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Careerprise (hereinafter, the Services) is a one-stop shop for career services brought to the general public by Friends Of CNM, which maintains relationships with some vendors that offer their services to CNM's patrons.


One Stop -- Let Us Find Your Best Earning Opportunity.


  1. Create a good contract with vendors -- PMP providers, career coaches, universities, and so on.
  2. Create a good commercial proposal to possible vendors, stressing out the non-profit nature of the endeavor and our significant work in preparation, mentoring, and so on, and stressing our interest in their discounts.
  3. Create the list of desired vendors -- with regard to PMP, Dr. Ali and shall be there.
  4. Start slowly distributing our offer, while trying with those with whom we already landed mutual understanding of benefits of collaboration.
  5. Create the website at -- Mercedes would suggest what should be on the websites and Gary implements. Both of them will have admin accesses. The website will also be linked to a bigger platform, which will be used for training, demonstrations, and skill-based volunteering. Later, the platform will include (a) video-hosting, (b) email, (c) videoconferencing. Currently, it includes:
  6. Post vendors' offers in the store.
  7. Re-develop our offer and distribute it to a larger number of potential vendors.
  8. Launch quick overviews of the hottest items on our list -- online + onsite.
  9. Launch regular meetings (you online + me onsite) like "Getting started with Friends Of CNM". Our pitch will be a match between people's needs and vendors' services plus a bulk of free services such as online training, career coaching, mentorship, and, most of all, in-take.
  10. Help people and contribute to a better world.



Hi [Group Member],

Things are changing and I'd like to share a quick tip with you that our alumni are finding crucial for success. There are SO many choices with career service carriers (and many are bad)!

So We Vetted 70+ Career Service Carriers in Our Region

You can now get the best carrier, with the best offers, and the best track record for your situation. We've already vetted the top 70. From that point we can help you narrow down further based on your business.

Group Purchasing Power Means LOW COST

Our group buying power allows for competitive pricing when compared to going carrier-direct. One partner in our network achieved 5 times the value for the same pricing offered by their previous carrier.

But Strategy is the Glue. And We Already Know Your Situation From the Inside

Most carriers or cable companies want to sell you their solution and some will sell you promises they can't keep... costing you money and time, up front, for the next years.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a seasoned team who helps to create your strategy, choose from the 70 best vendors, and manage the implementation? We'll also handle your escalations if there are any problems.

You Get a Free Strategic Data and Analysis

Call us today and we'll give you a custom Strategic Network Analysis. You'll want to make sure your multiple locations, resource-hungry applications, and IT infrastructure all run quickly and securely. Call or email us to set-up a 1 hour analysis. My team and I will help you begin to budget and plan your network services blueprint for the next 3-5 years.

Reach us at 703... or

Even if you don't work with us, make sure you plan your IT strategy around your contract expiration date. We're finding it to be more and more important for IT departments.

Sincerely, Gary Jay & Your CNM Council for Career Services Team

P.S. [Group Member], if you feel like I've wasted your time on this strategy call, I'll personally write you a check for $100. I guarantee it will be the most useful call you've had in weeks. Call us at 703... or reply to this email.


It's time to learn your financing options for Careerprise services

One constraint that is often overlooked until it's too late is the amount of budget allocated for career solutions. Good news -- flexible financing can be a powerful way to acquire, migrate, build, and scale Careerprise solutions -- while lowering up-front costs, improving cash flow, and boosting return on investment.

Join this webinar on [date] at [time] to learn how Friends Of CNM offer financing options for Careerprise services such as interest rates as low as 0 percent, payment deferrals for up to 90 days, customized payment plans, asset buy-backs, comprehensive project financing, and grants. In the webinar we will cover:

  • How financing can help you manage budgets, conserve cash, reduce uncertainty and achieve financial goals
  • What options for financing are available to you
  • How to get more information to start benefitting from financing your Careerprise solutions


The idea is to launch an entity, which would source, onboard, and sell various career services such as career administration, education, etc.

Workforce sourcing

Target audiences

Those who are willing to go to a college are proven to be the best target audience.

Qualifications of the candidates

There are no qualifications for applicants -- based on Gary's experience, every 12-y.o. can make $45,000 a year after 9-months training. Older candidates often loose their creativity, curiosity, and open mind. In his 5 years, Gary had just two success stories with 55+ y.o. candidates. Both were ladies and previously worked in senior positions in other than IT industries.

Sourcing locations

There are no specific locations. American candidates bring much more money, but marketing is far more expensive. At the moment, Friends Of CNM also target areas outside the US with English as a primary language.

Sourcing process

We fellows shall be:
  1. Reached out through various channels such as events, websites, social media, partners, contractors, and emails; they shall be offered to visit the admissions page and submit their requests to get enrolled into WorldOpp Orientation;
  2. Able to get enrolled and graduated from WorldOpp Orientation.

Marketing channels

The fellow applicants shall be sourced through various channels:
Category Channel Description Admissions
Events Project management training Gary's best success stories came from meetup groups such as (he is not active recently, but you can click on the photos to see some history). The applicants were usually coming to the events and then joined CNM Project Management Matriculation
Websites Undefined A network of websites, which shall use SEO in order to be searchable and which will direct the interested in to the admission page; Some meetup photos can be used. Undefined
Internal social media Undefined Social media such as Facebook pages tend to be a highly attractive source. An occasional posting of one announcement at the OFF Facebook group this generated a huge number of applicants; Some meetup photos can be used. All of the above
Job-bidding sites Upwork This platform doesn't require payments, but Gary needed to pay thousands of dollars to the applicants. All in all, freelancers tend to work to earn money, not work to learn how to work
Fiverr This platform has similar potentials to Upwork
Learning platforms Udemy Hosting of some courses such as CNM Project Management Matriculation can possibly generate some applicants
Other public relations Career Network Ministry As a part of its leadership team, Gary distributed newsletters through and they generate some folks
Email newsletters And other public relations campaigns.

Workforce serving

Talking about qualifications for our graduates, they are stated at this page -- Information Technology Project Manager.


  • Two main paying clients for now are a venture capital group and one angel investor;
  • One more client is a foundation that is willing to finance enterprises of the vulnerable. This client will support the graduates only. This donor will not pay Gary for graduates, but the offer generally can add value to the whole project. This special program for representatives of vulnerable communities will be advertised as WorldOpp.

Serving process

  1. The applicants are supposed to fill in the admission form at CNM Campus;
  2. Those who filled in the admission form shall be directed to the WorldOpp Orientation course;
  3. Graduates from the orientation course are the apprentice candidates.

Work experience

The fellows are welcome to work on the Project in order to get real business experience. Particularly:
  1. One of the program's websites,, has already been ordered. It needs its project manager.
  2. The candidates shall go through quick project management training called CNM Project Management Matriculation. This training can also be offered to the general public at no cost to its participants.
Every fellow shall have one or more mentors.

Main challenges and sub-projects

The Project faces two main challenges --

  1. How to increase the effectiveness of the pipeline meaning how to get more applicants, candidates, and graduates. To address this challenge, the following sub-projects are established:
    • To increase the number of applicants, who apply for admission to the program, to 10,000 a month;
    • To increase the number of candidates, who get graduated from WorldOpp Orientation, to 100 a month;
    • To increase the number of graduates, who are placed in jobs, to 1 a month;
  2. How to increase the efficiency of the pipeline meaning how to lower costs of sourcing, credentialing and placing graduates, as well as bringing more employers on the board. To address this challenge, the following sub-projects are established:
    • To increase the ratio of the candidates to the applicants from 1/100 up to 1/50;
    • To increase the ratio of the graduates to the candidates from 1/100 to 1/50.