Opplet Web
Opplet Web is both (a) the network of #The Websites (hereinafter, #The Web) that CNMCyber Team (hereinafter, #We) takes care of and (b) #Endeavors to build that network. Technologically, #The Web belongs to the platform called #Opplet. Opplet DNS redirects to this wikipage.
In the nutshell
Continuous DevOps
- To adapt to changing user needs and technological advancements, #The Web shall undergo continuous improvement in website performance and functionality. #We would like #Endeavors to focus on iteration and optimization in addition to initial development, post-launch maintenance, and management of user feedback.
Objectives of The Web
- #We believe that #Marketing and #Learning are two equally-important groups of objectives. Each of the objectives come with metrics to assess the effectiveness of #The Web in meeting its purpose.
Technology Approach
- Because of the #The Web as Workspace objective, #We would like to:
- Consider scalability, security, and maintenance while making technology decisions.
- Deploy either open-source #COTS and/or software that #The Students have written.
- Strive to include as many popular packages as possible instead of choosing one technology stack over the other. #We believe that #The Students shall take advantage from practicing with a wide variety of #COTS packages.
Each of #The Websites shall contribute to the overarching purchase funnel called Careerprise Funnel. The #Target section of this wikipage states the requirements for such contributions. #The Websites shall generate:
Cash Sales
- Through sales of the #Careerprise and #AINurtz products, #We would like to generate budgets for sales people at least. #We plan to sell:
Items for sale Description Career assistance packages Prepaid hours of career counseling, resume and cover letter writing, job search assistance, and/or interview preparation. Passes Admissions to hands-on career workshops and seminars. Tickets Admissions to networking events. Appointments Short one-on-one assistance sold by 30, 60, or 90 minutes. Enrollment fees Registration for large, a-few-months programs.
Engaging Partners
- #We target one engagement with a new #Educaship partners per week. To achieve so, #We need to reach out to at least 1,000 potential partners every week.
Goal #Funnel Target Find the leads #ToFu 100 leads per week Educate the leads to the prospects #MoFu 10 prospects per week And, if the prospects are interested in partner engagement, help them to contact our engagement staffers in order to be selected and onboarded #BoFu 1 partner per week
Enrolling Students
- #We target 25 new enrollments of students for the #Educaship and #WiseNxt products per week. To achieve so, #We need to reach out to at least 25,000 potential consumers every week.
Goal #Funnel Target Find the leads #ToFu 2,500 leads per week Educate the leads to the prospects #MoFu 250 prospects per week And, if the prospects are interested in student enrollment, help them to get started with CNMCyber.com #BoFu 25 new students per week
Hiring Staff
- #We assume that #The Manager cannot be a #CNMCyber volunteer, but #Non-Managerial Staffers can. At the same time, if a #CNMCyber volunteers cannot satisfy the needs of #The Students, they need to be hired and #The Web has to play its role in that hiring.
Recruiting Volunteers
- Although #We don't target any particular number of recruited #CNMCyber volunteers at the moment, #We would like to keep this option open. #We:
- believe that some adult who cannot join WiseNxt programs, but is interested in getting AI experience, can consider becoming a #CNMCyber volunteer.
- assume that the volunteer recruitment process shall be similar to #Partner Engagement.
Mentors for The Students
- #The Taskforce shall be able to provide #The Students with sufficient numbers of mentors. Since merely recruiting individuals from different backgrounds may not necessarily lead to effective collaboration or innovation, #We are committed to foster and manage #Expert and newbie mix within the teams through:
- CNMCyber.com
- Events
- One-on-one mentoring programs.
The Web as Workspace
- #The Websites shall serve as workspace for the individuals engaging in job-alike practice as a part of #Educaship and #Careerprise programs. #We target that every student enrolled in the #Educaship and #WiseNxt products have two-three options for their practice.
- Because of this objective, #We would like to apply #Technology Approach.
The Taskforce
#We would like to build #The Websites and are identifying the pathways to do so. #Expert and Newbie Mix is the primary assumption so far.
Non-Managerial Staffers
- When hiring, review candidates' portfolios, check references, and conduct interviews to assess their skills and fit for your project. Additionally, consider working with freelancers, agencies, or outsourcing firms based on your budget and project requirements.
- Web Designer:
- Look for a designer with a strong portfolio and experience in web design.
- Assess their creativity, attention to detail, and understanding of user experience principles.
- Web Developer:
- Hire developers proficient in the chosen technology stack.
- Look for candidates with relevant experience and a solid understanding of web development best practices.
- Content Creator:
- Hire content creators who can produce engaging and SEO-friendly content.
- Look for individuals with experience in your industry or niche.
- Quality Assurance Specialist:
- Hire QA specialists to thoroughly test the website before launch.
- Look for candidates with attention to detail and experience in website testing.
- Web Designer:
Recruitment Strategy
- With regards to the recruitment strategy, #We plan the following search for:
- #The Manager. We would like to try to hire #The Manager first. Working knowledge of website development (not just and, possibly, not "web development" at all) and productive project management skills are essential for the manager role. If we fail to recruit a new project manager, we would consider assigning the manager role to one of our current team members.
- #Non-Managerial Staffers. When hired, #The Manager should lead our search for #Non-Managerial Staffers through #Hiring of Staffers and/or #Recruitment of Volunteers. #The Manager shall develop specific implementation details on how each stage will be executed. For instance, he or she shall elaborate on how skills of web designers and developers shall be assessed.
The Manager
- Project Manager:
- Consider hiring a project manager to oversee the development process and ensure deadlines are met.
- Look for individuals with strong communication and organizational skills.
- Project Manager:
Expert and Newbie Mix
To achieve the #Mentors for Students objective, #We consider a combination of experts and, because of our #Learning purpose, newbie students to work on website projects:
- Experts, both the manager and non-managerial staffers listed in #Roles, are going to be recruited on the hourly basis through Upwork and other vehicles.
The Students
- Students are going to be recruited through #WiseNxt endeavors. When the #WiseNxt project takes off, it shall produce a number of students that can join our staffers as apprentices.
Developing a website involves several key iterations, from conceptualization to deployment. #We combine those steps into website projects. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to develop a website along with advice on hiring the right people for each stage:
Prompt efforts
- Website purpose: Define Website Goals and Audience
- Identify the purpose of your website (e.g., informational, e-commerce, portfolio).
- Understand your target audience and their needs.
- Tech design: Finalize a Technology Stack
- Decide on the technology stack based on your requirements (e.g., WordPress, Django, React.js).
- Consider factors like scalability, security, and ease of maintenance.
- Website purpose: Define Website Goals and Audience
Stage Description Delivery location #Prompt efforts To define the website purpose, tech design, and preliminary content to form the website development prompt. CNM Wiki, links are posted at #The Websites
Design efforts
- Website IA: Plan Your Content and Structure
- Create a sitemap outlining the structure of your website.
- Define the content you'll need for each page.
- Website design: Design Your Website
- Hire a web designer or a design agency to create wireframes and mockups.
- Ensure the design aligns with your brand identity and user experience principles.
- Website IA: Plan Your Content and Structure
Stage Description Delivery location #Design efforts To mockup the website's information architecture (IA), to define its graphic design and UX design, to create a placeholder and develop initial outline out of the website development prompt. Hostinger
Construction efforts
- Web Development:
- Hire web developers to build the website based on the approved designs.
- Ensure the website is responsive and accessible across different devices and browsers.
- Implement features such as forms, search functionality, and interactive elements.
- Content Creation:
- Create high-quality content for each page, including text, images, and multimedia.
- Optimize content for search engines (SEO) to improve visibility.
- Deployment into Production:
- Deploy the website to the production server.
- Set up backups and monitoring to ensure uptime and security.
- Web Development:
Stage Description Delivery location #Construction efforts To develop, alpha-test, and deploy the website out of its mockup. Hostinger or CNM Lab Farm
MVP efforts
- Testing and Quality Assurance:
- Perform thorough testing to identify and fix bugs and usability issues.
- Test across various devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.
- Website administration: Post-Launch Maintenance
- Regularly update content and security patches.
- Monitor website performance and user feedback for continuous improvement.
- Testing and Quality Assurance:
Stage Description Delivery location #MVP efforts To beta-test the deployed website and upgrade it uo to minimum viable product (MVP). In-house at #Opplet
The Websites
Actual NS
For the purposes of this wikipage, #Actual NS refers to the Internet service providers (ISPs) that are directly pointed to by #Opplet's nameservers as of now. Some of DNS record are marked as #(extended) and some are marked as #(to be revised).
- As of now, #We use GoDaddy for domain registrations. We also keep few DNS zones there. #We don't utilize and don't plan to utilize GoDaddy for hosting.
- As of now, #We use Hetzner for hosting specifically to host the most sensitive applications such as CNMCyber.com and Opplet.net, which #We provide with high availability (HA) features, as well as those applications such as our experimental work products that #Hostinger cannot host.
- #We also keep few DNS zones there. #We plan to start using Hetzner for domain registrations, because #GoDaddy doesn't allow posting .de nameservers.
- As of now, #We use Hostinger for hosting specifically to host those of #The Websites that would be built and managed by #The Students.
- It appears that Hostinger requires nameservers pointed, so #We have to keep related DNS zones there.
For the purposes of this wikipage, #Funnel refers to the target position of a particular website in the context of Careerprise Funnel.
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #ToFu refers to Careerprise Presence, which is the top of the funnel for the #Educaship and #Careerprise products. Among #COTS to be deployed for those #The Websites that shall generate leads, #We consider Ghost, Grav, as well as headless CMS such as headless implementations of WordPress particularly build with React.js and Vue.js.
- To serve in the #ToFu, #The Websites shall:
- Through their search engine optimization (SEO), emerge in the search results for "vocational orientation", "pre-entry-level jobs", "vocational training programs", "career exploration", "trade schools", "apprenticeships", "vocational education", "job readiness programs", "entry-level vocational opportunities", "skills training programs", "vocational guidance", "technical training", "vocational schools", "career development programs", "trade apprenticeships", "vocational pathways", "vocational certifications", "job training courses", "vocational skills development", "occupational training programs".
- Direct the prospects to the #MoFu websites or events.
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #MoFu refers to Careerprise Literacy, which is the middle of the funnel for the #Educaship and #Careerprise products. Among #COTS to be deployed for those #The Websites that shall generate prospects, #We consider BookStack, Jekyll, Wiki.js, and WordPress.
- To serve in the #MoFu, #The Websites shall:
- Provide the leads with as comprehensive information as their seek and/or need in order to decide whether they go for #Community Engagement, #Sales, and/or #Student Enrollment.
- If the leads converse into the prospects, direct them to the #BoFu websites or events.
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #BoFu refers to Careerprise Intouch, which is the bottom of the funnel for the #Educaship and #Careerprise products. Among #COTS to be deployed for those #The Websites that shall onboard and serve the customers, #We consider HumHub, Odoo, and WooCommerce. The Yii framework is used in Opplet.net.
- To serve in the #BoFu, #The Websites shall:
- Accommodate intake and onboarding of the prospects, while conversing them into customers, partners, students, and/or volunteers.
- Support the customers, partners, students, and/or volunteers while they are involved in the Educaship and Careerprise products.
Key terms
- Careerprise is our one-stop shop for career services including career counseling, resume and cover letter writing, job search assistance, interview preparation, KSA assessment and development, career workshops and seminars, networking events, entrepreneurship support, as well as apprenticeship, internship, and job placement.
- #Careerprise can also be defined as the paid subset of the #Educaship products.
CNMCyber volunteer
- CNMCyber volunteer is any member of the team known as #We on this very wikipage.
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #COTS refers to those commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) packages that #We use or plan to use while building #The Web. While choosing a particular package to deploy, #We would like to apply #Technology Approach.
- Educaship is the career ecosystem that The Economic Group envisions, enables, and promotes. #Educaship features both paid and free services. #Careerprise is its one-stop shop. #WiseNxt is a subset geared towards school students.
Educaship partner
- Educaship partner is an individual or another legal entity with whom The Economic Group collaborates or engages while developing or running #Educaship.
- On this wikipage, #(extended) appears at #The Websites section to indicate those DNS zones that are extended to locate more than one application.
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #Opplet refers to Opplet, which is the in-house information technology that #We take care of.
The Web
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #The Web refers to the network of #The Websites to which this very wikipage is dedicated.
(to be revised)
- On this wikipage, #(to be revised) appears at #The Websites section to indicate those nameservers that are planned to be changed. In the future, #We plan to move the most visited #ToFu websites to more advanced services such as Cloudflare.
- For the purposes of this wikipage, #We refers to CNMCyber Team.
- WiseNxt comprises a selection of #Educaship products specifically tailored for school students. #WiseNxt includes both non-profit and commercial products. Its commercial products are also marketed under the #AINurtz brand.