Careerprise BizOpps

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Careerprise's trade mark

Employment Essentials is the last presentation in the Welcome to WorldOpp Team lecture. The lecture itself is the last in WorldOpp Orientation. Consequently, the Orientation is the first stage of WorldOpp Pipeline.

This wikipage presents its full script and those test questions that are related to that presentation.


The video of the presentation is published at (3:59). Here is its full text.


Welcome to Careerprise Business Opps. In this brief presentation, we are going to take a look at those business opportunities that the Friends Of CNM offers. We will make a separate stop by the events designed to help potential vendors and partners to navigate through those opportunities.
Careerprise bizopp. An opportunity for a business to become a Careerprise vendor and/or Careerprise partner.
WorldOpp hiring event. Any WorldOpp event organized in order to attract promising WorldOpp candidates, Careerprise vendors, Careerprise partners, and/or customers.

What Careerprise business opportunities are

Careerprice business opportunity is an opportunity for a business to become a Careerprice vendor or a partner so, a vendor is someone who Friends of CNM hires directly and Careerprice partner is a legal entity that takes part in undertakings with Friends of CNM in order to share those risks and profits that are related to those undertakings.

So what are the difference? Let’s have an example, Friends of CNM hosts CNM digital and this is built on CNM Cloud. Cloud must be somewhere in the cloud, in the internet so we need to hire someone who will host our technology in the internet. So this is the example of Careerprice vendor, we are looking for a vendor with the best price and we hire this vendor directly and pay this vendor money.

Another example, someone has a very good agile bootcamp, there is a training provider, they do it all the time, they know how to do it, we check it, its good Friend of CNM is not ready, is not considered to pay for this agile bootcamp because we don`t need it and plus we have no budget for this but we can offer your agile bootcamp to our patrons if it`s yes we can share the risk and profits, if not we tried.

Let’s take a look at the picture and the matrix between WorldOpp Prime, WorldOpp for the Vulnerable and Careerprice. When we talk about partner services, they are available only outside WorldOpp Pipeline but it can be still like market, it can be still like an opportunity that is why it`s called opportunity. For those vendors or partners who have any problems or questions Careerprice conferences are supposed to give place or to be a place where all questions can be resolved or problems can be solved and so on and so forth. Every potential aspiring partner can initiate such a conference.

WorldOpp hiring event is any event organized in order to attract promising WorldOpp Candidates, Careerprice Vendors, and Careerprice Partners and or possibly customers. WorldOpp hiring events are organized by event hosts which can be someone or Friends of CNM or may not.

With this, it concludes the WorldOpp Orientation and after taking Exam, we are hopeful that you will be ready to continue with WorldOpp placement seminar.


This concludes the Careerprise Business Opps presentation. We have taken a look at Careerprise business opps for vendors and partners, as well as mentioned Careerprise conferences and WorldOpp hiring events.
Now, you are welcome to review the whole WorldOpp Orientation or any of its parts, use any other resources delivered by Friends Of CNM, and/or take an exam at CNM Campus and, if you are interested in WorldOpp, get enrolled into WorldOpp Placement Seminar.

Quiz questions

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.

See also