Careerprise Literacy

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WorldOpp Sourcing (hereinafter, the Sourcing) is the service of Friends Of CNM that sources WorldOpp Fellow Candidates for the WorldOpp programme (hereinafter, the Programme). The Sourcing is designed to find promising participants for the Programme and enable them to be admitted into that.


The process consists of four phases, which address the following objectives:

# Phase Description Objective
1 Outreach Through various channels such as events, websites including, social media, partners, contractors, and emails, promising participants are encouraged to enroll into WorldOpp Orientation To offer promising participants to visit any CNM webpage.
2 Intake Using CNM webpages, promising participants are encouraged to click on some Get employed button To get promising participants enrolled into the WorldOpp Orientation course
3 Orientation Using WorldOpp Orientation, promising participants get introduced to Careerprise and shall be able to select WorldOpp if this programme fits their needs To get promising participants enrolled into WorldOpp Placement Seminar.
4 Placement Using WorldOpp Placement Seminar, promising participants get prepared to become WorldOpp Fellow Candidates To get WorldOpp Fellow Candidates


Main wikipage: WorldOpp Outreach
The fellow applicants shall be sourced through various channels:
Category Channel Description Admissions
Events Undefined WorldOpp Orientation
Websites A network of websites, which shall use SEO in order to be searchable and which will direct the interested in to the admission page; some meetup photos can be used.
Internal social media Undefined Social media such as WorldOpp fb-page tend to be a highly attractive source. An occasional posting of one announcement at the OFF Facebook group this generated a huge number of applicants; Some meetup photos can be used.
Job-bidding sites Upwork This platform doesn't require payments, but Gary needed to pay thousands of dollars to the applicants. All in all, freelancers tend to work to earn money, not work to learn how to work
Fiverr This platform has similar potentials to Upwork
Learning platforms Udemy Hosting of some courses such as CNM Project Management Matriculation can possibly generate some applicants
Other public relations Career Network Ministry As a part of its leadership team, Gary distributed newsletters through and they generate some folks
Partner outreach Reach out to organizations that seek to improve lives of the vulnerable in society.
Email newsletters And other public relations campaigns.


Main wikipage: WorldOpp Intake
Using CNM websites, promising participants are encouraged to click on some Get employed button in order to get promising participants enrolled into the WorldOpp Orientation course.


Main wikipage: WorldOpp Orientation
Using WorldOpp Orientation, promising participants get introduced to Careerprise and shall be able to select WorldOpp if this programme fits their needs To get promising participants enrolled into WorldOpp Placement Seminar.


Main wikipage: WorldOpp Placement Seminar

Qualifications of the candidates

There are no qualifications for applicants -- based on Gary's experience, every 12-y.o. can possibly make an average salary after 9 months training. Older candidates often loose their creativity, curiosity, and open mind. In his 5 years, Gary had just two success stories with 55+ y.o. candidates. Both were ladies and previously worked in senior positions in other than IT industries.

However, minor participants need to have parents' permission and/or anything else depending on local laws.

Independent (no-partner) sourcing

Core requirements:
  • Able to read and write.
  • Computer literate, he/she should be able to use a computer comfortably to perform a range of activities given a set of instructions.
  • Have access to a computer, which shouldn't be shared with anybody else, with a stable internet connection.
  • Enthusiastic about leaning new technology.
  • Not employed or finding it difficult to get employment.
  • Available for learning and working 40 hours in a week.
  • Able to learn and work with minimal supervision.
Preferred characteristics (though not required)
  • High school drop outs, girls forced to drop out of school due to early pregnancy, etc.
  • Physically challenged, e.g confined to a wheel chair.
  • Geographically positioned outside capital cities such as Nairobi in Kenya.

Partner-powered sourcing

The core requirements and preferred characteristics shall be discussed with the partner. The Friends Of CNM can possibly provide some funds for a publicly-accessible computer class, for instance.

Sourcing ideas


There are no specific locations. American candidates bring much more money, but marketing is far more expensive. At the moment, the Friends Of CNM also target areas outside the US with English as a primary language.


  1. Schools for the disabled;
  2. Government institutions and programs developed by the government to support the vulnerable and unemployed in the society.
  3. Children's homes.
  4. Non-governmental organizations that have the same initiative to support the unemployed get employment.
  5. Paratatals that have an initiative to surpport the vulnerable in the society such as Safaricom in Kenya that has Safaricom Foundations that supports the vulnerable, another on is Equity Bank in Kenya as well has Wings to Fly for students who pass but are not able to raise their tuition fee.
  6. Rescue centers for street children.
  7. Youth programs that are developed to help the young generation get employment.
  8. Religious institutions such as churches, mosques, synagogues, temples.
The idea is to get contacts of key people in these organizations, possibly prepare a brief partnership proposal that will be used to explain all the details of the WorldOpp, get them to sign a contract of some sort if needed.


We want to start with planning on how we eliminate or lessen the challenges to our start up business.

  1. What are the qualifications we have for the candidates?
  2. Since we want to lower the cost of sourcing, we want to know what are the current method of sourcing we have at the moment.
  3. Communication
  4. How to increase the effectiveness of the pipeline meaning how to get more excellent graduates out of the applicants