CNM Apps

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CNM Apps (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Cloud Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cloud. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cyber session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The successor predecessor lectio is What CNM Cloud Is.

Key terms

CNM app. One or more inter-related end-user applications of the CNM Cloud that can be delivered as a standalone service.
CNM NextApps.
CNM HandsOn Apps.


Every CNM Cyber service is powered by one or more end-user applications. A combination of all end-user applications that power one CNM Cyber service is called a CNM app. Thus, each CNM Cyber service is powered by one CNM app.
Most of existing apps utilize popular software packages. For instance, CNM Pageware utilizes WordPress, CNM Certware does Moodle, CNM Talkware has Jitsi under its hood, and so on. However, the CNM Cyber Team can alternate any software package at any time.
To make new apps, the CNM Cyber Team utilizes commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions. Every solution must meet two requirements; they are (a) to be open-source and (b) to be able to communicate with CNM Middleware through its Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
When any solution candidate is identified, the CNM Cyber Workforce tests it and, based on that testing results, the Team makes a decision whether to deploy that solution.
The apps' names commonly start with the names of the services that they power and end with the ending -ware. For instance, CNM Wikiware powers CNM Wiki, CNM Tubeware powers CNM Tube, CNM Mailware powers CNM Mail, etc.
The only exception is CNM Cabin, which, as a federated service, is powered by CNM Middleware. CNM Middleware include both end-user applications and those software applications that support other apps, not end-users. The Middleware is not commercial off-the-shelf (COTS). Its code is custom-written for CNM Cyber.
Finally, each CNM app has two identical twins. Out of the three, one app powers the career service that this app was created to support. Another belongs to the HandsOnApps and is used in practical instruction. The third belongs to the NextApps and is used in experiential learning.

What CNM Servers Are is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
  • Which statement below is correct:
    1. CNM Page currently uses the WordPress software.
    2. CNM Cert currently uses the Moodle software.
    3. CNM Talk currently uses the Jitsi software.
    4. All of the other substantive answers are correct.
    5. None of the other answers is correct.

Placement entrance exam

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.
  1. Only Fixett allows (or does not allow) restoring forgotten passwords if email address is on file.
  2. CNM Cloud is (not) the information technology cloud that is designed to support, enhance, and further develop services of the Career Network Ministry.
  3. CNM Cyber is (not) the information technology cloud that is designed to support, enhance, and further develop services of the Career Network Ministry.
  4. CNM Cloud is (not) the platform delivering CNM Cyber services.
  5. CNM Cyber is (not) the platform delivering CNM Cloud services.
  6. Opplet is (not) middleware of CNM Cloud.
  7. Opplet is (not) an end-user application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  8. Opplet is (not) a wiki application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  9. Opplet is (not) a learning application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  10. Opplet is (not) a development hub hosted by CNM Cloud.
  11. Opplet is (not) an application that supports CNM websites hosted by CNM Cloud.
  12. Only Opplet handles (or does not handle) all logins and logoffs for CNM Cyber users.
  13. Only CNM Wiki handles (or does not handle) logins and logoffs for CNM Cyber users.
  14. Only CNM Campus handles (or does not handle) logins and logoffs for CNM Cyber users.
  15. Only Fixett handles (or does not handle) logins and logoffs for CNM Cyber users.
  16. Only CNM websites handle (or do not handle) logins and logoffs for CNM Cyber users.
  17. Opplet is (not) a CNM app.
  18. CNM app is (not) middleware of CNM Cloud.
  19. CNM app is (not) an end-user application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  20. CNM app is (not) a wiki application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  21. CNM app is (not) a learning application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  22. CNM app is (not) a development hub hosted by CNM Cloud.
  23. CNM app is (not) an application that supports CNM websites hosted by CNM Cloud.
  24. CNM Wikiware is (not) middleware of CNM Cloud.
  25. CNM Wikiware is (not) an end-user application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  26. CNM Wikiware is (not) a wiki application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  27. CNM Wikiware is (not) a learning application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  28. CNM Wikiware is (not) a development hub hosted by CNM Cloud.
  29. CNM Wikiware is (not) an application that supports CNM websites hosted by CNM Cloud.
  30. CNM Courseware is (not) middleware of CNM Cloud.
  31. CNM Courseware is (not) an end-user application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  32. CNM Courseware is (not) a wiki application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  33. CNM Courseware is (not) a learning application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  34. CNM Courseware is (not) a development hub hosted by CNM Cloud.
  35. CNM Courseware is (not) an application that supports CNM websites hosted by CNM Cloud.
  36. CNM Productware is (not) middleware of CNM Cloud.
  37. CNM Productware is (not) an end-user application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  38. CNM Productware is (not) a wiki application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  39. CNM Productware is (not) a learning application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  40. CNM Productware is (not) a development hub hosted by CNM Cloud.
  41. CNM Productware is (not) an application that supports CNM websites hosted by CNM Cloud.
  42. CNM Siteware is (not) middleware of CNM Cloud.
  43. CNM Siteware is (not) an end-user application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  44. CNM Siteware is (not) a wiki application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  45. CNM Siteware is (not) a learning application hosted by CNM Cloud.
  46. CNM Siteware is (not) a development hub hosted by CNM Cloud.
  47. CNM Siteware is (not) an application that supports CNM websites hosted by CNM Cloud.
  48. Opplet role is (not) any system-user role within CNM Cloud.
  49. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone is (not) any user of World Wide Web.
  50. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone is (not) any user of World Wide Web, who has expressed his or her interest in Careerprise services, but hasn't made any purchase yet.
  51. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone is (not) any user of the World Wide Web, who has made at least one transaction such as payment, donation, or volunteer hour to Friends Of CNM.
  52. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, who may or may not be a Careerprise partner.
  53. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Developer Seminar, who may or may not be a Careerprise vendor.
  54. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, who may or may not be a WorldOpp fellow.
  55. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer is (not) any user of World Wide Web.
  56. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer is (not) any user of World Wide Web, who has expressed his or her interest in Careerprise services, but hasn't made any purchase yet.
  57. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer is (not) any user of the World Wide Web, who has made at least one transaction such as payment, donation, or volunteer hour to Friends Of CNM.
  58. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, who may or may not be a Careerprise partner.
  59. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Developer Seminar, who may or may not be a Careerprise vendor.
  60. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, who may or may not be a WorldOpp fellow.
  61. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer is (not) any user of World Wide Web.
  62. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer is (not) any user of World Wide Web, who has expressed his or her interest in Careerprise services, but hasn't made any purchase yet.
  63. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer is (not) any user of the World Wide Web, who has made at least one transaction such as payment, donation, or volunteer hour to Friends Of CNM.
  64. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, who may or may not be a Careerprise partner.
  65. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Developer Seminar, who may or may not be a Careerprise vendor.
  66. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, who may or may not be a WorldOpp fellow.
  67. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate is (not) any user of World Wide Web.
  68. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate is (not) any user of World Wide Web, who has expressed his or her interest in Careerprise services, but hasn't made any purchase yet.
  69. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate is (not) any user of the World Wide Web, who has made at least one transaction such as payment, donation, or volunteer hour to Friends Of CNM.
  70. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, who may or may not be a Careerprise partner.
  71. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Developer Seminar, who may or may not be a Careerprise vendor.
  72. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, who may or may not be a WorldOpp fellow.
  73. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper is (not) any user of World Wide Web.
  74. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper is (not) any user of World Wide Web, who has expressed his or her interest in Careerprise services, but hasn't made any purchase yet.
  75. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper is (not) any user of the World Wide Web, who has made at least one transaction such as payment, donation, or volunteer hour to Friends Of CNM.
  76. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, who may or may not be a Careerprise partner.
  77. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Developer Seminar, who may or may not be a Careerprise vendor.
  78. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, who may or may not be a WorldOpp fellow.
  79. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow is (not) any user of World Wide Web.
  80. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow is (not) any user of World Wide Web, who has expressed his or her interest in Careerprise services, but hasn't made any purchase yet.
  81. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow is (not) any user of the World Wide Web, who has made at least one transaction such as payment, donation, or volunteer hour to Friends Of CNM.
  82. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, who may or may not be a Careerprise partner.
  83. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Developer Seminar, who may or may not be a Careerprise vendor.
  84. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow is (not) a graduate from WorldOpp Placement Seminar, who may or may not be a WorldOpp fellow.
  85. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone can (not) get user rights at Fixett.
  86. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer can (not) get user rights at Fixett.
  87. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer can (not) get user rights at Fixett.
  88. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate can (not) get user rights at Fixett.
  89. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper can (not) get user rights at Fixett.
  90. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow can (not) get user rights at Fixett.
  91. Within CNM Cloud, NetAnyone can (not) get admin rights at CNM Wiki.
  92. Within CNM Cloud, NetConsumer can (not) get admin rights at CNM Wiki.
  93. Within CNM Cloud, CertCustomer can (not) get admin rights at CNM Wiki.
  94. Within CNM Cloud, CertAssociate can (not) get admin rights at CNM Wiki.
  95. Within CNM Cloud, CertDeveloper can (not) get admin rights at CNM Wiki.
  96. Within CNM Cloud, CertFellow can (not) get admin rights at CNM Wiki.
  97. CNM Cloud Project is (not) the endeavor undertaken to provide the Career Network Ministry with CNM Cloud in order to deliver CNM Cyber services.
  98. CNM Cloud is (not) the endeavor undertaken to provide the Career Network Ministry with CNM Cyber.
  99. CNM Cyber is (not) the endeavor undertaken to provide the Career Network Ministry with CNM Cloud.
  100. CNM Cloud requirements are (not) those requirements that are valid for any part of CNM Cloud.
  101. WorldOpp Project is (not) the endeavor undertaken to provide the Career Network Ministry with CNM Cloud in order to deliver CNM Cyber services.