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(iDosvid's ToFu)
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!rowspan="4"|[[Careerprise]]'s [[top of the funnel]] or [[top of the funnel|ToFu]] (overall)
!rowspan="4"|[[Careerprise]]'s [[top of the funnel]] or [[top of the funnel|ToFu]] (overall)
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!rowspan="4"|[[CNMCyber]]'s [[top of the funnel]] or [[top of the funnel|ToFu]] (overall)
!rowspan="4"|[[CNMCyber]]'s [[top of the funnel]] or [[top of the funnel|ToFu]] (overall)
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!rowspan="4"|[[iDosvid]]'s [[top of the funnel]] or [[top of the funnel|ToFu]] (overall)
!rowspan="4"|[[iDosvid]]'s [[top of the funnel]] or [[top of the funnel|ToFu]] (overall)
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!Code!!Target deliverable!!Draft!!Progress
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![[Careerprise]]'s [[middle of the funnel]] or [[middle of the funnel|MoFu]] (overall)
![[Careerprise]]'s [[middle of the funnel]] or [[middle of the funnel|MoFu]] (overall)
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![[CNMCyber]] 's [[middle of the funnel]] or [[middle of the funnel|MoFu]] (overall)
![[CNMCyber]] 's [[middle of the funnel]] or [[middle of the funnel|MoFu]] (overall)
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!Code!!Target deliverable!!Draft!!Progress
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![[iDosvid]]'s [[middle of the funnel]] or [[middle of the funnel|MoFu]] (overall)
![[iDosvid]]'s [[middle of the funnel]] or [[middle of the funnel|MoFu]] (overall)
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!Code!!Target deliverable!!Draft!!Progress
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!rowspan="2"|[[Careerprise]]'s [[bottom of the funnel]] or [[bottom of the funnel|BoFu]] (overall)
!rowspan="2"|[[Careerprise]]'s [[bottom of the funnel]] or [[bottom of the funnel|BoFu]] (overall)
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!Code!!Target deliverable!!Draft!!Progress
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![[CNMCyber]]'s [[bottom of the funnel]] or [[bottom of the funnel|BoFu]] (overall)
![[CNMCyber]]'s [[bottom of the funnel]] or [[bottom of the funnel|BoFu]] (overall)
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![[iDosvid]]'s [[bottom of the funnel]] or [[bottom of the funnel|BoFu]] (overall)
![[iDosvid]]'s [[bottom of the funnel]] or [[bottom of the funnel|BoFu]] (overall)
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!rowspan="3"|[[CNM HumHub]]
!rowspan="3"|[[CNM HumHub]]
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!rowspan="3"|[[CNM Ceph]]
!rowspan="3"|[[CNM Ceph]]
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!rowspan="2"|[[CNM Bureau Farm]]
!rowspan="2"|[[CNM Bureau Farm]]

Revision as of 13:36, 7 September 2023

Careerprise bizopp stands for Careerprise business opportunity (hereinafter, the Opportunity) that is an opportunity for independent contractors to become Careerprise contractors and/or Careerprise partners. CNMCyber Customer (hereinafter, the Customer) constantly look for the sellers of a variety of services.

ToFU deliverables

Careerprise's ToFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
Careerprise's top of the funnel or ToFu (overall) DS01 Plan for Careerprise's market presence Careerprise Presence 5%
DS02 Target audience for Careerprise Careerprise persona‎‎ 0%‎‎
DS03 Sales pitch for Careerprise Careerprise pitch 5%
DS04 List of media for Careerprise Careerprise media 0%
Partnership DP01 Partnership RFP Careerprise partner 5%
DP02 Partner solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

CNMCyber's ToFu

To attract adult participants to CNMCyber jobs, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
CNMCyber's top of the funnel or ToFu (overall) CS01 Plan for CNMCyber's market presence CNMCyber Presence 0%‎‎
CS02 Target audience for CNMCyber CNMCyber persona‎‎ 5%‎‎
CS03 Sales pitch for CNMCyber CNMCyber pitch 5%‎‎
DS04 List of media for CNMCyber CNMCyber media 0%‎‎
CNMCyber Meetup CM01 Description of the group to be CNMCyber Meetup 5%‎‎
CM02 Group-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber YouTube Channel CY01 Description of the channel to be CNMCyber YouTube Channel 0%‎‎
CY02 Channel-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber Facebook Page CF01 Description of the page to be CNMCyber Facebook Page 0%‎‎
CF02 Page-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement

iDosvid's ToFu

To attract school students to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
iDosvid's top of the funnel or ToFu (overall) SS01 Plan for iDosvid's market presence iDosvid Presence 0%‎‎
SS02 Target audience for iDosvid iDosvid persona‎‎ 0%‎‎
SS03 Sales pitch for iDosvid iDosvid pitch 5%‎‎
DS04 List of media for iDosvid iDosvid media 0%‎‎
Partnership SP01 Partnership RFP iDosvid partner 0%‎‎
SP02 Partner solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

MoFu deliverables

Careerprise's MoFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
Careerprise's middle of the funnel or MoFu (overall)   Plan for Careerprise's product education Careerprise Literacy 5%‎‎
Careerprise's website (overall) DW01 Description of the website to be Careerprise.com 0%‎‎
DW03 Graphic/UX design RFP
DW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
Wiki-based prototype for Careerprise's website DW02 Home page's prototype Careerprise.com Home (prototype) 0%‎‎
DW02 "About us" page's prototype Careerprise.com About-us (prototype) 0%‎‎
Courses (pre-employment)   Orientation course; overview of WorldOpp Pipeline WorldOpp Orientation 25%‎‎
  Awareness course; overview of employment EmployableU Foundation 25%‎‎

CNMCyber's MoFu

To attract adult participants to CNMCyber jobs, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
CNMCyber 's middle of the funnel or MoFu (overall)   Plan for CNMCyber's product education CNMCyber Literacy 0%‎‎
CNMCyber's website (overall) CW01 Description of the website to be CNMCyber.com 10%‎‎
CW03 Graphic/UX design RFP CNMC landing design 5%‎‎
CW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
Wiki-based prototype for CNMCyber's website DW02 Home page's prototype CNMCyber.com Home (prototype) 5%‎‎
DW02 "About us" page's prototype CNMCyber.com About-us (prototype) 0%‎‎
CNMCyber event EE01 General description of the events to be CNMCyber event 10%‎‎
EE02 Workable recording SOP
EE03 Workable event-scheduling SOP
EE04 Working scheduling tool at CNM Social
CNMCyber This Week ET01 Description of the series to be CNMCyber This Week 20%‎‎
ET02 Event-organizing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
ET03 Newsletter-production subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
ET04 "CNMCyber Patrons" space at CNM Social CNMCyber Patrons 0%‎‎
CNMCyber Welcome Session EW01 Description of the event to be CNMCyber Welcome Session 20%‎‎
EW02 Event-organizing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
EW03 CNMCyber Welcome Space at CNM Social CNMCyber Welcome Space 5%‎‎

iDosvid's MoFu

To attract school students to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
iDosvid's middle of the funnel or MoFu (overall)   Plan for iDosvid's product education iDosvid Literacy 0%‎‎
iDosvid's website (overall) SW01 Description of the website to be iDosvid.com 0%‎‎
SW03 Graphic/UX design RFP
SW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
Wiki-based prototype for iDosvid's website DW02 Home page's prototype iDosvid.com Home (prototype) 0%‎‎
DW02 "About us" page's prototype iDosvid.com About-us (prototype) 0%‎‎

BoFu deliverables

Careerprise's BoFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
Careerprise's bottom of the funnel or BoFu (overall)   Plan to engage with Careerprise Careerprise Intouch 5%‎‎
DS03 The list of funded projects This very wikipage 50%‎‎
Careerprise Common Hours EC01 Description of the events to be. Careerprise Common Hours 0%‎‎
EC02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Technology Board MB01 Description of the meetings to be CNM Technology Board 10%‎‎
MB02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MB03 "CNM Tech Board" space at CNM Social [[Talk:
Cloud permissions for Careerprise contractors JJ01 General description of the jobs to be CNM Cloud onboarding 0%‎‎

CNMCyber's BoFu

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
CNMCyber's bottom of the funnel or BoFu (overall)   Plan to engage with CNMCyber CNMCyber Intouch 0%‎‎
CNMCyber Community Board MC01 Description of the meetings to be CNMCyber Community Board 10%‎‎
MC02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MC03 "CNMC Com Board" space at CNM Social [[Talk:
CNMCyber Office Hours MH01 Description of the activities to be CNMCyber Office Hours 40%‎‎
MH02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MH03 Description of the scripting services to be CNMCyber script 80%‎‎
MH03 Script-development subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber job JJ01 General description of the jobs to be CNMCyber job 50%‎‎
JJ02 Workable recruitment SOP utilizing CNM Odoo
JJ03 Workable time-tracking SOP utilizing CNM Odoo
JJ04 Workable job-bidding SOP

iDosvid's BoFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
iDosvid's bottom of the funnel or BoFu (overall)   Plan to engage with iDosvid iDosvid Intouch 0%‎‎
CNM Event Organizer JE01 Description of the job to be CNM Event Organizer 10%‎‎
JE02 Description of work choice CNMCyber Event Projects 0%‎‎
JE03 "Event Organizers" space at CNM Social CNM Event Organizers 0%‎‎
  Event-organizing course; overview of CNMCyber events Event Organizer Bootcamp 0%‎‎
CNM Website Developer JW01 Description of the job to be CNM Website Developer 20%‎‎
JW02 Description of work choice CNM Website Projects 20%‎‎
JW03 "Website Developers" space at CNM Social CNM Website Developers 0%‎‎
  Website-development course; overview of website projects Website Developer Bootcamp 5%‎‎
CNM Cloud Operator JC01 Description of the job to be CNM Cloud Operator 5%‎‎
JC02 Description of work choice [[]]
JC03 "Cloud Operators" space at CNM Social [[]]
  Cloud-operating course; overview of CNM Cloud Cloud Operator Bootcamp 0%‎‎
CNMCyber Coordinator JC01 Description of the job to be CNMCyber Coordinator 20%‎‎
JC02 Description of work choice CNMCyber Usable 20%‎‎
JC03 "Cyber Coordinators" space at CNM Social CNMCyber Coordinators 0%‎‎
  Cyber-coordinating course; overview of CNM Cloud Usable Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp 0%‎‎

Technology deliverables

End-user technology

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
CNM HumHub AH01 Description of the service to be CNM HumHub 0%‎‎
AH02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AH03 "HumHub Users" space at CNM Social CNM HumHub Users 0%‎‎
CNM Jitsi AJ01 Description of the service to be CNM Jitsi 0%‎‎
AJ02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AJ03 "Jitsi Users" space at CNM Social CNM Jitsi Users 0%‎‎
CNM MediaWiki AW01 Description of the service to be CNM MediaWiki 0%‎‎
AW02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AW03 "MediaWiki Users" space at CNM Social CNM MediaWiki Users 0%‎‎
CNM Moodle AW01 Description of the service to be CNM Moodle 0%‎‎
AW02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AW03 "Moodle Users" space at CNM Social CNM Moodle Users 0%‎‎
CNM Odoo AE01 Description of the service to be CNM Odoo 0%‎‎
AE02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AE03 "Odoo Users" space at CNM Social CNM Odoo Users 0%‎‎
Soft for CNM Tube AV01 "Video-Sharing Users" space at CNM Social CNM Video-Sharing Users 0%‎‎
AV02 RFP to describe the service to be CNM Tube 0%‎‎
AV03 Developer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

Server-side technology

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
CNM Ceph TC01 Description of the service to be CNM Ceph 0%‎‎
TC02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TC03 "Ceph Users" space at CNM Social CNM Ceph Users 0%‎‎
CNM LDAP TL01 Description of the service to be CNM LDAP 0%‎‎
TL02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TL03 "LDAP Users" space at CNM Social CNM LDAP Users 0%‎‎
CNM pfSense TS01 Description of the service to be CNM pfSense 0%‎‎
TS02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TS03 "pfSense Users" space at CNM Social CNM pfSense Users 0%‎‎
CNM Proxmox TP01 Description of the service to be CNM Proxmox 0%‎‎
TP02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TP03 "Proxmox Users" space at CNM Social CNM Proxmox Users 0%‎‎
CNM WSO2 TW01 Description of the service to be CNM WSO2 IS 0%‎‎
TW02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TW03 "WSO2 Users" space at CNM Social CNM WSO2 Users 0%‎‎
Opplet.net TC01 Description of the service to be Opplet.net 0%‎‎
TC02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TC03 "Opplet Users" space at CNM Social Opplet Users 0%‎‎

Tech infrastructure

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress Status
CNM Bureau Farm TC01 Description of the service to be CNM Bureau Farm 25%‎‎
TC02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Campus Farm TC01 Description of the service to be CNM Campus Farm 5%‎‎
TC02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Lab Farm TC01 Description of the service to be CNM Lab Farm 5%‎‎
TC02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement

See also

Related lectures