CNMCyber Essentials

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The CNM Cyber Essentials (hereinafter, the Lesson) is the primary learning activity of CNM Cyber that introduces its participants to CNM Cyber. The Lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cyber session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.

The Lesson is made up of four lectios. At CNM Cyber, the word, lectio, is used for a lesson part.



The predecessor lesson is Beyond the Session.


CNM Cyber Essentials
Lectios # Referred topics
What CNM Cyber Is 1 CNM Cyber, career enhancement platform (CEP), career service, system, employability
CNM Cyber Services 2 CNM Cyber service, employment placement, learning activity, professional credential; CNM Cyber in-house service, education, career administration, employment project support
Joint Cyber Services 3 CNM Cyber joint service, Careerprise, Educaship, WorldOpp
What Pipeline Is 4 WorldOpp Pipeline, CNM Cyber Welcome Session, CNM Cyber Orientation, CNM Cyber Placement, WorldOpp Bootcamp, WorldOpp Employment.


The successor lesson is CNM Cloud Essentials.

2019 CNM Digital presentation

The video of the presentation is published at (8:15). The video reflects those glossary terms:

CNM Cyber. Online services that the Friends Of CNM brings to patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) according to the requirements developed by CNM Cyber Team. These services particularly include CNM Wiki, CNM Cert, CNM Lab, and CNM Page. New services are expected to be added as a result of WorldOpp Project. The primary dashboard of CNM Cyber. Dashboards of the other services of CNM Cyber such as CNM Wiki, CNM Cert, CNM Lab, and CNM Page are secondary. Only provides direct access to the identity and access management (IAM) of CNM Cyber.


Welcome to CNM Cyber Essentials. In this brief presentation, we are going to define CNM Cyber and take a look at its separate online services such as open Wiki, Cert, Page, and its private hub called CNM Lab. We will also make a stop by, which is the primary dashboard that unites all the systems at one place. Let's begin.

What CNM Cyber is

CNM Cyber is online services that the Friends Of CNM brings to patrons of the Career Network Ministry, also known as CNM. These services particularly include CNM Wiki, Cert, Lab, and Page.

Open Wiki

We will take a look at these services one-by-one, starting with CNM Wiki. Why is that? Simply because we are using the wiki for this presentation.
CNM Wiki is a development hub. Its developers published every text, link, and image we can find here. The texts were created using its document collaboration system. I can click "edit" and continue working on the content.
For images, CNM Wiki has its software repository. If we click on any image here, we can see original files, as well as who and when uploaded them.
Its version control system is another important feature. If we go to the top of the page, we can see on some right the View history tab. Let's open it -- now, we can see every revision which has ever been made on the page. There are many revisions. Let's find the oldest to see when this particular page we are on right now was created and even how it looked like when it was created.
Talk pages allows developers to talk to each other. On the top of any wikipage as well, but now on its left, next to the "Page" tab, there is the "Discussion" tab. If we click here, we will get to another page attached to the main one. Here, we can write something like, "guys, please take it out." Regular visitors would rarely get here, but other developers can get the message.

Open vs closed Wiki

CNM Wiki is not the only development hub included into CNM Cyber. CNM Lab is another one. But before we get there, let's point out the main difference between the two. It is privacy.
CNM Wiki is completely open. Everyone can see that 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Even pre-entry-level developers can see the development process.
On the contrary, CNM Lab is fully secured. Actually, it has to be cyber-secure in order to provide CNM Cyber with cyber-security.


CNM Lab stores highly sensitive information that cannot be open to the public. CNM Lab' version control system is dedicated and its software repository can contain not only image files, but any type of single files and even software development projects.
CNM Lab' document collaboration system is integrated into projects, so only a particular project team can collaborate on the content for that project.
Indeed, CNM Lab has its dedicated project management system. It allows for creating and controlling various tasks and advanced communication. CNM Wiki's discussion pages can possibly mimic that, though they are not designed to be a project management system per se.
We are about to move from CNM Lab to the other services. But before that, let's note the piggy bank icon on the CNM Cyber image. Why is that? Because CNM Lab is the place where the contractors make money when they deliver their works. The Cyber Workforce Essentials presentation covers this process in better details.


CNM Cert is where the exams are posted and credentials are issued.
In order to get to CNM Cert, let's type -- it is see-a-em-pee-u-ess-dot-kay-ess-a-see-ee-ar-tee-ess-dot-com. We should be able to get to the campus service which for now has some courses like CNM Cyber Welcome Session, Principles of Accounting, and Organizational Behavior. You can see only standalone courses that don't require any prerequisites. When you get graduated from CNM Cyber Welcome Session, the system will automatically enroll you in CNM Cyber Orientation, and so on.


CNM Page is the next service we are moving to. Each of the websites is built on a single content management system. Its purpose is only displaying information to its users and accommodating early interactions.
Indeed, any CNM friend should also be able to post comments there. CNM Cyber communities may use page to attract new members and so on.

Dashboard is the last service we touch in this presentation. This is the primary dashboard of CNM Cyber. On the available illustration, we can see a graphic representation of all the services. We can see the dashboard in green on our right. Basically, allows accessing middleware called Opplet that handles identity and access management for all the services of CNM Cyber.
Opplet particularly stores all the profiles for users at one single place. Opplet manages user access and it collects all the data from all other services. Technically if we, for instance, forget the password and try to restore it with the CNM Page or the wiki, or cert or whatever, we request Opplet to do that job. And is the direct way to access this middleware of CNM Cyber.


This concludes the CNM Cyber Essentials presentation. We have defined CNM Cyber and taken a look at its various systems such as CNM Wiki, Lab, Cert and page. We have also distinguished those services that are private and those that are open to the general public. Finally, we have made a stop by its primary dashboard called If you haven't done yet so, you are now welcome to move to Employment Essentials.

2019 Careerprise presentation

The video of the presentation is published at (4:00). Here is its full text.

Careerprise. A one-stop shop for career services that Friends Of CNM brings to patrons of the Career Network Ministry and the general public. The services of Friends Of CNM are called Careerprise services. They include (a) in-house WorldOpp Pipeline and (b) outsourced services of Careerprise partners that Friends Of CNM sources, screens, selects, and controls.
Careerprise service. Any service that is designed for job seekers or the workforce and delivered either by Friends Of CNM or by Careerprise partners using marketing channels of Friends Of CNM.


Welcome to Careerprise Essentials. In this brief presentation, we are going to take a look at Careerprise services in general and its signature products. WorldOpp is presented separately in WorldOpp Services. So, let's proceed without that for now.

What Careerprise is

Careerprice itself is a one stop shop for career services that Friends of CNM brings to patrons of the Career Network Ministry and the general public. The services of Friends of CNM are called Career Price services. They include the in-house WorldOpp Pipeline and out sourced services of Careerprice partners that Friends of CNM screens, selects and controls.
Definition of a career, it is a professional undertaking for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for programs and enterprise is any undertaking to create something or develop somebody which takes some level of enterprise effort. As we discussed earlier, Careerprice service is any service designed for job seekers or workforce and delivered either by Friends of CNM or by Career Price partners using marketing channels of Friends of CNM. Here, two services are particularly mentioned. Educaship and Bracka leadership academy.


Educaship's trade mark
Educaship, it consists of three words E D U- stands for Education, C A- stands for Career and SHIP- is for Apprenticeship. And so, Educaship is a blend of learning and work which is designed to prepare knowledgeable, skill capable and employable workforce.

Bracka school

Bracka School's trade mark
Bracka leadership academy is the department of Bracka school that designs and develop courses and learning activities and value added administration.

In-house vs outsourced services

Taking a look at the graph under Careerprice Services, we have communities, we have fellow staff which actually its employees of Educaship Alliance LLC and we have vendors. For outside service providers, vendors, their services should be approved or controlled by Friends of CNM in order to be delivered. Also I want to take a look at another graph which will represent the difference, so in house services are called WorldOpp and they include WorldOpp Prime and WorldOpp for the Vulnerable which the WorldOpp Services presentation covers.
For now, everything for WorldOpp is offered in-house but for Careerprice, partner services are available, partner services are not available for WorldOpp participants. When we mention Educaship and Bracka Leadership Academy it means not only services but they are a part of WorldOpp but some services are outside of them.


This concludes the Careerprise Essentials presentation. We have defined Careerprise and taken a look at its signature services such as Educaship and Septem Artes Administrativi. If you haven't done yet so, you are now welcome to move to WorldOpp Services.

Quiz questions

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.
  1. Careerprise is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  2. Careerprise is (not) an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life.
  3. Careerprise is (not) an undertaking to create something and/or develop somebody, which takes some level of effort.
  4. Careerprise is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  5. Careerprise is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  6. Enterprise is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  7. Enterprise is (not) an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life.
  8. Enterprise is (not) an undertaking to create something and/or develop somebody, which takes some level of effort.
  9. Enterprise is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  10. Enterprise is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  11. Careerprise service is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  12. Careerprise service is (not) an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life.
  13. Careerprise service is (not) an undertaking to create something and/or develop somebody, which takes some level of effort.
  14. Careerprise service is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  15. Careerprise service is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  16. Educaship is (not) a promising one-stop shop for career services brought by Friends Of CNM.
  17. Educaship is (not) an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life.
  18. Educaship is (not) an undertaking to create something and/or develop somebody, which takes some level of effort.
  19. Educaship is (not) a service for workforce offered by Friends Of CNM.
  20. Educaship is (not) a workforce preparation fellowship that is a combination of education, career administration, and apprenticeship.
  21. Bracka Leadership Academy is (not) the course in enterprise administration hosted by CNM Campus.
  22. Bracka Leadership Academy is (not) an economic development programme to support entrepreneurs and create jobs for the vulnerable.
  23. Bracka Leadership Academy is (not) the space of training in leadership designed by Bracka School.
  24. Bracka Leadership Academy is (not) a course presenting Friends Of CNM and its services.
  25. Bracka Leadership Academy is (not) the practical seminar, which goal is to place aspiring fellows into their fellowships.

2019 WorldOpp Opportunities

Main wikipage: WorldOpp Opportunities; video (5:22)
WorldOpp's trade mark
WorldOpp. The economic development programme that features workforce development, employment, and entrepreneurial support. The programme is delivered by Friends Of CNM worldwide.
WorldOpp Fellowship. The workforce development program delivered by Friends Of CNM that features economic training and employment for vulnerable communities worldwide.

2019 WorldOpp Services

Main wikipage: WorldOpp Services; video (3:48)
WorldOpp Pipeline. The four-stage process that a not-job-ready individual goes through in order to land his or her job using the WorldOpp programme.
WorldOpp Employment. The process in which graduates from WorldOpp Bootcamp start out as apprentices working for WorldOpp Fellow Staff and gradually move to independent work for their own companies and/or other employers.

See also