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===WorldOpp Orientation===
===WorldOpp Orientation===
: [[WorldOpp Orientation]] is a brief, no more than 2 hour long, course that is designed to introduce [[#The Students]] to [[#Our brand names]], [[#What services we build]], [[#Competency credentials]], [[#Learning sequence we use]], [[#What practice we envision]], [[#What we already get]], [[#What we can commit to]], as well as [[#Student motivation]].
: [[WorldOpp Orientation]] is a brief, no more than 2 hour long, course that is designed to introduce [[#The Students]] to [[#Our brand names]], [[#What services we build]], [[#Competency credentials]], [[#Learning sequence we use]], [[#What practice we envision]], [[#What we already get]], [[#What we can commit to]], as well as [[#Student motivation]]. In other words, [[#The Students]] will overview what they can expect from [[#The Pitcher]] and us, as well as what is expected of them while they are using [[#What services we build]].
===EmployableU Foundation===
===EmployableU Foundation===

Revision as of 01:01, 12 October 2023

Educaship pitch is a sales pitch that The Economic Group (hereinafter, #The Pitcher) utilizes in order to attract educational partners (hereinafter, #The Partners) into development of introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrances to the labour market for their students in Kenya.

CNMCyber Team (hereinafter, #We), which is a group of #The Pitcher's volunteers, oversees the development on #The Pitcher's side, as well as administers #What practice we envision and markets the #Our brand names on behalf of #The Pitcher.


Business needs

With regards to Kenya, #The Pitcher's goal is assisting youth in entering the workforce. According to "Youth Employment Initiatives in Kenya. Report of a Review Commissioned by the World Bank and Kenya Vision 2030",

Kenya faces a significant unemployment problem with youth being hit hardest. The high unemployment is related to the overall investment climate in the country and the economy’s low capacity to create new jobs. But youth find it particularly difficult to enter the labour market. Reasons for this are complex. They range from deficits in education and skills to lack of work experience, difficulties to obtain information about career options and job chances, irrational recruitment practices of employers, and the lack of necessary assets and attitudes to become self-employed. (Source: https://vision2030.go.ke/publication/youth-employment-initiatives-in-kenya/)

So, improvement of services that youth can use to enter the workforce is the primary business need of #The Pitcher in Kenya.

In the nutshell

Since 2012, #The Pitcher generally and #We particularly have been developing services for those who are thinking about careers and looking for jobs to begin with. Among #Our brand names, #iDosvid is our signature product for high-school students. This service features artificial intelligence, introductory training, and workplace sandboxes to deliver vocational orientation and work experience to #The Students.
Its backbone is job-alike practice, in which #The Students explore various occupations to find the best match. Until target occupations are identified, #The Students can organize meetings, develop IT, operate clouds, and coordinate cyber endeavors that would benefit the public good.
While being placed in the drivers' seats of modern technology, #The Students start their professional experience and earn #Competency credentials. Equally importantly, that practice may reveal or, at least, suggest professional aspirations of #The Students. #We envision to use practice's results for their #Vocational orientation.
To complete #iDosvid's development, #We would like to deploy the DevOps model. #The Students would test the available products during one session and, based on that testing, new products would be developed until the next session.
Such development requires #The Students. Therefore, #We are now looking for #The Partners, most likely, high schools or whatever else that can bring a sizeable number of #The Students of school age to #iDosvid or its limited scope versions called #WorldOpp Career Day and #EmployableU Camp.
To the partnership, #We bring introductory training, workplace sandboxes, supporting technology, and limited financing. From #The Partners, #We expect their #Expertise in youth work and #The Students to participate.

30-second pitch

We at CNMCyber welcome high schools as partners to provide their students with introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrances to the labour market. The students are to explore various occupations, find the best match, and earn competency credentials. To the partnership, we bring introductory training, workplace sandboxes, supporting technology, and limited financing. We expect that our partners would contribute their expertise and student participation. If interested, educaship.com/schools shall get you started.

Our brand names

#We market either those brand names that #We are working on or #Other products we market.


iDosvid represents the full scope of the first three stages of #The Pipeline delivered free of charge. The name, i Dosvid, pronounced "ee-dos-veed", which means "and experience" in Ukrainian. The idea behind the name was that #The Students shall receive #Vocational orientation, #Competency credentials, "and experience" by the end of iDosvid.
#We may suggest that some of #The Students would be employable as a result of iDosvid. However, providing #The Students with full-time professional employment is not iDosvid's objective. The goal of iDosvid is setting up #The Students for success in their career development. #We expect that graduates from iDosvid should:
  • Identify their target occupation or occupations.
  • Have a choice of apprenticeship and workforce development opportunities, including ones from professional training providers.
  • Be able to plan their career development and meaningful job landing in some details, including financial issues even when they have absolutely no monetary resources in their households available.
  • Be more employable than before enrolling into iDosvid.
iDosvid was originally expected to be launched in Ukraine; however, because of the war there, the launch was postponed. iDosvid is designed to be friendly to high-school students, so it can be delivered as an #After-school program.

EmployableU Camp

EmployableU Camp is the shortened version of #iDosvid that is designed to be delivered as a #Summer camp. Both the Camp and #iDosvid feature full-scope #WorldOpp Orientation and #EmployableU Foundation courses. However, the scope of #CNMCyber Bootcamps including their curriculum, job-alike practice, and guided entrance to the labour market is significantly reduced in comparison with #iDosvid.
The Camp is designed to be delivered in 3 sessions at least and, therefore is still bigger than #WorldOpp Career Day.
The goal of the Camp is preparing #The Students for career development. #We expect that graduates from the Camp should know how to identify their target occupations, choices for acquiring the needed #KSAs, and landing their jobs. Those participants of the Camp who are interested in a fuller scope can switch to #iDosvid while being enrolled in or after graduation from the Camp.

WorldOpp Career Day

WorldOpp Career Day is the shortened version of #EmployableU Camp and, therefore, the shortest product that #We are going to market. It is designed to be delivered in one day as a #Career day.
The goal of the Career Day is making sure that #The Students are aware of #Vocational orientation, #Competency credentials, career development, as well as their opportunities to get prepared and be successful on the job market. Those participants of the Career Day who are interested in fuller scopes can switch to either #EmployableU Camp or #iDosvid upon their graduation from the Career Day.

What services we build

According to IDosvid pitch, #We would love to provide #The Students with #Workplace sandboxes, which shall be similar to regular workplace, so #The Students can practice with #What practice we envision in order to explore various professions in order to find the best match and earn #Competency credentials.


For the purposes of this wikipage, credentialing refers to services of:
  1. Providing #The Students with opportunities to earn #Competency credentials.
  2. Issuing #Competency credentials to #The Students who have earned them.
  3. Maintaining credential records publicly, so potential employers may verify them.

Introductory training

#The Students should receive:
  1. System accounts that #Supporting technology shall deliver.
  2. Formal training that reflects the #Learning sequence we use and based on #Course prototypes.

Student support

  1. CNMCyber events
  2. CNM Social
  3. To get one-on-one connection, #The Students shall be served with a sufficient number of remote mentors and #Staffers on the ground. The mentors may also provide #The Students with some on-the-job training when needed.

Vocational orientation

Based on #What practice we envision, mentor recommendations, and personal survey results, #The Students shall be advised about their vocational aptitudes, career options, and occupational paths. #We plan to utilize artificial intelligence (AI), requirements for which shall be defined and implemented.

Competency credentials

#We believe that professional credentials are highly desired outcome for most of #The Students. Since #What practice we envision is the only source for those credentials, they are not available to graduates from #WorldOpp Career Day. Our service of #Credentialing is designed to give those who are enrolled into #EmployableU Camp and #iDosvid opportunities to earn them.

Work experience

Graduates from both #EmployableU Camp and #iDosvid will obtain work experience, which many employers value over other #Competency credentials. The graduates may choose to hide their records. Otherwise, the work experience records will be posted publicly, so potential employers can verify them.


Graduation from any quarter of #CNMCyber Bootcamps grants #The Students an according trade certificate. So, graduates from #iDosvid will have all four certificates, including Certified IT Project Management Associate (CITPMA). Graduates from #EmployableU Camp may have up to three: VIT Certified Meeting Organizer, VIT Certified Website Developer, and VIT Certified Cloud Operator.
The abbreviation, #VIT, in the certificate names underlines the fact that #VIT issues them based on the data that #We provide, as well as maintains the records. These trade certificates are not tailored to any particular profession, but are useful through various professional specialties and occupations.

Performance records

While being enrolled in #What practice we envision, #The Students shall participate in various professional groups such as CNM WordPress Users, CNM Jitsi Users, CNM MediaWiki Users, and CNM Moodle Users. That participation shall generate records of profession-related performance such as delivering a speech, serving on a board, writing an article, etc.


Each of graduates from #iDosvid will receive an official professional recommendation from his or her mentor. Some of graduates from #EmployableU Camp may also get that credential.

Learning sequence we use

The #Our brand names utilize the first three stages of #The Pipeline. These stages are designed to provide #The Students with introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrance, normally, as apprentices to the labour market.

The fourth stage, Educaship Fellowship, combines professional education and apprenticeship. On the fifth stage, Careerprise Employment, #The Students get support while transitioning to professional jobs. If #The Students choose to be self-employed, they receive assets and attitudes to become the ones.

WorldOpp Orientation

WorldOpp Orientation is a brief, no more than 2 hour long, course that is designed to introduce #The Students to #Our brand names, #What services we build, #Competency credentials, #Learning sequence we use, #What practice we envision, #What we already get, #What we can commit to, as well as #Student motivation. In other words, #The Students will overview what they can expect from #The Pitcher and us, as well as what is expected of them while they are using #What services we build.

EmployableU Foundation

EmployableU Foundation is a lightweight, about 3-4 hour long, course that is designed to introduce #The Students to general concepts related to careers and career management, as well as employment, employability, self-employment, job markets, labor laws, occupations, professional credentials, recruitment, work characteristics, work arrangements, and workforce development.

CNMCyber Bootcamps

CNMCyber Bootcamps combine #What practice we envision and formal transfer of knowledge that #The Students minimally need for that practice. The Bootcampts are composed of four quarters, each of which represents formal curriculum and the practice that is designed to reinforce that curriculum.
Quarter # Quarter title Activity # Learning activity description Quarter-graduating #Certificates
1 Organization of professional meetings 1a Taking Event Organizer Bootcamp lectures VIT Certified Meeting Organizer
1b Practicing with #Event projects
2 Development of #CNMCyber 2a Taking Website Developer Bootcamp lectures VIT Certified Website Developer
2b Practicing with #Technology projects
3 Operations with #The Cloud 3a Taking Cloud Operator Bootcamp lectures VIT Certified Cloud Operator
3b Practicing with #Cloud operations
4 Coordination of #CNMCyber 4a Taking Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp lectures Certified IT Project Management Associate (CITPMA)
4b Practicing with #Endeavor coordination; planning for the career is the graduating endeavor.

What practice we envision

As an integral part of #CNMCyber Bootcamps, #The Students are going to practice in job-alike simulation environments. No practice presents any particular occupation. All of the practices can be met in workspaces across various industries and professions.

#The Students practice with the non-profit endeavors. Any value that those endeavors may produce must be available to the general public at no cost. In other words, the endeavors should benefit the public good and be offered free-of-charge. When #The Students are legally able to work commercially and if they would like to do so, they are welcome to switch to #Careerprise at any time. To be employed and paid, they would develop those services that can be sold on the market.

Event projects

#The Students are to organize non-sensitive meetings that would be offered to the general public at no cost. Technology user groups such as CNM WordPress Users, CNM Jitsi Users, CNM MediaWiki Users, CNM Moodle Users, etc. would be the primary focus.
As a part of their #Workplace sandboxes, #The Students will receive power-user accesses to (a) CNM Social to schedule meetings, (b) CNM Talk to conduct conferences, (c) CNM Tube to post meeting videos, as well as (d) personal #VMs with installed OBS Studios to record meetings and produce videos.

Technology projects

#The Students are to develop documentation and prototypes for websites and other technology products. The best draft of a list of available projects is published on the CNM Website Projects wikipage.

Cloud operations

#The Students are to operate existing pieces of #The Cloud.

Endeavor coordination

#The Students are to coordinate the endeavors to develop new pieces of technology and operate the existing one. The best draft of a list of available endeavors is published on the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage.

Comparisons of our brands

Within the sequence

All the products behind #Our brand names are built on #Learning sequence we use.

#Learning sequence we use #WorldOpp Career Day #EmployableU Camp #iDosvid
#WorldOpp Orientation Slightly touched Covered fully Covered fully
#EmployableU Foundation Covered fully Covered fully Covered fully
#CNMCyber Bootcamps Slightly touched Covered partially Covered fully

Services vs brands

All the products behind #Our brand names offer some combination of #What services we build.

#What services we build #WorldOpp Career Day #EmployableU Camp #iDosvid
#Credentialing Not offered Offered partially, no Certified IT Project Management Associate (CITPMA) is available Offered fully
#Introductory training Offered minimally Offered partially Offered fully
#Student support Offered minimally Offered partially Offered fully
#Vocational orientation Offered minimally Offered partially Offered fully

Other products we market


Careerprise is the package of commercial services to those who are on job markets, going to be there, or would like to be employed. The learners who are enrolled in Careerprise are supposed to pay for the services they receive and be paid for the services they render.
Unlike #Our brand names, Careerprise is:
  • Not a single product. It is more like a store, in which buyers can choose what they need.
  • Not delivered not by us, but by #VIT. The goal of Careerprise is not only provide its customers with career services, but also generate business revenue in order to run its operations. #VIT employs its staffers and use no volunteers. #VIT also deploys its own technology.
Nevertheless, #We may market Careerprise because of the benefits to #The Students. They are welcome to acquire the services they need at no cost via our own products and, when they are ready to produce valuable services and be paid, switch to Careerprise. #The Students, as well as Careerprise participants, are welcome to go back and forth as many times as they choose so.


CNMCyber represents both services that #We deliver and our work on them. With regards to:
The goal of CNMCyber, as a brand name, is to attract potential volunteers. #We market CNMCyber in order to recruit more volunteers to join us.

What delivery we anticipate

After-school program

As of now, #We anticipate that #iDosvid would be initially offered as extracurricular activities within some after-school program.

Career day

As of now, #We believe that #WorldOpp Career Day is best delivered as career days in partnership with schools, related not-for-profits, or government organizations that deal with youth and youth employment. Our expertise in organizing such events is extensive; our first career day occurred in a Microsoft store in Tyson's Corner, Virginia on June 12th, 2012 -- https://www.meetup.com/techdc/photos/9029432/

Global extensions

As of now, #We would like to consider global extensions when the schools in which #iDosvid is initially launched can collaborate; for instance, members of one team can participate from different countries such as Ukraine (where #iDosvid was supposed to be introduced originally), Kenya (where #iDosvid should be eventually introduced), and USA (where an "adult" version of #iDosvid called #CNMCyber was developed at first place).

Summer camp

As of now, #We guess that some series between #WorldOpp Career Camp and #iDosvid can be delivered as a summer camp in partnership with schools or those not-for-profits that deal with school-age students.

What we already get

Course prototypes

#We have developed several course prototypes:
  1. Initially, #We have built two courses, #WorldOpp Orientation and #EmployableU Foundation, as well as drafted the third one, #CNMCyber Bootcamps, in English and published them on CNM Cert.
  2. Later, #We translated the courses into Russian, introduced them in Ukraine, and advanced all three courses to #MVPs. In total, they served 2,000+ learners.
  3. Next, #We translated the courses into Ukrainian to use them in Ukrainian-language, original version of #iDosvid.

Workplace sandboxes

Each of #The Students will receive:
As of October of 2023, about 80% of sandbox #MVP is complete.

Training experience

#We started out in 2012 as a technical training team of one non-profit group in the Washington DC metro area. Since then, thousands of people participated in IT training events. Most of training sessions were hands-on. Many of them, as well as their pictures, have been published at the CNMCyber Meetup group.
Specifically to school-age children, we organized several programs in partnership with Mott Community Center in Fairfax, as well as Microsoft stores in Arlington and Tyson's Corner, Virginia. We also accommodated some internships and learning programs. The longest lasted for an academic year by the end of which 12-year-old participants could develop webpages while coding with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, as well as mobile apps utilizing Android Studio.

The Cloud

For the purposes of this wikipage, the Cloud refers to CNM Cloud, which is our cloud-based technology behind #What services we build. #The Students get:
  • End-user, power-user, and/or administrator-level permissions for the common-access technology that they practice with.
  • #VMs with super-user permissions.
Those #Students who choose to become system administrators, may conduct their apprenticeships on CNM Bureau Farm, CNM Campus Farm, and CNM Lab Farm. As of October of 2023, about 67% of #MVP is complete.

What we can commit to

Advisory committee

#We consider creating International Council for Vocational Orientation to build our #Expertise in youth work.

Fundraising assistance

#We can commit to participation in fundraising efforts that would target reasonable private, non-profit, and/or government donors.

Limited financing

Utilizing #The Pitcher's financing, #We can commit to covering some expenses. However, limitations of that financing require us to prioritize.
  1. First and foremost, #We can commit to work on #The Cloud until 100% of #MVP is complete.
  2. Secondly, #We would favor covering costs of #Access to our cloud.
  3. The rest of our budget can be used for endeavors related to, in alphabetical order, #Advisory committee, #Partner motivation, #Our brand names, and/or #Student motivation.

What we need

#We are developing #What services we build, but the development goes slowly. The services are just partially available at the moment. To expedite the development, #We look for #The Partners' help.

Access to our cloud

To access the technology, #The Students should have:
  1. Internet connection. Through #Limited financing, #We may initiate partial or 100% #Reimbursements if #The Students access via their own devices and/or payments to #The Partners to cover their expenses.
  2. Computing devices such as smartphones or laptops. #We may provide #Fundraising assistance to raise resources for the devices, their storage, and transportation.
  3. If the service is offered onsite, location such as a class or another room. #We can further pitch potential donors to make this room look like a real-world workspace with, for instance, office cubicles.

Expertise in youth work

#We have absolutely no expertise in working with youth in Kenya, including cultural, economic, and legal environments. So, we will surely welcome someone from senior management position or executive-level retiree to the #Advisory committee. Particularly, that committee would discuss what needs to be created, where to source its developers, how to deploy, etc. #We can also treat that help as consulting.

Staffers on the ground

#The Students should have at least a couple of staffers on the ground to:
  • Help #The Students to resolve learning challenges.
  • Manage interpersonal conflicts, which may possibly occur.
The target number of the staffers should depend on the number of students.

The Students

For the purposes of this wikipage, the Students refer to recipients of #What services we build. The #What students we target section of this wikipage describes our target audiences.
While having a solid number of the Students, #We will move the development into the DevOps model. #We will present what #We have to the learners and ask them to practice with what #We have, while new pieces get available.

What students we target

#We welcome #The Students of any walks of life until they believe that #What services we build can help them. Saying that, #We believe that those who would like to identify their occupational calling and professional specialties, should be benefited the most.

Primary audience

#We believe that our primary target audience is high-school students one grade before the graduation class. At that age, the biggest percentage of potential participants are identifying their vocations.

Secondary audiences

  • School students before the grade of the #Primary audience, especially, while offering #WorldOpp Career Camp.
  • Either school students in the graduation classes or school graduates before the age of majority, while offering #iDosvid specifically.
  • Any adult who is on the job market, plan to be there, and is going to be there, while offering #CNMCyber specifically.

What partners we look for

Key requirements

  1. Legal entity -- business, government, or not-for-profit
  2. Access to people who haven't defined their occupations yet. If these people are minors, access to their custodians as well.

Partnership vs hiring

#The Partners differ from Careerprise contractors. #The Pitcher offers monetary compensation for contractors' services, while hiring contractors. #The Partners can be the contractors as well, but different agreements shall regulate these two roles.

What is to be negotiated

Agreement text

The agreement text needs to be created. If no better options are offered, a draft on the Educaship partner agreement‎ wikipage can be used to start with.


Including both #Student motivation and #Partner motivation.

Names of products

Are the names listed in the #Our brand names section of this wikipage good?

Student motivation


#The Students' successful completion of #CNMCyber Bootcamps shall automatically lead to an offer to continue with Educaship Fellowship, which is the fourth stage of #The Pipeline. Apprenticeship is the backbone feature of the Fellowship. Its participants normally start working at some portion of a professional rate and, as their #KSAs grow, their rates grow.


Such as smartphones, tablets, flashdrives, and laptops. What else?


Drinks, cookies, pizza, if reasonable and allowed. What else?

Job offers

#The Students' successful completion of practice with #Event projects automatically leads to an offer to execute the Careerprise contractor agreement. Only people of the age of majority can be a party in that agreement. If #The Students cannot legally do so, they can possibly try to ask their custodians. In that case, the custodian may play a role of an independent contractor, while hiring a minor as a subcontractor.
Careerprise contractors may choose a project they would like to work on. Work on some of the projects require only skills to interview the customers; that is why #The Students' ability to organize meetings is vital.
The funded projects are listed on the Careerprise bizopp wikipage. That work is not designed as full-time professional employment. Both quantity of projects and their funding are limited. Nevertheless, #The Students may be benefited from paid part-time work while they are building their future careers.


For instance, the Internet access. What else?

Partner motivation

#We strongly believe that #What practice we envision, #What services we build, #What delivery we anticipate, and other #Student motivation would benefit #The Students, and, therefore, #The Partners. Beyond those, #We would love to negotiate #Administrative fees, #Academic exchange, and #Mutual marketing.

Administrative fees

Some nominal fees for administrating. What else?

Academic exchange

What else?

Mutual marketing


#We would like to make sure that #What practice we envision and #What services we build comply with existing laws.

Employment Act

Kenya's Employment Act regulates employment in that country. Although this law doesn't define employment directly, it may imply that employment in Kenya is a contract, either written or oral, in which one party, an employer, orders another party, an employee, who is an individual, to render specified services, for which the law requires the employer to compensate that individual with wages and salaries.
The law doesn't distinguish between employment, experiential learning, and volunteering. Taking that law literally, one may suggest that schools shouldn't assign any work to students below 13 years of age, as well as pay their students for, let say, homework when they are above 13 years of age. Both theoretical suggestions are nonsense only if ones assume that every work not necessarily requires wages and salaries.
Furthermore, the law doesn't seem to distinguish between a paid employee and independent contractor; for instance, this difference is clarified in the United States in details -- https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/independent-contractor-self-employed-or-employee
#We don't plan to hire any participant as an employee. Even if #We wanted so, #We are a group of volunteers, not a legal entity. Thus, #We cannot be an employer by definition.
As a group of volunteers, #We are affiliated with #The Pitcher, which is incorporated in Michigan, United States, so Kenya's law may not apply. Unlike our experience with Kenyan laws, our expertise with the U.S. laws is solid. What is even more, #The Students would be practicing on our cloud technology, which is physically located in Germany.
To sum up, #We are not going to employ #The Students as the law implies. To avoid any conflicts in complying with the Employment Act, #We would like to reach out to the Kenyan National Employment Authority.

Industrial Training Act

Kenya's Industrial Training Act regulates "industrial training", which it defines as "training for a specified industry". In the meanwhile, our training is not related to any specific industry.
Indeed, #What services we build have their limits. Simply put, #We don't plan to build anything beyond introductory work experience, career options, and guided entrances, normally, as apprentices, to the labour market.
For instance, #CNMCyber Bootcamps cover JavaScript, but do so barely to the extend for a participant to decide whether he or she likes to be a JavaScript developer or administrator. However, #We cannot provide and don't plan to provide #The Students with advanced training in that framework since #We deal with the #Learning sequence we use only.
If a graduate from #iDosvid would like to go to the upper stages of #The Pipeline, #VIT, which runs those stages, would connect him or her with advanced training providers. Once again, this matching and, consequently, professional training are beyond of our work's scope. #We develop and administer #CNMCyber, #iDosvid, and #WorldOpp Career Camp only.
To sum up, #We are not going to provide #The Students with "industrial training" as the law defines. To avoid any conflicts in complying with the Industrial Training Act, #We would like to reach out to the Kenyan National Industrial Training Authority.

Used terms

On this very wikipage, a few abbreviations and terms are commonly used.


For the purposes of this wikipage, KSAs refer to knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA), which is a combination of the competencies that are required for particular professions, occupations, or position.


For the purposes of this wikipage, MVP refers to minimum viable product, which is service or technology at the state of functionality, but not usability yet.

The Partners

For the purposes of this wikipage, the Partners refer to legal entities that agree to bring #What we need to the partnership and both parties agree to collaborate on delivering #What practice we envision and/or #What services we build, as well as marketing of #Our brand names.
The #What partners we look for section of this wikipage contains our requirements to the Partners.

The Pipeline

For the purposes of this wikipage, the Pipeline refers to WorldOpp Pipeline. The Pipeline is the five-stage process that a not-job-ready individual goes through in order to land his or her job using #WorldOpp.
The Pipeline's stages are briefly described in the #Learning sequence we use section of this wikipage. #We run the first three stages of the Pipeline and #VIT runs the last two.

The Pitcher

For the purposes of this wikipage, the Pitcher refers to The Economic Group, which is a non-profit corporation that is incorporated in Michigan, United States. #The Pitcher provides the general public with its services such as #WorldOpp Career Day, #EmployableU Camp, #CNMCyber, and #iDosvid. As a group of volunteers, #We are a part of the Pitcher.


For the purposes of this wikipage, VIT refers to Virginia Institute of Technology LLC, which is a limited liability company that is filed in Virginia, United States. #We don't represent VIT, but mention it because of the benefits it brings to #The Students. The primary examples are:
  1. VIT runs two upper stages of #The Pipeline, including #Apprenticeships.
  2. Based of the data that #We provide, VIT issues VIT Certified Meeting Organizer, VIT Certified Website Developer, VIT Certified Cloud Operator, and Certified IT Project Management Associate (CITPMA) #Competency credentials to #The Students.


For the purposes of this wikipage, a VM refers to a virtual machine, which each of #The Students shall personally receive for their practice as a part of #Workplace sandboxes.
The VMs run on Linux-alike Ubuntu operating system (OS). Physically located in a data center in Germany, CNM Lab Farm hosts those machines.
VMs come with all the personal software that #The Students may need in order to be successful. The software include OBS Studio and CNM WordPress instances with which #The Students may experiment personally, without their peer interruptions.


For the purposes of this wikipage, We, we, and us refer to CNMCyber Team, which is a group of volunteers who are affiliated with #The Pitcher. We develop #What services we build, administer #What practice we envision, and market #Our brand names.


WorldOpp is the economic development programme that #The Pitcher develops, administers, and markets. This programme is built around #The Pipeline, which is the programme's backbone. As a part of #The Pitcher, #We develop, administer, and market the first three stages of #The Pipeline; they are offered to the general public free-of-charge. The overall programme features workforce development, employment, and entrepreneurship support especially in the under-served communities worldwide.