Friends Of CNM

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Friends Of CNM (hereinafter, the Friends) is a group of individuals and organizations that support the Career Network Ministry (also known by its acronym CNM) in order to:

  1. Discover, analyze, and design new services related to education, workforce development, and recruitment;
  2. Enhance existing services of CNM; as well as
  3. Launch and support those services that are not currently offered by the CNM to its patrons (hereinafter, the Patrons); most importantly, these services utilize CNM Cloud.


Main wikipage: Careerprise service

Career services

Main wikipage: Careerprise
Careerprise is the one-stop hub for career services that is brought to the general public by the Friends. Using CNM Cloud, the Friends intends to connect the Patrons to those career service providers, that services fit the Patrons' needs. Some of the services, such as online career administration education, shall be offered at no cost to the Patrons.

Entrepreneurial fellowship

Main wikipage: WorldOpp
WorldOpp is the programme to support entrepreneurs worldwide commercially through WorldOpp Prime and create jobs for the vulnerable through WorldOpp for the Vulnerable, that is brought to the general public by the Friends. The programme provides its fellows with (a) entrepreneurship education through Bracka Leadership Academy and (b) funding for startup businesses. The official website of the programme is

Dual education

Main wikipage: Educaship
Educaship is the program that combines liberal education, career administration, and apprenticeship, and is brought to the general public by the Friends. The length of the program is four or more years. Its graduates receive professional experience and other employable credentials. The costs associated with the program are similar to college tuition costs.


The Friends are divided in three departments: (a) Community Board, (b) Fellow Staff, and (c) Opplet incubators.


Main wikipage: Careerprise Team

Honor members


Public portal

Main wikipage:
The Friends' public portal is


Main wikipage: Friends Of CNM newsletter


Main wikipage: Friends Of CNM Program

The development of the Friends is conducted under Friends Of CNM Program, which consists of several projects including (a) Careerprise Project, (b) CNM Management Training Project, (c) Educaship Project, and (d) WorldOpp development.


Main wikipage: Friends Of CNM employment

On an ongoing basis, the Friends group is hiring staffers for its Fellow Staff and Opplet incubators.