определяют [[Состояние определённости]].
:# Проверить, достигнуто ли [[Состояние определённости]] для разрабатываемого изделия.
:# Если [[Состояние определённости]]:
:#* '''Не достигнуто''', проверить исчерпаны ли те ресурсы, которые доступны ''Координатору'' без привлечения внешних консультантов. Если ресурсы исчерпаны, искать внешние ресурсы, например, дать объявление на поиск консультантов или пытаться найти таких подрядчиков, которые помогут достичь это состояние. Если и внутренние, и внешние ресурсы исчерпаны, но состояние так и не достигнуто, оформить дополнительный проект, сделав контракт его искомым изделием.  
:#* '''Достигнуто''', действовать далее по рубрике [[#Как не надо нанимать|Как не надо нанимать]]; после выполнения предыдущих пунктов, она имеет смысл.
: Контракт должен включать описание того, что мы должны получить, удовлетворяющее измеряемым критериям приемлемости, а также когда и за сколько мы это получим. Если что-то из тройки "объём работы, сроки, бюджет" не определено, то мы получим то, что нам надо в одном случае из 100. В 99 остальных случаях, мы получим либо то, что нам не надо, либо за те деньги, на которые мы не рассчитываем, либо тогда, когда нам это уже не будет нужно.
===Contractors' interviews===
===Why endeavors===
:Найм людей -- отличный способ узнать об аспектах проекта и получаемого в его процессе изделия. Идеально проведённые собеседования добавляют документации на Правку.
: In business, a combination of two or more projects and, possibly, some ongoing operations, is often called a ''program''. In this sense, a ''program'' refers to a set of structured activities that is undertaken on a systematic basis.  
===Applications for contractors===
: The term, ''endeavor'', is chosen to separate the work that is available to the ''Coords'' from complex and lengthy ''programs''. Since the ''Coords'' choose their endeavors to coordinate, ''Coords<nowiki>'</nowiki>'' endeavors are not undertaken systematically.
:Мы можем публиковать полученные заявки, но не публикуем имена подрядчиков, так как они нам на публикацию разрешений не давали. С юридической точки зрения, мы не можем публиковать конфиденциальную информацию наших подрядчиков.
==Engagement of Coords==
==What Coords do==
The ''Coords<nowiki>'</nowiki>'' work can be divided in nine [[#Sets of processes|Sets of processes]]. Every [[#Endeavors|Endeavor]] shall start with [[#Formalizing the project|Formalizing the project]], go through at least [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] and [[#Creating the deliverables|Creating the deliverables]], as well as end from the [[#Managing the product|Managing the product]] activities.
Не существует некоего простого индикатора, по которому можно было бы судить, сможет ли человек стать профессиональным ''Координатором'' и, если сможет, то привлекёт его или её такая работа. Потому для участия в проекте [[Bskol]] [[#Поиск кандидатов|приглашаются все желающие]]; каждому из них предлагается [[Подготовка Координаторов|полная подготовка]] и возможность попробовать себя в таком качестве.
===Formalizing the project===
: For the purposes of this very wikipage, project formalization refers to the set of efforts that is undertaken to the extent necessary to start researching the backgrounds for envisioning of [[#Project deliverables|Project deliverables]] and their production. This formalization aims to setup the stage for [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities.
===Search for Coords===
: The formalization shall produce a [[project charter]], which is a document that (a) formalizes a [[project]] out of undocumented change making or development and (b) authorizes the project administration. The charter contains [[CNMCyber Customer]]'s [[business requirement]]s or those product and/or project requirements of [[CNMCyber Customer]] that are not negotiable. These requirements shall address some [[business need]]; the terms ''business requirement'' and ''business need'' are synonims and often used interchangeably. At [[CNMCyber]], they may be stated in one or more of the following:
: Поиск кандидатов осуществляется в соответствии с [[Поиск участников Bskol|Поиском участников Bskol]]. Из всех публиковавшихся, наиболее полное объявление размещено на вики-странице [[Людям с улицы]].
:* [[Business case]]. A description of [[CNMCyber Customer]]'s vision for what and/or how the project shall accomplish. The case may or may not state [[success criteria]] or those [[key performance indicator]]s ([[key performance indicator|PKI]]s) that would or would not constitute the project's success. Any successful project shall satisfy specific [[business need]]s. Generally speaking, the business case constitutes why the project exists.
:* [[Statement of work]] ([[Statement of work|SOW]]). A document that states hard requirements related to product and project scope, budget, as well as schedule. The statement lists "hard" deliverables and key factors that affect the project work. The statement may or may not indicate project tools, policies, regulatory and governance terms. The budget part of the statement may or may not describe milestones. The schedule part of the statement may or may not describe funds available, work authorization process, and/or constraints to the funds' availability. The statement is often employed as a part of a [[request for proposal]] ([[request for proposal|RFP]]).
===Training of Coords===
: On a slang, non-negotiable requirements are called "hard requirements". The ''charter'' contains all of the hard requirements that come from [[CNMCyber Customer]]. However, some of hard requirements derive from the laws, availability of workforce, and other environmental factors. They shall be added to a [[requirements traceability matrix]] ([[requirements traceability matrix|RTM]]) during the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities.
: Для теоретической подготовки ''Координаторов'', созданы 3 курса -- [[Брацка Вводка]], [[Брацки Техобзор]] и [[Выбор Профессии]]. Практика на последнем из трёх курсов призвана закрепить теоретические знания, а также выявить способность и желание кандидата к работе на проектах.
===Following positions===
: To coordinate the project formalization, the responsible ''Coord'':
: ''Координатор'' -- это временная должность, ограниченная временем прохождения практики. Не каждого человека привлекает работа над созданием чего-то нового. Не каждый и способен работать в условиях неопределённости.
:# '''Collects''' data related to the [[business requirement]]s from [[CNMCyber Customer]].
:* Если работа ''Координатора'' подходит участнику, он или она двигаются в сторону бизнес-аналитика, инженера систем, координатора работы с партнёрами, организатора мероприятий, создателя информационной структуры или решений, разработчика изделий или удобства пользователя, а также руководителя изделий, информационных ресурсов или разработок и других профессий в проектах.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected data related to [[business need]]s while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:* В случае неспособности или отсутствия желания, участник продвигается до администратора контрактов или систем, аналитика удобства пользования, бухгалтера, графического дизайнера, инженера-эксплуатационщика, закупщика, специалиста по работе с заказчиками, а также руководителя комплектации и других профессий в операциях.
:# '''Drafts''' a [[project charter]].
:# '''Makes''' sure that the [[statement of work]] ([[statement of work|SOW]]) in the drafted [[project charter]] addresses the [[business need]] and supports the [[business case]].
:# '''Submits''' the drafted [[project charter]] for [[CNMCyber Customer]]'s approval.
:# '''Publishes''' the [[project charter]], after its approval, on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Requests''' (a) assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the [[project charter]] when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the project formalization using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
: В ходе третьего курса ученики должны быть представлены разным профессиям от программиста до бухгалтера. Специальность будет выбираться по итогам практики и далее надо будет подбирать учебную программу с партнёром и организовывать стажировку. Стажировку организовать мы надеемся сами, а вот учебные заведения подменить будет сложно. Не предвидится ничего не реального, но всё требует разработки. Пока третий курс не готов, ''Координаторы'' могут работать над ним в рамках [[Работы над Bskol|Работ над Bskol]].
: The project formalization starts after the [[business need]] is identified and ends when the [[project charter]] is completed.
==Areas of operations==
===Studying the backgrounds===
: For the purposes of this very wikipage, endeavor studies refer to the set of efforts that is undertaken to the extent necessary to start envisioning, planning and managing for the [[project deliverable]]s, their production and management. These studies aim to setup the stage for [[#Specifying the deliverables|Specifying the deliverables]], [[#Planning the project|Planning the project]], and [[#Managing the product|Managing the product]] activities.
: Endeavor studies shall produce data needed for (a) envisioning of the product, (b) planning its production, and (c) managing the produced product. At [[CNMCyber]], the project studies shall produce the following outputs:
:The ''Team'' needs help with two types of documentation:
:* [[Asset register]], which is a database of assets that can be used in the project. Particularly, those assets include non-human sources of data that are useful for production of project deliverables.
:#Organizational documentation for the [[CNM Cyber Team]]. This type shall include:
:* [[Competency register]], which is a database of those competencies that can be valuable to ''Cyber'' efforts and their owners, potential and current [[#Contractors|Contractors]] and members of [[CNMCyber Team]].
:#*Minutes for meetings of the [[CNM Technology Board]].
:* Product user group at [[CNMCyber.com]], which is a space for project stakeholders to receive project updates and contribute their questions and comments. The group shall be open 24/7 for asynchronous activities; a functioning group shall also meet simultaneously via video-conference on a weekly basis. The groups of [[#COTS software|COTS software]] users tend to be titled in the "CNM/Opplet COTS-name Users" format.
:#*Processes and procedures developed for and used by the [[CNM Cyber Team]].
:* Product pages at [[CNM Wiki]], which are wikipages on which the product is being developed. The pages that represent [[#COTS software|COTS software]] tend to be titled in the "CNM/Opplet COTS-name" format. They belong to the [[:Category:CNM Cyber products|"CNMCyber products" category]].
:#Technical documentation for:
:* Endeavor pages at [[CNM Wiki]], which are wikipages on which the endeavor is being developed. The pages that represent endeavors on [[#COTS software|COTS software]] tend to be titled in the "COTS-name for CNMCyber/Cloud/Opplet/Farms" format. They belong to the [[:Category: CNMCyber endeavors|"CNMCyber endeavors" category]].
:#*[[CNM Cyber]].
:* [[Requirements traceability matrix]], which is a grid that links requirements and their sources.  
:#*[[CNM Cloud Next]], the compute server that the ''Team'' uses for learning and testing, and other technology.
:* [[Stakeholder register]], which is a database that lists [[stakeholder]]s of the endeavor. Those stakeholders include the [[#Administrators|Administrators]], [[CNMCyber Team]], those [[#Contractors|Contractors]] that work on the endeavor, as well as regulatory bodies that define and/or constrain endeavor's efforts issuing applicable laws and binding requirements. The complete register contains analysis of stakeholders.
:All the types of documentation shall be maintained at the [[CNM Wiki]], so any ''Team's'' stakeholder, and a volunteer especially, be able to find needed information.
===Meeting organizing===
: To coordinate the project studies, the responsible ''Coord'':
:The ''Team'' needs help with organizing of two types of meetings:
:# '''Identifies''' those available resources that should or can be used in project activities. Human resources include [[CNMCyber Team]]. Other resources include those presented in the initial [[WorldOpp Pipeline]] courses, on [[CNM Wiki]], existing tools, materials, prototypes, and finished products available at [[CNMCyber]], on the [[World Wide Web]] and other sources. For off-the-shelf products, developer websites and professional resources like https://stackoverflow.com/ are usually helpful.
:#Meetings of the [[CNM Technology Board]], which can be either open or close to the general public.
:# '''Analyses''' the identified resources with regard to their nature, usefulness, and potential impact while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:#Hiring events for the [[CNM Cyber Taskforce]].
:# '''Selects''' those resources and those data that may be used in the project activities.
:# '''Composes''' the [[asset register]], [[competency register]], and [[stakeholder register]].
:# '''Forms''' a product user group at [[CNMCyber.com]] if this group hasn't formed yet; refreshes the group if it has already formed.
:# '''Organizes''' weekly video conferences, as well as other meetings and activities of the user group. Topics of those events shall address the product, its production when the product is under development, work of its administrators, user feedback and market trends.
:# '''Invites''' everyone who is interested in product's development to the user group.
:# '''Offers''' those experts and specialists who have knowledge, skills, and abilities useful for product specifications or project planning to discuss the deliverable and/or project.
:# '''Interviews''' those experts and specialists who agreed to discuss the deliverable and/or project.
:# '''Collects''' data related to (a) the project deliverables and their production when this deliverable hasn't been deployed yet and (b) product performance when the deliverable has already been deployed, as well as its industry trends.
:# '''Makes''' sure that all of the collected data sources are listed in the [[asset register]], [[competency register]], or [[stakeholder register]].
:# '''Publishes''' the collected data on [[CNM Wiki]]. Product data shall be published on the product pages; project data shall be published on the project pages. The published data shall refer to its sources; however, personal data publication requires permissions. From a legal point of view, we cannot publish the confidential information of our contractors, for instance.
:# '''Creates''' a [[requirements traceability matrix]] to trace the product and project requirements from the selected sources to perspective project deliverables.
:# '''Updates''' the [[asset register]], [[competency register]], [[stakeholder register]], [[requirements traceability matrix]], as well as project and product pages when ever new data from existing and/or new sources emerge.
:# '''Requests''' assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the project studies using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
:Those meetings that are open to the general public can be organized using partner [[meetup group]]s such as [[CNM Cyber Meetup]].
: The project studies start after the [[project charter]] is approved. Collection of requirements, product envisioning, project planning, production, as well as commissioning and management of a product always reveals new factors and data. That is why the studies end with the project closure.
===Owning the role===
===Specifying the deliverables===
:The ''Team'' needs help with further development of the ''Coord's'' role. This includes both:
: The main goal of the product specification activities is to get the deliverable in a [[state of certainty]], which is determined by the presence of a validated [[product specification]]. This specification is needed to compare the created deliverables against their requirements. To coordinate the product specification, the responsible ''Coord'':
:#Creating and editing general instructions, policies, and/or recommendations for the ''Coords''.
:# '''Collects''' data related to [[stakeholder requirement]]s for the project deliverables and [[product specification]]s using the [[asset register]], [[competency register]], and [[stakeholder register]]. This collection includes communications with stakeholders and review of documents and other assets that are registered.
:#Contributing to and grooming of the backlog of the ''Coord's'' tasks.
:# '''Examines''' available prototypes, unfinished and finished products against the collected data.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected product data while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Clarifies''' the collected data based on the examined prototypes and finished products.
:# '''Identifies''' those target audiences who are supposed to use future deliverables.
:# '''Creates''' imaginary personas that would represent each of the identified audience.
:# '''Produces''' [[stakeholder requirement]]s for each created persona using [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Composes''' [[product specification]]s based on the produced [[stakeholder requirement]]s using [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Traces''' in a [[requirements traceability matrix]] the formalized [[stakeholder requirement]]s from their sources to perspective project deliverables.
:# '''Makes''' sure that (a) the [[product specification]] supports the [[stakeholder requirement]]s and (b) all the deliverable data is published on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Checks''' [[product specification]]s for completeness. This completeness shall be characterized by the presence of conditions for (a) functionality, (b) applicability, and (c) manageability of the deliverables. Conditions for functionality should include measures for product's performance. Conditions for applicability should include measures for product's deployment, testing, diagnostics, accessibility, serviceability, protection, and capacity to recover after disasters; these measures must be documented in product's [[standing operational procedure]] ([[standing operational procedure|SOP]]). Conditions for manageability should include measures for product's monitoring, periodic audits and revisions, as well as timely software updates for the [[#COTS software|COTS software]] products.
:# '''Updates''' the [[stakeholder requirement]]s and [[product specification]]s when ever new data from existing and/or new sources emerge.
:# '''Requests''' assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the product specification using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
===Partnership building===
:The product specification opens when [[CNMCyber Customer]] approves the [[project charter]] and ends with the project closure.
:The ''Team'' needs help with sourcing, selecting, and onboarding partners. Historically, the team partnered with two Microsoft stores, in Pentagon City Mall and Tysons Corner Center, several employers, training providers, governmental, and non-profit organizations.
===Personnel managing===
===Planning the project===
:The ''Team'' needs help with volunteer time tracking, as well as helping volunteers to develop their personal plans.
: The main goal of the project planning is to decide how the project deliverables will be developed. Those activities shall result in validated [[acceptance criteria]]. In other words, planning is getting a description of project activities that allows this development to be certain. To coordinate the project planning, the responsible ''Coord'':
:# '''Collects''' data related to [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and [[acceptance criteria]] using the [[asset register]], [[competency register]], and [[stakeholder register]]. This collection includes communications with stakeholders and review of documents and other assets that are registered.
:# '''Examines''' the existing products that are going to be further developed if they are available.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected project data while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Formulates''' the difference between what actually is and what is needed to be. The existing products are what actually is, while the specified deliverable is what is needed to be. The project activities shall address this identified difference; they represent what needs to be done.
:# '''Drafts''' a [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and [[acceptance criteria]], based on the resources recorded in the registers.
:# '''Makes''' sure that the [[acceptance criteria]] supports the [[project scope baseline]] and [[project schedule baseline]].
:# '''Submits''' the drafted [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and [[acceptance criteria]] for [[CNMCyber Customer]]'s confirmation.
:# '''Publishes''' the [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], and [[acceptance criteria]], after their confirmation, on [[CNM Wiki]]. To make future negotiations successful, neither the [[project cost baseline]] nor other financial data should be available to the general public.
:# '''Requests''' (a) assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and/or [[acceptance criteria]] when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the project planning using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
===Project support===
: Similarly to [[#Specifying the deliverables|Specifying the deliverables]], the project planning opens when [[CNMCyber Customer]] approves the [[project charter]] and ends with the project closure. However, the project plan not entirely, but depends on product specification, while the specification rarely does. The deliverable to be dictates what needs to be done, not vice versa. Only impossibility of the specified deliverable production can initiate the change to its product specification.
:The ''Team'' needs help with supporting its projects such as [[CNM Registration Project]].
===Public relations administering===
===Hiring the contractors===
:The ''Team'' needs help with drafting newsletters to patrons of [[Career Network Ministry|CNM]] similar to [[Friends Of CNM newsletter]]s.
: At the ''Cyber'', the main goal of hiring of project contractors is to expand the ''Coords<nowiki>'</nowiki>'' expertise and resources in order to accomplish the project. The contractors must be hired to produce anything beyond [[#What Coords produceWhat Coords produce]]; however, the contractors can also be hired to produce special [[#Communications|Communications]], [[#Documents|Documents]], [[#Meetings|Meetings]], and/or [[#Records|Records]].
: In order to be hired, though, the prospective contractors need to be sourced first and selected second. Moreover, the sourcing, selecting, and hiring require their own "cycle phases" such as request formalization, background studies, contractor competencies' specification, recruitment plan, as well as this plan execution.
:The ''Team'' needs help with user experience testing of its materials and services. The results of this testing shall be well-documented using:
:*Discussion pages when [[CNM Wiki]] are tested.
:*Emails when anything but [[CNM Wiki]] is tested.
===Training facilitating===
: All of those activities shall result in fully-executed [[Careerprise contractor agreement]]. To coordinate the hiring of contractors, the responsible ''Coord'':
:The ''Team'' needs help with facilitating of three types of training:
:# '''Evaluates''' whether third-party contractors are needed and, if they are needed, what [[#Types of contractors|Types of contractors]] should be looked for.
:#Onboarding training for new volunteers.
:# '''Provides''' data to [[CNMCyber Customer]] for making the decision either to bring external contractors on the board or not to bring. The positive decision assumes [[CNMCyber Customer]]'s willingness to finance the contractor's work.
:#Technology hand-on-training for [[Career Network Ministry|CNM]] patrons who would like to explore [[CNM Cyber]].
:# '''Revisits''' the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities to identify those available resources that should or can be used in sourcing, selecting, and hiring of contractors.
:#Mentor-[[protégé]] program for some ''Team'' recruits.
:# '''Collects''' data related to sourcing, selecting, and hiring of contractors that are able and available to satisfy ''Cyber'' needs using the [[asset register]], [[competency register]], and [[stakeholder register]]. This collection includes communications with stakeholders and review of documents and other assets that are registered.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected sourcing, selecting, and hiring data while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Composes''' solicitation materials including a [[request for proposal]] ([[request for proposal|RFP]]), which is a solicitation announcement, and the list of its placement options.
:# '''Submits''' the composed materials to the [[CNMCyber Project Manager]] for their publication.
:# '''Revisits''' the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities to update a list of potential contractors in the [[stakeholder register]].
:# '''Invites''' the listed contractors to discuss project's deliverables and [[product specification]]s, as well as the project including [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and [[acceptance criteria]].
:# '''Treats''' the discussions with the contractor candidates as primary sources of data to revisit the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities. Hiring people is a great way to learn about aspects of an endeavor. Conducted interviews shall add to the [[CNM Wiki]] documentation. Particularly, that means publishing on [[CNM Wiki]] the data related to the deliverables and schedules extracted from the discussions. As a rule, meetings with contractors serve two different purposes: (a) selection of right candidates and (b) learning about the deliverables and/or project. Historically, requirements are refined during the recruitment process. If the requirements cannot be formulated during the recruitment process, they themselves shall become deliverables of an intermediary project.
:# '''Assists''' in selection of the most promising candidates, negotiations, and other processes aimed to source and select contractors.
:# '''Makes''' sure that the contractors are being selected not only because of their ability to speak, write, look well, get in touch on time, respond quickly, and so on, but, primarily, because of their ability to satisfy the [[#Funded demands|Funded demands]] this contractor is being hired to resolve. Specifically, [[CNMCyber Customer]]'s:<ol type="a"><li>Approval of [[acceptance criteria]] makes possible hiring of developers.</li><li>Validation of a [[standing operating procedure]] ([[standing operating procedure|SOP]]) makes possible hiring of servicers.</li><li>Authorization of paid hours makes possible hiring of on-call specialists.</li></ol>If no job vacancy document is available at the moment, the candidates shall be offered to help developing it on a volunteer basis. If the need exists, but all internal and external resources to develop the document are exhausted, the ''Coord'' shall initiate a preliminary project to produce that document.
:# '''Initiates''' a preliminary project to document the [[#Funded demands|Funded demands]] if own efforts of the ''Coord'' didn't produce that document.
:# '''Drafts''' a [[Careerprise contractor agreement]] while using its blueprint and entering subject matters to negotiate or agree.
:# '''Provides''' the prospective and/or selected contractor with the drafted agreement.
:# '''Informs''' [[CNMCyber Customer]] about the readiness of the contract or contract for the full execution. The execution of the contract authorizes the financing of the production of the deliverables by contractors. One of the consultants may be contracted for consultations and/or participation in video conferences.
:# '''Requests''' (a) assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the [[request for proposal]] ([[request for proposal|RFP]]) when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
:# '''Reports''' on new contractor hires using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
===Volunteer recruiting===
: The hiring of contractors opens when [[CNMCyber Customer]] approves the ''Coord's'' request for the hire. It ends with full execution of the [[Careerprise contractor agreement]].
:The ''Team'' needs help with sourcing and onboarding of new volunteers.
===Working with contractors===
Sourcing of potential candidates is an ongoing endeavor, which cannot be limited to the following channels and tools.
: The main goal of collaboration with endeavor contractors is to enable the [[#Contractors|Contractors]] to deliver rightly right project deliverables or other requested services. To coordinate collaboration with contractors, the responsible ''Coord'':
:# '''Serves''' as an liaison between [[CNMCyber Customer]] and contractors, reporting problems that need to be resolved.
:The potential candidates may be sourced through various channels such as:
:# '''Organizes''' videoconferences or other meetings of parties interested in the project, especially those necessary to resolve problems arising during the project.
:#[[CNM Page]].
:# '''Collects''' data related to the contractor performance.
:#CNM meetings organized in Vienna, VA on Tuesday evenings.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected data related to contractor performance while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:#Partner [[meetup group]]s such as [[CNM Cyber Meetup]] and other partners.
:# '''Initiates''' the process of paying contractors for their work. The process shall be described in a special [[standing operating procedure]] ([[standing operating procedure|SOP]]). Prior to creating it, this start of the process implies a request to the manager or [[CNMCyber Customer]].
:#Newsletters to patrons of [[Career Network Ministry|CNM]] similar to [[Friends Of CNM newsletter]]s.
:# '''Requests''' (a) assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the fully-executed [[Careerprise contractor agreement]] when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
:#Personal networks of the ''Coords''.
:# '''Revisits''' the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities when new data or new sources of data emerges in order to revisit further the [[#Specifying the deliverables|Specifying the deliverables]] and [[#Planning the project|Planning the project]] activities.  
:# '''Presents''' the progress of collaboration with contractors, plans and possible concerns about that collaboration during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
: The collaboration with contractors opens when their [[Careerprise contractor agreement]] is fully executed. It ends with the closure of the agreement.
:Handouts with the following text are periodically distributed at [[CNM]] meetings on Tuesday evenings:<blockquote><p>Discover your career, build your credentials, and land your job in the IT field with CNM Cyber</p><p>'''What''': The CNM Cyber Services team seeks its Cyber Project Coordinator.</p><p>'''What help is sought''': An incumbent will coordinate various aspects of the project as required including meetings, announcements, introducing new team members, and documentation of CNM Technology Board Decisions.</p><p>'''Where and when''': The bulk of the job can be done remotely, so this position can be virtual. The schedule can be flexible too. The time commitments start from 2 hours a week.</p><p>'''Who should consider''':</p><p>Anyone who is motivated to learn Information Technology in order to obtain real IT skills and experience that can be put on the resume and used as a leverage for a new position in the information technology field.</p><p>This might be someone thinking of transitioning to IT or increasing their IT skills/knowledge that have been working in IT or someone interested in working in the roles that interface the business with IT such as a business analyst, project manager, product owner, etc.</p><p>No prior tech training is required in order to get started; vice versa, this opportunity could be considered as hands-on training. We need people with any type of skill set, but being motivated to learn new, open systems technology, is what we need the most. We can provide technical direction to anyone that is motivated.</p><p>'''How to join''': If you are interested (or know of someone who may be interested or looking for a way to become more involved), please consider one or both options:<ol><li>Physically, the team organizes recruiting events usually in Vienna, VA on Tuesday evenings. You are welcome to check the tentative schedule at https://www.meetup.com/TechDC/events/calendar in order to RSVP.</li><li>Virtual meetings may be scheduled upon your request -- please email your inquiry to Michael Confoy or Gary "Igor" Ihar at cnmdigitalservices@gmail.com</ol></p><p>'''About CNM Cyber Services''': This team of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) intends to provide CNM with a bundle of online and onsite services collectively called CNM Cyber, which may include websites and video sharing resources, as well as customer relationship, project, learning, and enterprise management systems.</p>
===Creating the deliverables===
:The promising ''Coords'' shall take three or four steps in order to onboard:
: The main goal of deliverable creation activities is to create rightly right deliverables. "Right" means that every deliverable shall be in a [[state of capability]], which is determined by the fact that the deliverable meets all the [[product specification]]s that have been approved for this deliverable. "Rightly" means that the aggregate of creation activities match the agreed [[acceptance criteria]].
:#Get graduated from the [[CNM Cyber Orientation|CNM Cyber '''Orientation''']].
:#If they are not familiar with project administration, get graduated from the [[CNM DT Placement|CNM DT '''Placement''']].
:#If they are familiar with project administration or when they are, perform activities described in the [[#Areas of operations|Areas of '''operations''']].
:#Recruit another ''Coord'' in order to get graduated from the onboarding.
: At the ''Cyber'', [[#Contractors|Contractors]] create [[#Project deliverables|Project deliverables]]. To coordinate the deliverable creation, the responsible ''Coord'':
:''Main wikipage: [[CNM Cyber Orientation]]''
:# '''Initiates''' hiring of development contractors.
:# '''Plays''' roles of the [[product owner]] and/or [[project owner]] in the absence of other members of [[CNMCyber Team]] assigned to those roles. In that case, the ''Coord'' decides how, within the framework of the approved requirements, the deliverable and the project should be.
:# '''Tests''' the deliverable and, if necessary, its parts.
:# '''Collects''' data related to the deliverables under development and their production.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected project data while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Monitors''' the development and execution of the project, including compliance with the budget, schedule and scope of work.
:# '''Inquiries''' about changes to the [[project charter]], [[product specification]], [[project scope baseline]], [[project schedule baseline]], [[project cost baseline]], and/or [[acceptance criteria]] when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
:# '''Organizes''' a closed-from-the-public-view project space on [[CNM Lab]] for work on the deliverable in addition to the project wikipage on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Invites''' the hired contractor to the project space.
:# '''Reports''' to [[CNMCyber Customer]] on the status of the project, collecting, analyzing and summarizing information and trends.
:# '''Treats''' creation of deliverables as primary source of data to revisit the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities.
:# '''Makes''' sure that the created deliverables (a) represent a complete bundle of products that are listed in the [[Careerprise contractor agreement]] and (b) satisfy their [[acceptance criteria]].
:# '''Recommends''', after the contractor informs about the completion of project work, either (a) acceptance of the deliverables or (b) refusal to accept those deliverables while providing [[CNMCyber Customer]] with explanations for that refusal.
:# '''Requests''' assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed.
:# '''Revisits''' the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities when new data or new sources of data emerges in order to revisit further the [[#Specifying the deliverables|Specifying the deliverables]] and [[#Planning the project|Planning the project]] activities.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the deliverable creation using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
:The [[CNM Cyber Orientation]] is designed to introduce promising ''Coords'' to the [[Career Network Ministry]], the ''Team'', [[CNM Cyber]], and [[CNM Cloud]].
: The deliverable creation opens when [[CNMCyber Customer]] authorizes its financing and ends when the deliverables are accepted. To expedite the project, the creation may start before its [[acceptance criteria]] have developed.
===Commissioning the product===
:''Main wikipage: [[CNM DT Placement]]''
: The main goal of the product commissioning is to obtain the product in its [[state of applicability]], which is determined by the fact that the deliverable is not only functional, but can also be sustainably used for the purpose for which it has been created. In simple words, the commissioning is a transfer of the accepted deliverables from the contractor into ''Cyber'' operations. To coordinate this commissioning, the responsible ''Coord'':
:# '''Clarifies''' with [[CNMCyber Project Manager]]s which members of [[CNMCyber Team]] will: (a) deploy the newly-deployed product if it hasn't been deployed yet, (b) test the newly-deployed product, (c) restrict access of the development contractors to the product and product's classified documentation, (d) access the classified documentation on [[CNM Lab]], (e) establish new product operations based on its [[standing operating procedure]] ([[standing operating procedure|SOP]]), and (f) manage hiring of service contractors.
:# '''Initiates''' (a) deployment of the newly-deployed product if it hasn't been deployed yet, (b) [[beta testing]] of the newly-deployed product, (c) restrictions of the development contractors' access to the product and product's classified documentation, (d) new administrator's access to the classified documentation on [[CNM Lab]], (e) establishment of new product operations based on its [[standing operating procedure]] ([[standing operating procedure|SOP]]), and (f) hiring of service contractors.
:# '''Collects''' data related to the product commissioning.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected data related to product commissioning while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Publishes''' the documentation received from the contractor on the ''Cloud'' resources. Internal, closed to the public, documentation, such as administrator access to installed software, is published on [[CNM Lab]]. The documentation that can be open to the public without restrictions is published on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Requests''' assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed.
:# '''Revisits''' the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities when new data or new sources of data emerges in order to update the [[#Managing the product|Managing the product]] activities.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the product commissioning using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
:The [[CNM DT Placement]] that shall cover product ownership and [[project management]].
: The product commissioning opens when the deliverables are accepted and ends when the product is ready to be used in ''Cyber'' operations.
===Managing the product===
: Two main goals of product management are (a) to obtain the product in a [[state of manageability]] and (b) to keep it in this state. The state is determined by the fact that the product is not only used for the purpose for which it was produced, but also controlled. This management includes both maintenance and improvement of product performance, as well as decisions to end its life or replace. To coordinate the product management, the responsible ''Coord'':
:# '''Monitors''' product usage, administrator performance, user feedback, industry trends, best practices, and situations in those markets that are associated with the product, its alternatives, and components.
:# '''Treats''' the product management monitoring as primary sources of data to revisit the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities.
:# '''Collects''' data related to the product performance and its administration.
:# '''Analyses''' the collected data related to product management while organizing that data on [[CNM Wiki]].
:# '''Identifies''' problems and opportunities to improve the product or replace the product with other solutions.
:# '''Inventories''' the problems and opportunities that have been identified using ''Cyber's'' [[idea management software]] when it is available; temporarily, [[CNM Wiki]] shall be used.
:# '''Presents''' the problems and opportunities identified in the inventory to [[CNMCyber Customer]] for making decisions about opening new projects.
:# '''Requests''' assistance of the [[#Administrators|Administrators]] when additional resources are needed.
:# '''Revisits''' the [[#Studying the backgrounds|Studying the backgrounds]] activities when new data or new sources of data emerges.
:# '''Reports''' on progress of the product management using the [[CNMCyber Usable]] wikipage.
:# '''Presents''' the progress, plans and possible concerns during [[CNMCyber This Week]] meetings.
: Product management opens when the product is put into service and ends when the product gets retired.
===Further ideas to consider===
==Residents' bootcamp==
:*Orientation shall included one on one meeting with the project leads
: ''Main wikipage: [[CNMCyber Bootcamps]]''
:*One online welcome meeting and with Senior ''Coord''
:*Participation at/in one of the bi weekly digital meeting via webcast and/or any other virtual meeting platform
A [[WorldOpp fellow]] is an [[apprentice]] who is both:
: The ''Bootcamp'' is designed to introduce the learners to various positions, help to select the promising one, and place the learner as an apprentice into both the job and educational program. In their ''Practice'', the learners work as the ''Residents''.  
#'''Employed''' by [[Educaship Alliance LLC]] particularly in order to design, develop, and deliver [[CNM Cyber]]; and
#'''Matriculated''' into either [[WorldOpp Bootcamp]] or post-bootcamp programs such as [[accounting]], [[entrepreneurship]], [[information technology]], and [[project management]] of [[Bracka School]].
The [[CITPMA cirriculum]] is designed to prepare [[CITPMA|certified informational technology project management associate]]s ([[CITPMA]]s).  
: The ''Resident'' is a temporary position, limited by the duration of the ''Bootcamp''. Not everyone is attracted to work on creating something new. Not everyone is able to work in conditions of uncertainty.
The curriculum consists of six modules: (1) [[CNM English Essentials]], (2) [[WorldOpp Bootcamp]], (3) [[CNM Tech Essentials]], (4) [[CNM Data Essentials]], and (5) [[CNM DevOps Essentials]].
:* If the job of the ''Resident'' suits the participant, he or she moves towards the business analyst, systems engineer, partner coordinator, event organizer, information structure or solution creator, product or user experience designer, and product, information resources or development manager, and other occupations in projects.
:* If unable or unwilling, the participant is promoted to Contract or Systems Administrator, Usability Analyst, Accountant, Graphic Designer, Operations Engineer, Purchasing, Account Manager, and Procurement Manager and other occupations in operations.
: During the ''Bootcamp'', students should be introduced to different professions from a programmer to an accountant. The specialty will be selected based on the results of the ''Practice'', and then it will be necessary to select a curriculum with a partner and organize an internship. We hope to organize the internship ourselves, but it will be difficult to replace educational institutions. Nothing unreal is foreseen, but everything needs to be worked out. Until the third course is ready, the ''Residents'' can work on it.
==See also==
==See also==
===Related lectures===
===Related lectures===
:*[[Vacancies at CNM Cyber]]
:*[[Vacancies at CNMCyber]]
[[Category: CNM Cyber Welcome Session]][[Category: Articles]]
[[Category: CNM Cyber Welcome Session]][[Category: Articles]]

Latest revision as of 00:10, 15 April 2024

CNMCyber Coordinator (hereinafter, the Coord) is an incumbent of the graduating, final-quarter CNMCyber practice (hereinafter, the Practice) that The Economic Group has developed to practically introduce CNMCyber patrons to workspace overall. The Coords practice in executing the CNM Agile framework primarily including coordination of its separate endeavors.

The Coords don't develop CNMCyber products directly, on their own. On the contrary, they assist in hiring Careerprise contractors and working with them.

The Practice belongs to the fourth quarter of CNMCyber Bootcamps (hereinafter, the Bootcamp). This quarter's lessons are called Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp; they are designed to prepare the Coords to that Practice. The Practice is offered to those CNM Cloud Operators who successfully pass Information Technology Project Management Exam after taking the fourth quarter's classes. The graduating endeavor encompasses the learner's individual plan to land a professional job. Successful completion of the cyber coordination practice qualifies the Coords as Certified Information Technology Project Management Associates (CITPMAs). Graduation from the Role ends the Bootcamp.


The Coords practice is to facilitate someone else's performance on Projects vs operations related to CNMCyber products. The Coord chooses the paid work from the Authorized work; alternatively, the Coord may propose own work, which may or may not be authorized for compensation. To learn about benefits, competencies, history, supervision, and target audiences, please consult the CNMCyber practice wikipage.

Choice of practice

By default, the Coords choose Endeavors that suit them best. CNMCyber Project Managers may ask a Coord to take an urgent or specific project when they know anything professional about the Coord. That means that the Coords have to choose their first endeavor at least.
The work of the Coords is paid when they work on those endeavors that funding is authorized on the CNMCyber Usable wikipage. That page contains links to:
Any Coord is welcome to pick any endeavor he or she would like to work on. In addition, the Coords are encouraged to propose their own endeavors.

How to start

Are you interested in getting started as the Coord? Please follow a step-by-step instruction as follows:
  1. Get professional experience as CNM Website Developer, CNM Event Organizer, and CNM Cloud Operator.
  2. Until Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp is fully developed, briefly review the following wikipages:
    1. this very wikipage since it outlines your work,
    2. CNMCyber product since this wikipage outlines the products, which development and management you are going to facilitate.
    3. If you consider working on Cyber marketables, please consult also Careerprise Funnel.
  3. Ask questions. Questions are a huge part of your work; if you cannot ask, you cannot work. If you prefer videoconferences, attend any CNMCyber This Week event. You will have opportunities to ask questions and get responses in real time.
  4. Understand why the Cyber endeavors are undertaken and what value is expected from the Coord. That's simple. If you cannot deliver what CNMCyber Customer supports, you cannot work. Everything that CNMCyber Customer supports is stated on this very wikipage.
  5. Wait for 2-3 months if you cannot understand what your objectives are. There is a chance that the course and/or videos will be developed out of this wikipage during that time. The introductory courses will be available at https://cert.cnmcyber.com after registering at https://opplet.net/user/register ; the videos will be published on CNM Tube and YouTube. Some of course wiki-materials are linked to WorldOpp Orientation, EmployableU Concepts, and CNMCyber Bootcamps wikipages
  6. Pick up your first endeavor at the CNMCyber Usable wikipage when you understand what your objectives are. You may have no idea what that particular endeavor is about. First of all, no endeavor is fully clear and, secondly, to learn about one endeavor is always simpler that to learn about many. When you really studied this very wikipage, you should know how to go about that endeavor. If you cannot pick your project, you cannot start working as the Coord.
  7. Contact CNMCyber Customer while stating (a) the endeavor you have picked, (b) what you plan to deliver, and (c) how much time you expect to work in order to deliver what you plan to deliver.
By the way, you can be paid to ask questions about this wikipage when you identify the endeavor behind that page.


The Economic Group has created and markets the Coord's role for those who don't necessarily possess any occupation yet. At the Occupational Information Network, the closest occupation is Information Technology Project Manager; the principal difference is that the Coords don't make managerial decisions. The Certified IT Project Management Associate (CITPMA) credential is awarded to the successful Coords.
Other close occupations include Project Management Specialists, Computer and Information Systems Managers,

Administrative Services Managers Chief Executives Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Office and Administrative Support Workers Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Human Resources Manager General and Operations Managers


What Coords produce

To facilitate development and/or management of CNMCyber products, the Coords produce four categories of their first-level results. They are (1) Meetings, (2) Documents, (c) Records, and (d) Communications. For the Coords, those results represent measurable outputs of the Practice.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, communications are defined as distribution of the messages that are related to the Cyber, the Cloud, as well as efforts to develop those. Particularly, the communications are used to exchange the Documents and Records; the Meetings are used to facilitate the communications.
The Coords run their communications to make development of CNMCyber products possible. These communications include:
  • Internal communications such as project and product communications, meeting invitations, reminders, moderation and discussion messages, and follow-ups.
  • External communications such as marketing campaigns, as well as distribution of outreach messages.
Marketing communications are described in the Market presence section of this very wikipage. Within the Project results, internal communications represent project scraps; they are needed to produce project outputs. External communications, especially marketing campaigns and products, represent project outputs.


Generally speaking, a document is a separate piece that (a) presents data, (b) is composed with texts and/or images, and (c) can further be edited or revised. The former document that can no longer be revised, for instance, a signed contract, becomes a record.
Probably, documents are the single most important output of the Coords's work. To facilitate development of CNMCyber products, the Coords draft, edit, groom, and manage documents. Those documents may include:
  • Blueprints, which are document prototypes useful to create final documents. For instance, the Careerprise contractor agreement wikipage is used as a blueprint to draw up contracts with individual contractors. As a rule, these target documents are published on CNM Wiki.
  • Legal drafts such as papers drafted to be signed as contracts.
  • Product documents, which are descriptions of former, existing, and future products published on CNM Wiki, as well as deliverable requirements, emails and other messages between product owners and developers, organizational and technical documentation such as standing operating procedures (SOPs), minutes of the meetings, testing and other reports, etc.
  • Project documents, which are project requirements, progress reports, emails and other messages between project owners and developers, memos with the results of project approvals, developments, meetings, and research.
Although outreach materials such as those that are used in organizing of CNMCyber events and website texts are documents, the Coords don't normally create them. Careerprise contractors, CNM Cloud Operators, CNM Event Organizers, and CNM Website Developers shall create them; however, if no contractors, developers, operators, or organizers are available, the Coords may step in.
Within the Project results, those draft and final documents are either project scraps or outputs. As the outputs, they usually accompany other CNMCyber products. For example, products normally come with instructions. However, some of documents represent whole products on their own. For example, to bundle the functional product with the instructions, those instructions were needed to be developed before.


Generally speaking, a meeting is an occasion in which people meet to exchange data, discuss something, make decisions, and/or collaborate. Meetings occur online and/or offline in forms of verbal conversations, videoconferences, and/or webcasts.
To support development of CNMCyber products, the Coords prepare, moderate, conduct, and close meetings. Those meetings may include:
  • Hiring events, which are interviews and other meetings between contractor candidates and CNMCyber Project Manager organized to discuss potential entering into a contract and/or to make that decision.
  • Product meetings, which are meetings organized (a) to discuss deliverable features, (b) to make deliverable decisions, and/or (c) to communicate those decisions.
  • Project meetings, which are meetings organized (a) to discuss project features, (b) to make project decisions, and/or (c) to communicate those decisions.
Although CNMCyber events can be considered as meetings, the Coords don't normally organize them. Either Careerprise contractors or CNM Event Organizers shall organize them; however, if neither contractors nor organizers are available, the Coords may step in.
At the same time, the Coords shall participate, synchronically or asynchronically, in CNMCyber This Week events, which are weekly meetings of the Coords who present (a) what they accomplished last week, (b) what they plan to accomplish next week, and (c) what assistance do they need.
Within the Project results, the meetings immediately produce project scraps. Their archived recordings are Records. The meetings are used to develop Documents.


Generally speaking, a record is a piece of matter that (a) presents data and (b) cannot further be edited or revised unless losing the status of a record. For instance, a signed contract, which is a record, can be used as a prototype to create new documents.
To support development of CNMCyber products, the Coords collect records, place them in designated spaces, and, if applicable, manage their storage. Special standing operating procedures (SOPs) shall designate spaces for that purpose. Those records may include:
  • Archived files such as videos, audios, textual files, as well as coded and programmed scripts.
  • Databases of contacts, competencies of contractors, characteristics of tested software, etc.
  • Enterprise records such as contracts, which are legally-binding agreements, applications and reports that are officially submitted to governmental bodies and partners, identification and other personal documents of Cyber's employees that the law requires to keep in the enterprise system, accounting records, etc. At the Cyber, enterprise records are stored at CNM Corp.
  • Product records such as approved requirements for the project deliverable are posted at CNM Wiki. To be product records, they need to be protected from unauthorized edits and belong to the Product records category.
  • Project records are kept at several spaces depending on their nature. Project reports are posted at the CNMCyber Usable wikipage. Legally-binding documents are stored at CNM Corp. Accepted deliverables are stored at CNM Lab.
  • Publications such as minutes of meetings and others textual records that reflect past events, content of CNM Lab, Page, CNMCyber.com, and Wiki, as well as those postings on YouTube, CNMCyber Meetup, and other social media that the Coords may make. There is no single place for publications' storage at the Cyber; they are posted at different media. CNM Wiki can be used for development of publications; appearance of CNM apps at the WWW can also be considered as publications.
  • Technology records such as access credentials and detailed descriptions of software used in the Cloud. At the Cyber, technology records are stored at CNM Lab.
Within the Project results, the records represent project outputs by their definition.


For the purposes of this very wikipage, endeavors refer to both development projects and management operations. Each endeavor can have the Coord who coordinates this endeavor and, particularly, facilitates the Contractors' performance. Each Coord chooses his or her endeavor to coordinate.

Endeavors may include several projects and/or operations, but the Coord must concentrate only on one project or operation during one week. The endeavors are listed in the "CNMCyber endeavors" category.

Authorized endeavors

Those Endeavors that are authorized to practice with are listed on the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.

Endeavor documents

At CNM Wiki, Cyber endeavors are documented using two types of wikipages:
  1. The progress on particular endeavors is reported at the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  2. Endeavor pages document everything, but progress reports. Those pages are listed at the "CNMCyber endeavors" category and include project documents such as project charter, asset register, competency register, stakeholder register, requirements traceability matrix, project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria.

Projects vs operations

The Coords work and/or facilitate someone else's work on endeavors, which are either:
Regardless of work on projects or operations, the Coords are always engaged in the Studying the backgrounds activities and can be engaged in the Hiring the contractors and Working with contractors activities.

Sets of processes

Any endeavor can be viewed as sets of processes. On that very wikipage, those processes are grouped in nine sections of What Coords do.
However, every of those groups, in fact, are separate developments on their own. For instance, the project formalization shall result in a project charter, but this document may be considered as an output of a separate development that requires its own formalization, studies, specification, planning, creation, and commissioning. Sometimes, it also requires hiring contractors and working with them. Thus, the sections of What Coords do show just some level of tentative divisions and do not represent definite classifications.

Why endeavors

In business, a combination of two or more projects and, possibly, some ongoing operations, is often called a program. In this sense, a program refers to a set of structured activities that is undertaken on a systematic basis.
The term, endeavor, is chosen to separate the work that is available to the Coords from complex and lengthy programs. Since the Coords choose their endeavors to coordinate, Coords' endeavors are not undertaken systematically.

What Coords do

The Coords' work can be divided in nine Sets of processes. Every Endeavor shall start with Formalizing the project, go through at least Studying the backgrounds and Creating the deliverables, as well as end from the Managing the product activities.

Formalizing the project

For the purposes of this very wikipage, project formalization refers to the set of efforts that is undertaken to the extent necessary to start researching the backgrounds for envisioning of Project deliverables and their production. This formalization aims to setup the stage for Studying the backgrounds activities.
The formalization shall produce a project charter, which is a document that (a) formalizes a project out of undocumented change making or development and (b) authorizes the project administration. The charter contains CNMCyber Customer's business requirements or those product and/or project requirements of CNMCyber Customer that are not negotiable. These requirements shall address some business need; the terms business requirement and business need are synonims and often used interchangeably. At CNMCyber, they may be stated in one or more of the following:
  • Business case. A description of CNMCyber Customer's vision for what and/or how the project shall accomplish. The case may or may not state success criteria or those key performance indicators (PKIs) that would or would not constitute the project's success. Any successful project shall satisfy specific business needs. Generally speaking, the business case constitutes why the project exists.
  • Statement of work (SOW). A document that states hard requirements related to product and project scope, budget, as well as schedule. The statement lists "hard" deliverables and key factors that affect the project work. The statement may or may not indicate project tools, policies, regulatory and governance terms. The budget part of the statement may or may not describe milestones. The schedule part of the statement may or may not describe funds available, work authorization process, and/or constraints to the funds' availability. The statement is often employed as a part of a request for proposal (RFP).
On a slang, non-negotiable requirements are called "hard requirements". The charter contains all of the hard requirements that come from CNMCyber Customer. However, some of hard requirements derive from the laws, availability of workforce, and other environmental factors. They shall be added to a requirements traceability matrix (RTM) during the Studying the backgrounds activities.
To coordinate the project formalization, the responsible Coord:
  1. Collects data related to the business requirements from CNMCyber Customer.
  2. Analyses the collected data related to business needs while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  3. Drafts a project charter.
  4. Makes sure that the statement of work (SOW) in the drafted project charter addresses the business need and supports the business case.
  5. Submits the drafted project charter for CNMCyber Customer's approval.
  6. Publishes the project charter, after its approval, on CNM Wiki.
  7. Requests (a) assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the project charter when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
  8. Reports on progress of the project formalization using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  9. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The project formalization starts after the business need is identified and ends when the project charter is completed.

Studying the backgrounds

For the purposes of this very wikipage, endeavor studies refer to the set of efforts that is undertaken to the extent necessary to start envisioning, planning and managing for the project deliverables, their production and management. These studies aim to setup the stage for Specifying the deliverables, Planning the project, and Managing the product activities.
Endeavor studies shall produce data needed for (a) envisioning of the product, (b) planning its production, and (c) managing the produced product. At CNMCyber, the project studies shall produce the following outputs:
  • Asset register, which is a database of assets that can be used in the project. Particularly, those assets include non-human sources of data that are useful for production of project deliverables.
  • Competency register, which is a database of those competencies that can be valuable to Cyber efforts and their owners, potential and current Contractors and members of CNMCyber Team.
  • Product user group at CNMCyber.com, which is a space for project stakeholders to receive project updates and contribute their questions and comments. The group shall be open 24/7 for asynchronous activities; a functioning group shall also meet simultaneously via video-conference on a weekly basis. The groups of COTS software users tend to be titled in the "CNM/Opplet COTS-name Users" format.
  • Product pages at CNM Wiki, which are wikipages on which the product is being developed. The pages that represent COTS software tend to be titled in the "CNM/Opplet COTS-name" format. They belong to the "CNMCyber products" category.
  • Endeavor pages at CNM Wiki, which are wikipages on which the endeavor is being developed. The pages that represent endeavors on COTS software tend to be titled in the "COTS-name for CNMCyber/Cloud/Opplet/Farms" format. They belong to the "CNMCyber endeavors" category.
  • Requirements traceability matrix, which is a grid that links requirements and their sources.
  • Stakeholder register, which is a database that lists stakeholders of the endeavor. Those stakeholders include the Administrators, CNMCyber Team, those Contractors that work on the endeavor, as well as regulatory bodies that define and/or constrain endeavor's efforts issuing applicable laws and binding requirements. The complete register contains analysis of stakeholders.
To coordinate the project studies, the responsible Coord:
  1. Identifies those available resources that should or can be used in project activities. Human resources include CNMCyber Team. Other resources include those presented in the initial WorldOpp Pipeline courses, on CNM Wiki, existing tools, materials, prototypes, and finished products available at CNMCyber, on the World Wide Web and other sources. For off-the-shelf products, developer websites and professional resources like https://stackoverflow.com/ are usually helpful.
  2. Analyses the identified resources with regard to their nature, usefulness, and potential impact while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  3. Selects those resources and those data that may be used in the project activities.
  4. Composes the asset register, competency register, and stakeholder register.
  5. Forms a product user group at CNMCyber.com if this group hasn't formed yet; refreshes the group if it has already formed.
  6. Organizes weekly video conferences, as well as other meetings and activities of the user group. Topics of those events shall address the product, its production when the product is under development, work of its administrators, user feedback and market trends.
  7. Invites everyone who is interested in product's development to the user group.
  8. Offers those experts and specialists who have knowledge, skills, and abilities useful for product specifications or project planning to discuss the deliverable and/or project.
  9. Interviews those experts and specialists who agreed to discuss the deliverable and/or project.
  10. Collects data related to (a) the project deliverables and their production when this deliverable hasn't been deployed yet and (b) product performance when the deliverable has already been deployed, as well as its industry trends.
  11. Makes sure that all of the collected data sources are listed in the asset register, competency register, or stakeholder register.
  12. Publishes the collected data on CNM Wiki. Product data shall be published on the product pages; project data shall be published on the project pages. The published data shall refer to its sources; however, personal data publication requires permissions. From a legal point of view, we cannot publish the confidential information of our contractors, for instance.
  13. Creates a requirements traceability matrix to trace the product and project requirements from the selected sources to perspective project deliverables.
  14. Updates the asset register, competency register, stakeholder register, requirements traceability matrix, as well as project and product pages when ever new data from existing and/or new sources emerge.
  15. Requests assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed.
  16. Reports on progress of the project studies using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  17. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The project studies start after the project charter is approved. Collection of requirements, product envisioning, project planning, production, as well as commissioning and management of a product always reveals new factors and data. That is why the studies end with the project closure.

Specifying the deliverables

The main goal of the product specification activities is to get the deliverable in a state of certainty, which is determined by the presence of a validated product specification. This specification is needed to compare the created deliverables against their requirements. To coordinate the product specification, the responsible Coord:
  1. Collects data related to stakeholder requirements for the project deliverables and product specifications using the asset register, competency register, and stakeholder register. This collection includes communications with stakeholders and review of documents and other assets that are registered.
  2. Examines available prototypes, unfinished and finished products against the collected data.
  3. Analyses the collected product data while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  4. Clarifies the collected data based on the examined prototypes and finished products.
  5. Identifies those target audiences who are supposed to use future deliverables.
  6. Creates imaginary personas that would represent each of the identified audience.
  7. Produces stakeholder requirements for each created persona using CNM Wiki.
  8. Composes product specifications based on the produced stakeholder requirements using CNM Wiki.
  9. Traces in a requirements traceability matrix the formalized stakeholder requirements from their sources to perspective project deliverables.
  10. Makes sure that (a) the product specification supports the stakeholder requirements and (b) all the deliverable data is published on CNM Wiki.
  11. Checks product specifications for completeness. This completeness shall be characterized by the presence of conditions for (a) functionality, (b) applicability, and (c) manageability of the deliverables. Conditions for functionality should include measures for product's performance. Conditions for applicability should include measures for product's deployment, testing, diagnostics, accessibility, serviceability, protection, and capacity to recover after disasters; these measures must be documented in product's standing operational procedure (SOP). Conditions for manageability should include measures for product's monitoring, periodic audits and revisions, as well as timely software updates for the COTS software products.
  12. Updates the stakeholder requirements and product specifications when ever new data from existing and/or new sources emerge.
  13. Requests assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed.
  14. Reports on progress of the product specification using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  15. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The product specification opens when CNMCyber Customer approves the project charter and ends with the project closure.

Planning the project

The main goal of the project planning is to decide how the project deliverables will be developed. Those activities shall result in validated acceptance criteria. In other words, planning is getting a description of project activities that allows this development to be certain. To coordinate the project planning, the responsible Coord:
  1. Collects data related to project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria using the asset register, competency register, and stakeholder register. This collection includes communications with stakeholders and review of documents and other assets that are registered.
  2. Examines the existing products that are going to be further developed if they are available.
  3. Analyses the collected project data while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  4. Formulates the difference between what actually is and what is needed to be. The existing products are what actually is, while the specified deliverable is what is needed to be. The project activities shall address this identified difference; they represent what needs to be done.
  5. Drafts a project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria, based on the resources recorded in the registers.
  6. Makes sure that the acceptance criteria supports the project scope baseline and project schedule baseline.
  7. Submits the drafted project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria for CNMCyber Customer's confirmation.
  8. Publishes the project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, and acceptance criteria, after their confirmation, on CNM Wiki. To make future negotiations successful, neither the project cost baseline nor other financial data should be available to the general public.
  9. Requests (a) assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and/or acceptance criteria when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
  10. Reports on progress of the project planning using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  11. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
Similarly to Specifying the deliverables, the project planning opens when CNMCyber Customer approves the project charter and ends with the project closure. However, the project plan not entirely, but depends on product specification, while the specification rarely does. The deliverable to be dictates what needs to be done, not vice versa. Only impossibility of the specified deliverable production can initiate the change to its product specification.

Hiring the contractors

At the Cyber, the main goal of hiring of project contractors is to expand the Coords' expertise and resources in order to accomplish the project. The contractors must be hired to produce anything beyond #What Coords produceWhat Coords produce; however, the contractors can also be hired to produce special Communications, Documents, Meetings, and/or Records.
In order to be hired, though, the prospective contractors need to be sourced first and selected second. Moreover, the sourcing, selecting, and hiring require their own "cycle phases" such as request formalization, background studies, contractor competencies' specification, recruitment plan, as well as this plan execution.
All of those activities shall result in fully-executed Careerprise contractor agreement. To coordinate the hiring of contractors, the responsible Coord:
  1. Evaluates whether third-party contractors are needed and, if they are needed, what Types of contractors should be looked for.
  2. Provides data to CNMCyber Customer for making the decision either to bring external contractors on the board or not to bring. The positive decision assumes CNMCyber Customer's willingness to finance the contractor's work.
  3. Revisits the Studying the backgrounds activities to identify those available resources that should or can be used in sourcing, selecting, and hiring of contractors.
  4. Collects data related to sourcing, selecting, and hiring of contractors that are able and available to satisfy Cyber needs using the asset register, competency register, and stakeholder register. This collection includes communications with stakeholders and review of documents and other assets that are registered.
  5. Analyses the collected sourcing, selecting, and hiring data while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  6. Composes solicitation materials including a request for proposal (RFP), which is a solicitation announcement, and the list of its placement options.
  7. Submits the composed materials to the CNMCyber Project Manager for their publication.
  8. Revisits the Studying the backgrounds activities to update a list of potential contractors in the stakeholder register.
  9. Invites the listed contractors to discuss project's deliverables and product specifications, as well as the project including project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and acceptance criteria.
  10. Treats the discussions with the contractor candidates as primary sources of data to revisit the Studying the backgrounds activities. Hiring people is a great way to learn about aspects of an endeavor. Conducted interviews shall add to the CNM Wiki documentation. Particularly, that means publishing on CNM Wiki the data related to the deliverables and schedules extracted from the discussions. As a rule, meetings with contractors serve two different purposes: (a) selection of right candidates and (b) learning about the deliverables and/or project. Historically, requirements are refined during the recruitment process. If the requirements cannot be formulated during the recruitment process, they themselves shall become deliverables of an intermediary project.
  11. Assists in selection of the most promising candidates, negotiations, and other processes aimed to source and select contractors.
  12. Makes sure that the contractors are being selected not only because of their ability to speak, write, look well, get in touch on time, respond quickly, and so on, but, primarily, because of their ability to satisfy the Funded demands this contractor is being hired to resolve. Specifically, CNMCyber Customer's:
    1. Approval of acceptance criteria makes possible hiring of developers.
    2. Validation of a standing operating procedure (SOP) makes possible hiring of servicers.
    3. Authorization of paid hours makes possible hiring of on-call specialists.
    If no job vacancy document is available at the moment, the candidates shall be offered to help developing it on a volunteer basis. If the need exists, but all internal and external resources to develop the document are exhausted, the Coord shall initiate a preliminary project to produce that document.
  13. Initiates a preliminary project to document the Funded demands if own efforts of the Coord didn't produce that document.
  14. Drafts a Careerprise contractor agreement while using its blueprint and entering subject matters to negotiate or agree.
  15. Provides the prospective and/or selected contractor with the drafted agreement.
  16. Informs CNMCyber Customer about the readiness of the contract or contract for the full execution. The execution of the contract authorizes the financing of the production of the deliverables by contractors. One of the consultants may be contracted for consultations and/or participation in video conferences.
  17. Requests (a) assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the request for proposal (RFP) when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
  18. Reports on new contractor hires using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  19. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The hiring of contractors opens when CNMCyber Customer approves the Coord's request for the hire. It ends with full execution of the Careerprise contractor agreement.

Working with contractors

The main goal of collaboration with endeavor contractors is to enable the Contractors to deliver rightly right project deliverables or other requested services. To coordinate collaboration with contractors, the responsible Coord:
  1. Serves as an liaison between CNMCyber Customer and contractors, reporting problems that need to be resolved.
  2. Organizes videoconferences or other meetings of parties interested in the project, especially those necessary to resolve problems arising during the project.
  3. Collects data related to the contractor performance.
  4. Analyses the collected data related to contractor performance while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  5. Initiates the process of paying contractors for their work. The process shall be described in a special standing operating procedure (SOP). Prior to creating it, this start of the process implies a request to the manager or CNMCyber Customer.
  6. Requests (a) assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed and/or (b) changes to the fully-executed Careerprise contractor agreement when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
  7. Revisits the Studying the backgrounds activities when new data or new sources of data emerges in order to revisit further the Specifying the deliverables and Planning the project activities.
  8. Presents the progress of collaboration with contractors, plans and possible concerns about that collaboration during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The collaboration with contractors opens when their Careerprise contractor agreement is fully executed. It ends with the closure of the agreement.

Creating the deliverables

The main goal of deliverable creation activities is to create rightly right deliverables. "Right" means that every deliverable shall be in a state of capability, which is determined by the fact that the deliverable meets all the product specifications that have been approved for this deliverable. "Rightly" means that the aggregate of creation activities match the agreed acceptance criteria.
At the Cyber, Contractors create Project deliverables. To coordinate the deliverable creation, the responsible Coord:
  1. Initiates hiring of development contractors.
  2. Plays roles of the product owner and/or project owner in the absence of other members of CNMCyber Team assigned to those roles. In that case, the Coord decides how, within the framework of the approved requirements, the deliverable and the project should be.
  3. Tests the deliverable and, if necessary, its parts.
  4. Collects data related to the deliverables under development and their production.
  5. Analyses the collected project data while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  6. Monitors the development and execution of the project, including compliance with the budget, schedule and scope of work.
  7. Inquiries about changes to the project charter, product specification, project scope baseline, project schedule baseline, project cost baseline, and/or acceptance criteria when new data from existing and/or new sources of data prompt so.
  8. Organizes a closed-from-the-public-view project space on CNM Lab for work on the deliverable in addition to the project wikipage on CNM Wiki.
  9. Invites the hired contractor to the project space.
  10. Reports to CNMCyber Customer on the status of the project, collecting, analyzing and summarizing information and trends.
  11. Treats creation of deliverables as primary source of data to revisit the Studying the backgrounds activities.
  12. Makes sure that the created deliverables (a) represent a complete bundle of products that are listed in the Careerprise contractor agreement and (b) satisfy their acceptance criteria.
  13. Recommends, after the contractor informs about the completion of project work, either (a) acceptance of the deliverables or (b) refusal to accept those deliverables while providing CNMCyber Customer with explanations for that refusal.
  14. Requests assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed.
  15. Revisits the Studying the backgrounds activities when new data or new sources of data emerges in order to revisit further the Specifying the deliverables and Planning the project activities.
  16. Reports on progress of the deliverable creation using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  17. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The deliverable creation opens when CNMCyber Customer authorizes its financing and ends when the deliverables are accepted. To expedite the project, the creation may start before its acceptance criteria have developed.

Commissioning the product

The main goal of the product commissioning is to obtain the product in its state of applicability, which is determined by the fact that the deliverable is not only functional, but can also be sustainably used for the purpose for which it has been created. In simple words, the commissioning is a transfer of the accepted deliverables from the contractor into Cyber operations. To coordinate this commissioning, the responsible Coord:
  1. Clarifies with CNMCyber Project Managers which members of CNMCyber Team will: (a) deploy the newly-deployed product if it hasn't been deployed yet, (b) test the newly-deployed product, (c) restrict access of the development contractors to the product and product's classified documentation, (d) access the classified documentation on CNM Lab, (e) establish new product operations based on its standing operating procedure (SOP), and (f) manage hiring of service contractors.
  2. Initiates (a) deployment of the newly-deployed product if it hasn't been deployed yet, (b) beta testing of the newly-deployed product, (c) restrictions of the development contractors' access to the product and product's classified documentation, (d) new administrator's access to the classified documentation on CNM Lab, (e) establishment of new product operations based on its standing operating procedure (SOP), and (f) hiring of service contractors.
  3. Collects data related to the product commissioning.
  4. Analyses the collected data related to product commissioning while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  5. Publishes the documentation received from the contractor on the Cloud resources. Internal, closed to the public, documentation, such as administrator access to installed software, is published on CNM Lab. The documentation that can be open to the public without restrictions is published on CNM Wiki.
  6. Requests assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed.
  7. Revisits the Studying the backgrounds activities when new data or new sources of data emerges in order to update the Managing the product activities.
  8. Reports on progress of the product commissioning using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  9. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
The product commissioning opens when the deliverables are accepted and ends when the product is ready to be used in Cyber operations.

Managing the product

Two main goals of product management are (a) to obtain the product in a state of manageability and (b) to keep it in this state. The state is determined by the fact that the product is not only used for the purpose for which it was produced, but also controlled. This management includes both maintenance and improvement of product performance, as well as decisions to end its life or replace. To coordinate the product management, the responsible Coord:
  1. Monitors product usage, administrator performance, user feedback, industry trends, best practices, and situations in those markets that are associated with the product, its alternatives, and components.
  2. Treats the product management monitoring as primary sources of data to revisit the Studying the backgrounds activities.
  3. Collects data related to the product performance and its administration.
  4. Analyses the collected data related to product management while organizing that data on CNM Wiki.
  5. Identifies problems and opportunities to improve the product or replace the product with other solutions.
  6. Inventories the problems and opportunities that have been identified using Cyber's idea management software when it is available; temporarily, CNM Wiki shall be used.
  7. Presents the problems and opportunities identified in the inventory to CNMCyber Customer for making decisions about opening new projects.
  8. Requests assistance of the Administrators when additional resources are needed.
  9. Revisits the Studying the backgrounds activities when new data or new sources of data emerges.
  10. Reports on progress of the product management using the CNMCyber Usable wikipage.
  11. Presents the progress, plans and possible concerns during CNMCyber This Week meetings.
Product management opens when the product is put into service and ends when the product gets retired.

Residents' bootcamp

Main wikipage: CNMCyber Bootcamps
The Bootcamp is designed to introduce the learners to various positions, help to select the promising one, and place the learner as an apprentice into both the job and educational program. In their Practice, the learners work as the Residents.
The Resident is a temporary position, limited by the duration of the Bootcamp. Not everyone is attracted to work on creating something new. Not everyone is able to work in conditions of uncertainty.
  • If the job of the Resident suits the participant, he or she moves towards the business analyst, systems engineer, partner coordinator, event organizer, information structure or solution creator, product or user experience designer, and product, information resources or development manager, and other occupations in projects.
  • If unable or unwilling, the participant is promoted to Contract or Systems Administrator, Usability Analyst, Accountant, Graphic Designer, Operations Engineer, Purchasing, Account Manager, and Procurement Manager and other occupations in operations.
During the Bootcamp, students should be introduced to different professions from a programmer to an accountant. The specialty will be selected based on the results of the Practice, and then it will be necessary to select a curriculum with a partner and organize an internship. We hope to organize the internship ourselves, but it will be difficult to replace educational institutions. Nothing unreal is foreseen, but everything needs to be worked out. Until the third course is ready, the Residents can work on it.

See also

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