CNMCyber Projects

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CNM Cloud Endeavor (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Digital Transformations lesson that introduces its participants to the development of CNM Cyber. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cyber session of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.


The predecessor lectio is CNM Cloud on the Web.

Key terms

CNM Cloud Project. The endeavor that has been undertaken to create CNM Cloud. This project was started in 2014 and is currently in its third phase called CNM Cloud Usable.

CNM Cloud Project

CNM Cloud Project is the first lectio out of five ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 4 presentation

The CNM Cloud Project is the endeavor that is undertaken in order to develop CNM Cloud. That endeavor is divided into five phases and has just entered into its third phase called CNM Cloud Usable. The overall completion of CNM Cloud is estimated at 45% as of early 2020. 80% of cloud completion is estimated to be needed in order to launch the complete CNM Cyber platform.
The development occurs in two development hubs. CNM Wiki is used to develop product epics, epic stories, user stories, and other requirements. All of those requirements are literally documents. CNM Lab is used to develop viable software and the services that that software powers.

Lectio 4 quiz questions

CNM Cloud Developments

Main wikipage: CNM Cloud Developments
CNM Cloud Project. The endeavor undertaken to provide the Career Network Ministry with CNM Cloud in order to deliver services of CNM Cyber.
CNM Cloud requirements. Those requirements, both business and solution ones, that are valid for any part of CNM Cloud.

Development of WorldOpp

Main wikipage: Development of WorldOpp; video (2:58)
WorldOpp Project. An endeavor undertaken to create WorldOpp.
CNM Cyber event. Any event designed and/or organized by one or more CNM Cyber event hosts that is absolutely free to its participants to attend.